okay, i got one of these by playing around with titles. for 2 minutes. I was hidden - the whole time -- and didn't go prancing around town with it up. The only ones that "saw" me was the arrival screen, which is a totally OOC thing. Plus, this was in Muspar'i, where not only has there been ZERO inquisition, but there's even a dragon temple living peacefully side by side with hav'roths.
Every time i went into the bank to withdraw money to pay my fine i got arrested. My question is this -- How long should this reasonalbly last? And what can I do to mitigate the issue, or "get in good" with the guards?
This is getting to be a playablitiy issue not for a necromancer... but for a Thief.
The undead hordes would like to take this moment to remind you that they are quite happy to eat your brains so that you may test new depart.Please consider it.Hugs and kisses, Team Necro.