Trying again, cause I'm stubborn... on 01/14/2005 06:15 PM CST
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Ok. So again (still) I'm looking for someone to play the part of my character's brother. (Link to character history below).... EDIT: Actually, someone to play the part of my characters father would be entertaining too. (Read the story if you're curious)

Only requirements are appearance and (sorry) no Empaths. (If you decide to read the story, you'll see why.)

Appearance: DARK skin. (No, tanned isn't dark enough. Dark, ebon, black, etc.) Uhm... Actually that's the only requirement as for appearance due to the flexibility of hair colors (and yes, I know technically skin is flexible too... but I choose to ignore that for now.)

If you're interested, contact me at DrSurisa (AIM) or


Character History:
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