Hiya everyone. It seems things have been quiet lately with the disappearance of the bi-weekly concerts in Arthe Dale and I would like to try and revive some culture in Zoluren.
I would like to have a series of contests for newer / upcoming bards to practice or show off their song writing talents. If you ever attended the get togethers Lady Lindryl used to have after the concerts, I'd like to do something on the lines of that. Give topics in advance and let the creative juices flow. And then give prizes out to the winners.
If you're interested in donating bardly items for prizes, let me (Yiara) know IG or send an e-mail to joyfulone_jo@hotmail.com.
ALSO! As some of you know, I have been out the past year or so with the birth of my daughter and my presence IG has been a little irratic. I am looking for a couple of people to act as assistants to the Court Bard. Those people (one or two at most) will be there to collect donations and possibly help run some contests in the event I cannot make it. RP is a must, being a guilded bard isn't so much.
If you're interested in helping out the Court Bard and getting your foot in the door, so to speak, then please send me an e-mail. Things with the Prince and Princess are pretty quiet right now, but someday they'll poke their heads out in public again and as the assistant to the Court Bard, you would definitely be given the chance to meet and interact with them along with me.
Thanks for your help. As I get donations and applicants for assistants, I'll post more about details of the contests and other upcoming events! Posts will most likely be in the Bard folder.
~Yiara Isqi'l
Contact Zoluren's Court Bard
joyfulone_jo@hotmail.com or AIM