Questing Group on 06/28/2003 08:11 PM CDT
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Just a little idea I had, harkening back to the old days of tabletop games...this would probably only work for people with multiple characters, like me, who can play one of their others when the group isn't around. But anyways, to the point...

I'm interested in having a small group that actually goes on "quests" of varying sorts. The character I'm planning this for is quite brand new, so they'd start at low level things and go up. Like, someone serving seafood up in Haven is catering a party and has offered to pay well for 200 crab claws, so this group sets itself to the task of killing and successfully skinning 200 crabs. Not real exciting, but better things come later. I've also thought of things similar to scavenger hunts, some rich guy wants them to gather this list of items that are found all over, and some come off of critters. If people are really creative and want to invent some larger plot to involve them in that would be great down the line as well. The main point is that the group is cohesive, with pre-planned times to get together, rather than just logging on and looking for people, and they always have a purpose besides just training. I'd need the group to start out in Haven, cause that's where my little paladin is. If anyone is interested, send me an email at or IM Daephene. Haven is my only restriction, I don't care about race or guild. My character's a Tog pallie who likes anyone til they give her a reason not to. Again, low level characters are best (since I have to start low anyway) but not necessary if you're willing to join us on the little quests for the rp. Anyways, let me know.

Raineira and Co.
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Re: Questing Group on 06/30/2003 10:37 AM CDT
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I think that is a really good idea. I mean it may not be stuper exciting (at first, I'm sure idea's will flow better laters) but it would add a little bit of a reason why to do things. I know that I have been playing a few years now, but sometimes the excitment just isn't there. Sometimes I find myself saying, why do I have to hunt, train or anything like that, there's no point. Well, I just wanted to say that I think you have a good idea there, let me know if I can helps ya in any way.

-ShadowStriker a.k.a. The Blahmistress

I win!!!
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Re: Questing Group on 06/30/2003 05:36 PM CDT
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Yeah I don't think the crab claws would be exciting, but at least it would be a goal other than "hunt crabs until you have x amount of combat skills." More complex stuff will come later. If I get the group put together, we can brainstorm together based on the kinds of things that interest us. And further down the line, I wouldn't mind having extra characters for people to be rescued, or small scale villains. It's fun to just get on and play sometimes, but after playing off and on since 99, I do kinda get bored without a purpose. Hopefully some other people are interested.

If any older characters are inteersted in helping without being part of the group, someone to send us on some errands of some type for them would be nice. If you have an interest in seafood, or rat pelts, or some such thing we could acquire for you in the near future, or something more complicated further down the line.

Raineira and friends
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Re: Questing Group on 06/30/2003 08:55 PM CDT
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Count me in!


-ShadowStriker a.k.a. The Blahmistress

I win!!!
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Re: Questing Group on 06/30/2003 09:25 PM CDT
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>If any older characters are inteersted in helping without being part of the group, someone to send us on some errands of some type for them would be nice. If you have an interest in seafood, or rat pelts, or some such thing we could acquire for you in the near future, or something more complicated further down the line.

This sounds like an interesting idea, it is a shame it is based in Riverhaven. I'm primarly in the Crossing and I do not care for Riverhaven (besides Divine Power Smelly Cat, of course! ^_^).

If the group ever travels to the Crossing, I'd be interested in hiring them for suitable endeavors. I'm always looking for people to run errands or do side-jobs and I am a generous (given my overall funds which are nothing to do backflips over) employer.

The jobs could include: delivery person, messenger, spy, bodyguard, and much, much more.

-- Jansan

Lluppie says, "i apologize"
Lluppie says, "i'm sorry"
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Re: Questing Group on 06/30/2003 09:36 PM CDT
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>>If any older characters are inteersted in helping without being part of the group, someone to send us on some errands of some type for them would be nice. If you have an interest in seafood, or rat pelts, or some such thing we could acquire for you in the near future, or something more complicated further down the line.

Large turnips.

If you want, we can discuss an IC way for this to come about. IM Gulphphunger (preferably after 4:30pm EST, as I get off of work around that time). Currently Gulph's in Shard, but he's been given a quest by the "God of Turnips," and he could certainly use some help and would be willing to pay for such services. If IM is inconvenient, you can also send a line to my addy.

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: Questing Group on 07/01/2003 05:24 PM CDT
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We will probably expand our range beyond Haven eventually. It's just where my character comes from so it's easiest to start there. We'll keep anybody in mind who responds, and if we're in your area, I'll try and let you know. So far we're getting a fun response.

I'm taking down all these IM's so I'll try to get in touch soon.


IM Daephene
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Re: Questing Group on 07/01/2003 10:05 PM CDT
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>We will probably expand our range beyond Haven eventually.

Very nice.

I'll be like the guy in Mission Impossible, or like the Dungeon Master in the D&D Cartoon.

Also, if you send me an e-mail or such, I'll disclose where my house is, and you can go there to get missions/jobs/quests if you are ever in the Crossing.

-- Jansan

"What Chad doesn't understand, if you go down to the county courthouse and legally change your name to "Quest Akita", you don't get to keep your +7 Armor." -- Jackie Kashian
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Re: Questing Group on 07/02/2003 03:12 AM CDT
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>>I'll disclose where my house is, and you can go there to get missions/jobs/quests if you are ever in the Crossing.

And then you call sell me the location, so I can throw eggs at his door!

Everyone wins!
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Re: Questing Group on 07/02/2003 04:35 AM CDT
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Consider me in, too. Always need a Bard around for adventures! And Jana's my bodyguard anyway=) Gotta keep her on her toes. AIM KirstianaDR

Kirstiana Clercke
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Re: Questing Group on 07/02/2003 05:04 AM CDT
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If you need a somewhat grouchy Physician/Midwife who is very knowledgable about history, she commutes between Riverhaven and Crossing, with a house in Riverhaven.

I am very interested in the RP side of this game, so you can definitely count on a character who very much lives in Kermoria.

~player of Syrath Bahlahnck

Kinsmen, Steel, Stone.

Nin showrskilik dabru dangig kvatha, "Derg gorva ewn tharfe mate nin verdh suun nin kwin bowr, nin kwin bowr va nin verdh."
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Re: Questing Group on 07/02/2003 01:32 PM CDT
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Shut up Pureblade, you immature brat, and take it to the Conflict folders so I don't have to listen to you. Your obcession with me is rather unhealthy. Idiot.

-- Jansan

She ran to the wall, her injured ribs protesting each step. She wanted to throw up. Maybe that's how she'd defeat Mordrayn, she thought darkly. She doubted the archmage would anticipate an attack like that.
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Re: Questing Group on 07/03/2003 01:30 PM CDT
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I am all for a questing group or even just a group of people who will roleplay out stories and plots. Ticks me off when I RP something happening and everyone is like "What r u doin? stop acting stupid you noob..." because what the crap is that?! E-mail me someone. save me from...boredom. Cos hunting sucks.

Critter attacks. I kill it. Another critter attacks. I kill it. I go to something harder. Critter attacks. I kill it. Mindlocked. Critter attacks. I get killed. Die. Go hunt something lower. Repeat.

----*--- ** * * * * * *
* Starlear _ * ** * * * *
-- -- * * * * *
Ice Mage, and Winter Treeling.
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Re: Questing Group on 07/03/2003 06:03 PM CDT
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count me in as well if you need anything or need an empath, find me in the crossing, Im mostly in the guild: Or IM me at Nephthys78:

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Re: Questing Group on 07/03/2003 07:03 PM CDT
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Did anyone who responded get an email from me today? My email seems to be wonky and I don't know if they went out. If not, and you're wondering why I'm slow to respond, that's why.

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Re: Questing Group on 07/04/2003 03:22 PM CDT
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I'm interested in the group also. I like the spy stuff and infomation gathering. I wish I could to that here, but I have no idea how to get started. I'm up for other things too.
My email is Please, if you email me, place DR or Dragonrealms somewhere in the subject line. I get alot of junk mail and I tend to look over alot of stuff.

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Re: Questing Group on 07/07/2003 10:54 PM CDT
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The questing group is wonderful and amazing and full of heart-pounding, crab-smashing action! Aerda calls the first meeting "the most life-altering event since I found Smelly Cat!" Sign up today!


Now I just need something to do with Kizriel... *wanders back off to continue setting down the tenets of the Way of the Smelly Cat*

~Kizriel's Person
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Re: Questing Group on 07/08/2003 09:24 AM CDT
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You guys have an empath yet?

Max is kinda bored, he's in his teens circle-wise (though near 30 agewise, poor guy ;)

Drop me a line is interested, AIM: MaxxwelDR

Babbling Empath at Large
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Re: Questing Group on 07/14/2003 06:58 AM CDT
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Count me in.

Basically, if you ever need a 'damsel in distress' or whatever (I read something about rescue in the first post...?), you can AIM me at DR Kuril or send an e-mail to my account.

Kidnapping is fun... ::looks around mischievously::

Oh. Not sure if you have already, but it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to make a mailing-group or something... Just a thought.

The character I'd get involved is a 13th circle Bard, if that makes any difference.
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Re: Questing Group on 07/14/2003 05:51 PM CDT
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I think I've either emailed or AIMed everybody that responded, except Gulphphunger and that's cause I was waiting to see how long our first quest was gonna take us before I inquired about turnips. Just so everybody who volunteered to give us quests knows, it's gonna take a good long while for us to finish with the crabs. Between coordinating schedules for meeting times and the fact that half of us are novices, we're taking our time. So if you don't hear from me for a while, I haven't forgotten you, and the group is still going on, but it's just gonna be a while before we're ready for a larger challenge.

It is, however, quite a lot of fun. If anybody wants to join us yet, let me know. We'd actually enjoy one or two slightly older characters, especially ones with skinning skills. That would cut down the expected timeframe dramatically. <g> We have some great rp going and we're very pleasant company. Also, how come no males want to come join us? Except one. Anyways, keep contacting IM Daephene or my email if you're interested, just be aware things move slow right now.

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Re: Questing Group on 07/16/2003 11:03 AM CDT
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>>I think I've either emailed or AIMed everybody that responded, except Gulphphunger and that's cause I was waiting to see how long our first quest was gonna take us before I inquired about turnips. Just so everybody who volunteered to give us quests knows, it's gonna take a good long while for us to finish with the crabs. Between coordinating schedules for meeting times and the fact that half of us are novices, we're taking our time. So if you don't hear from me for a while, I haven't forgotten you, and the group is still going on, but it's just gonna be a while before we're ready for a larger challenge.

Actually, I think you did e-mail me. I've got all the time in the world, though, so no rush. Gulph was given a year and a day, which comes out to late September in DR time (I think). Meanwhile, I'm trying to set up the internet at my new house and all that kind of jazz, so I'm out of commission anyhow. I'll just work out an idea for how Gulph would approach someone for the task. Get in touch with me when you're more ready and we'll have a grand time. ;)

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: Questing Group on 07/25/2003 02:40 PM CDT
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Little late here, but if you need the services of a 16th or so Cleric, I'd be happy to play. I routinely go between Haven and Crossings, though when in Haven I tend to be in either Dunshade manor or Out near the Zalfung, hunting. Aim's kroonermanblack if ya want it.
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Re: Questing Group on 07/29/2003 10:25 AM CDT
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New idea on this one. Given that some ideas of kidnappings and items that need to be retrieved have been brought up, I thought it might be nice if we had a nemesis of sorts. Generally, some low level villain type character who would do some of the kidnapping, stealing items, etc, which we would then retrieve. I don't know if anyone out there would be interested, but it would make for a much more dynamic and unpredictable storyline. SO if you happen to have a low level villain type on your account somewheres who needs something to do, let me know!

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Re: Questing Group on 07/29/2003 02:09 PM CDT
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My character could probably find some neat things for the group to do that might turn into bigger things, problem is Haven though. He is in Shard mostly. That shouldn't interfere with the RP however, since he wouldn't be in the group. IM me at seihjindr or email me at my address

"What is a warrior's worth, when there is no one left to fight?" - Lord Seihjin Verackai
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Re: Questing Group on 08/14/2003 10:59 AM CDT
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I'm hideously, God-awful late on this since I haven't been in the lands lately, but I'm so totally interested I could scream.

If you guys think you could find a use for a Prydaen commoner, count me in. Hit me back at my addy. n.n

Asher, player of Rhajali Kae'gris
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