A marriage idea on 06/05/2006 06:42 PM CDT
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I was wondering if we could get a feature added to those that have been bonded.
The idea pretty much goes in line with the focus part of it.

How about a telepathic bond? Something to allow spouses to comunicate to each other through the bond that already lets them know where you are in the realms already. Or if the telepathic bond idea is too strange. how about adding the feature to the wedding rings? At that point if the bond is broken, so would the ring, torc, so on and so forth?

Granted, some of us wouldn't like the idea of our wives being able to talk to us over long distances. Any thoughts?

Not all of us follow a code. That much is evident.
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Re: A marriage idea on 06/05/2006 07:16 PM CDT
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I thought married people could already focus on each other and see each other's surroundings.


"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."
PSA - Sakhara's definition of RP (like many things) is erroneous
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Re: A marriage idea on 06/05/2006 08:05 PM CDT
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Focus is affected by distance, Elizz in shard can focus on her IG wife up in Muspar'i & not see a thing while the wifey feels that loving hand brushes you feeling. Same if she focuses on Elizz in shard while up in muspari or even theren, cant see surroundings.
We can pull off Haven-crossings, but I havent tested anything else with her as we use other means to know where one another is.


"Slo ku pivo'hrr'shu, Azhaquai Tel'rath'a Gavelg. Ushnish's s'zhaan."
"Mivar Feas, Alrar Abues. Ruai Abarai'ati, Abarakh Zaradil."
"Moya Dha ch'ohalk vassai. Alia jacta est. Adflictatio, Delectatio.."
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Re: A marriage idea on 06/05/2006 11:37 PM CDT
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>Something to allow spouses to comunicate to each other through the bond that already lets them know where you are in the realms already.

I believe what he means is more than just being able to 'see' where they are. Some way to actually communicate to each other via the bond...send a private thought to the other person, via the bonded wedding rings or just a telepathic link. It would be very handy at times! Gweths are, well, gweths. You don't always want (or need!) to communicate to the whole world. And albredine rings are great, but they are hard to come by and have limited uses. If we already have enough of a bonded link to be able to focus and 'see' each other, why not a communication link of some sort too?

Of course, my dear husband reads my mind pretty accurately most of the time already...

~ Gwynfydedig

You give your alfar avenger a hug, clearly making her feel self-conscious.

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