Accuse on 02/16/2010 04:49 PM CST
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Thieves are not supposed to use the guards, EVER.

Even with the new Accuse [Necromancer] of Nercomancy, we thieves aren't suppose to accuse them of this.


Copy of Post Details:
>I want to see what happens when a necromancer accuses another necromancer but I'm afraid to go find out. :(<

In a little bit, it will give you a Social Outrage benefit! (decrease yours)

Paladins will be getting a Soul Bonus, and Clerics a Devotion Bonus, and if I think of any other thematically appropriate guild benefits I'll be adding those in too.

Thieves should still not be accusing anyone to the law.


So it has been roughly two months since the Necromancer's Cult of the Philosopher's of the Knife have been released and we are still without a resource to use.

I would like to see somethings happening here.

Thank you,
Seriously, there's no reason to ever go that high aside from sheer laziness. Or a bug that lodges 23982 pieces of shrapnel in you,

- GM Dartenian
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Revised Suggestion: Accuse. on 05/05/2010 04:28 PM CDT
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I put this under suggestions, but I wanted to follow-up here and ask if there was anything happening with Accuse Necromancer of Necromancy-like option to be opening up for the Thieves.


A while ago I was discussing the inability to accuse the Necromancer of Necromancy by a thief.

I asked about it in the Ask the GM folder.

Further about a year ago it was discussed that Kalag and Varsyth (Who is now Kalag the Sly), was a place to accuse, however how that was in relation to Necromancers was asked to wait till the Necromancer Guild to be released.

So time has rolled by, the Necromancers got their Silk Tapestry, then they got Released, then a lot of people joined, and now few people are staying with the Guild, its newness has worn off to an extent. All that is great.

In other news [at least from what I am aware] Thieves still can't accuse Necromancer of Necromancy.

As such, I was thinking over this while what might be logical in character ways, things that a thief would do to get this done.

The Mafia side; I'm talking old school from Italy, they'd talk to the Priest, hey the Priest would get the Unholy nailed, and he'd keep his informant rewarded for his troubles and others unaware that he is helping. As such I could see Elanthia Priests of various Gods, Monks, and what not (especially Damaris oriented) being told of Necromancers and bodda boom bodda bang, Necromancer purged.

The contact side; I'm talking well, a friend of a friend saw, noticed, was in the presence of mister guardsman, oh yes I can vouch that they are viable witnesses. Yes truly there was a Necromancer here.
In Game: Necromancer Warranted, Necromancer Fined, Contact gets money, You get Reputation in your Province.
Necromancer doesn't get Warrant, Contact gets hassled by Guards, You get your Reputation lowered.

In house solution. So you think so and so, is a Necromancer, thief JoeydaThief, well that is good. We watched the supposed Necromancer and they are a Necromancer we'll show them who owns this town, and Damaris will be proud [they aren't a Necromancer, don't go talking about stuff your not sure of, or we'll quiet you down fast].
Necromancer 'thugged' (repeated thugs will worsen to an equivalent 'hounding').
[You get thugged, and reputation lowered for wasting the guilds time].

Something special, like using the Eye of the People (Melyo Rensh'a of Shard), to do a Hounding like attack of a Necromancer.

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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