LI AEVAEN IA MEDIEN Second Edition on 05/15/2019 11:53 AM CDT
>>"We will wait to see what that HERALD has to say, im sure there will again be the single-minded, onesided view of the recent events that have taken place in the swamps. For now, take this our latest publication"
>>"LI AEVAEN IA MEDIEN is patient, let them expel their own belief, and we will then come forward with the truth"
The tall Skra Mur motions to the bundles of parchments, neatly stacked ready for delivery.
The hooded figures give a nod of acknowledgment..
>>"Every Province, every town, every village. Leave no eyes closed no ears deaf. Truth be told"
The tall Skra speak and motions toward the door.
For many years as now, the Tavern Troup have provided a night of theatrical respite from the horrors and pains of war. Or a entertaining break away from our day to day hunting. They bring the towns communities together. To culture us in the arts of theatrics, poems, singing and dance. Allowing us a pleasant escape and a relaxing evening where we can leave the world behind and sink into a comical look at who we are, or perhaps a bard's song about fallen heros. Where for one night, that hero’s memory is rekindle for us to pay homage to them and remember their sacrifice.
Many a great bard or talented folk have trod the boards of the Yulugri Wala in Arth Dale and taken a gracious bow to the sounds of applause from the appreciated crowd.
With the Troups glorious history, stretching back many years where would we be without this Order of culture. Who would remind us of who we are, allow us to smile at romance viewed from a comfortable seat, Feel the pain of lost love sung so beautifully from a stage. Share a joke or most importantly socialize after a night's performance were any social differences are cast aside for some friendly banter between royalty and common folk while sipping of one's favorite beverage.
From this description of this historical Order one can only imagine that their primary goal is to bring unity to our people….. Or is it.
When we start to take a look under the carpet, to lean in closer and take a closer look we start to see a rather concerning evidence to the contrary.
Without going back in history we will examine two of the Orders most recent events. That being a gathering at River Crossings famed Half Pint Inn, and a most recent performance at Arth Dales theater, the Yulugri Wala.
A rumor came to us of a possible plot, set about by the Tavern Troup to have one unsuspecting person assassinated. Under the guise of a friendly game of darts, Troup members gathered at the Half Pint Inn and welcomed all to join in for friendly competition, drinking and socializing. All seemed innocent enough, there was laughter, talk and a game of darts for everyone one to participate.
From the shadows lept an Assassin wielding a blade that struck one unsuspecting attendee. While this attendee was not killed instantly, he was, no doubt mortally wounded.
One patron from the bar exclaimed.
>>“I was shocked, no one was expecting to see such violence, everything seemed fine. Though looking back, it did seem strange that the poor victim was next in line to have his turn at the dart board, almost like all attention was given him by the Troup, distracting him from his surroundings”.
One might think that looks of shock and screams of horror would echo the room of the Inn…
>>“After the attack, the room was deftly quiet, stern looks of surprise came from a couple of the Troupe members, i couldn't help but wonder if it wasnt because that the attack was so brazen, but more that the assassin did not complete the job right there and kill him instantly”.
Shocking as this attack would seem, no word of this has been spoken, and very few citizens seem to be even aware that this attack took place. Is there motive and guilt being swept under the carpet here?
Not to long after this, the Troup announced a play to be held at the famed theater in the beautiful town of Arth Dale. A play depicting one struggle, a battle against the Devourer, that scourge, the perverse Lich known as Lyras.
With the fear of impending doom on our horizon, having Maelshyve attempting to cross to our plane, one would think that a play to remind us of our victory, to place our faith in the Immortals and to stand together would bolster our morale.
But here we have the troupe performing a play where Lyras wins the day, with pain, death and loss being all that the hero’s walk away holding form the fight, and as the curtain fell the audience was left with only sorrow and fear of the immense power one Lich could inflict on a whole people.
Is it again any surprise or coincidence that this is the message that the tavern troup choose to bring us when we are gathering to tackle the final struggle with a demon?
And who would take the part of Lyras? One Miss Emyrose Dane. For those who are not familiar, Miss Dane is still a proud member of the family who have the Necromancer Ignifera Dane as Matriarch and the Thief, escapee of the red buzzard dungeon and Court Assassin, Sebastienne Dane as Partiach of the family that she belongs to. In this family's possession is still held the staff of lyras. Snatched up by Sebastienne upon the devourers death. The very staff that was held as a emblem of immense arcane power and evil along with channeling some of the most heinous acts of death our lands have ever known.
Could this be a foretelling of what is to come from the troupe and to where the troupe secretly hold their allegiance?
Citizens, the LI AEVAEN IA MEDIEN strongly implores you, do not take your eyes off this Order, remember these names, Speaker Vixonia Toryan, Vice Speaker Hebion Cholares, Council Memebers Fariden Morsileo, Casimira Vadrozsa, Lydena Calenlasse, Aashja Malaka, Emyrose Dane and Members (or should we say soldiers) Ahneya, Allye Shhoiyvvhur'Slo, Almarius, Eurwyn, Lasika and Zalinyar . We will be watching this Order and its members very closely.
In our First edition, we reported on the First Land Herald and the suspicious activities of some of its member, and questioned where the profits from this paper goes.
At the time of writing and exposing these truths. It has come to light more evidence to support our suspicions.
Not to long ago Shannera Sheikah-Inukuro, Journalist and reporter for the herald was seen by many to attack and murder an innocent soul within the gardens of the Empath guild. The very guild that is to be a place of healing and sanctuary. Some claim that this murder was in complete cold blood and upon the death of the fallen victim, Shannera was seen to be laughing with joy.
Shannera Sheikah-Inukuro was quickly arrested by the guards of Crossing and taken to be held for trial.
It is also to be noted that Miss Sheikah-Inukuro is bonded to an Empath by the name of Ghust Inukuro.
Ghust was seen recently proudly showing off his new item, that being a _windboard-, an item of extreme value and one would wonder where a Empath of mediocre advancement and self proclaimed Orphan, having no lineage or entitlement, could acquire such a item of inexplicable wealth.
Is this where Shannera’s attachment to the First Land Herald, and the mystery of unaccountable profits from the herald go?
It should also be noted that recently, it became widely known, through communication upon the Gwethdesuan network, that this Ghust Inukkuro is in posesion of a Glass Orb. A profane item used widely by the most perverse Necromancer to release death destruction and kaos. As has been done so recently within the Empath guild. A guild that Mr Inukuro claims to be most proud of.
While this investigation will be ongoing, and questions will be raised against what is reported within the First Land Herald. It is not fear that the LI AEVAEN IA MEDIEN wishes to install into our loyal and trusted citizens and patrons. But rather a question to what we see and an answer to what we hear. A possible glimpse into the perceptible ‘seedy and nefarious’ underbelly of those who claim to be speakers of righteousness. To expose another side to the evidence that is reported from so few, but read by so many.
Published: 9th month of Dolefaren the Brigantine (ship) in the year of the Amber Phoenix.