Seeking S'kra Mur cleric for informal... on 04/22/2005 12:48 PM CDT
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My fiance and I recently returned to the realms and it's been a long time. We were always living up in Theren when it was quiet, now we're in Crossing until we decide to travel.

I'm seeking a S'kra Mur cleric for an informal (read: unofficial) wedding/marriage. No package was purchased and there will be few people that attend. Primarily we need a cleric that can provide the rose and hold a small ceremony. We're both S'kra Mur and I would like to have a S'kra to show respect to my spouse.

Please contact me at AIM: MalletDR or e-mail:
With price and any suggestions, along with a time (or times) that would be good for you.

Thanks kindly.
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