Question on 08/24/2007 04:19 PM CDT
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Well, the current running conflict is rather stupid. It's like we are fighting over the right name for a shade of red, but I can't help myself because it makes me laugh. I would, however, like to see something useful come out of the conflict. So ...

I have always used this folder to ask GM's questions, when I am not interested in players feedback or opinions. Otherwise I tend to post in the general folder. Should I change my usage of this folder or is that fine?

In responding to this, you might be declaring a winner to the silly ego contest we are having. If you would rather not do that publicly, could you send me an email with the policy and I will adjust accordingly, if needed.


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Re: Question on 08/24/2007 10:30 PM CDT
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Lets just put it this way..

Ask The Thiefly GM's...But Respond In The Den Please

Any Questions?

>Waits as the bouncers drag away a errant post



Any questions and/or comments can be sent to me at, or Senior Board Moderator Annwyl at or Board Supervisor Cecco at
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Question on Rep on 10/31/2007 01:21 PM CDT
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I checked with the beggar and got this yesterday and today.

>give beggar 100 copper kronars
The beggar slips the money away deftly with a grin, "Well, here's what I've heard about you lately.
In the young snake's territory, he's not sure what he thinks of you.
In the birds' territory, they might change to hawks instead were they to see you.
In the old serpent's territory, she doesn't have an opinion yet.
In the pencil pusher's territory, he doesn't care, one way or the other.
In the queen's territory, she hasn't taken notice of you yet.
That's all I've heard, now git!"

I've stolen once in Haven recently to get charged and immediately surrendered myself. All the times I've checked after that incident I had no rep in Haven. Now all the sudden I'm getting that hawk message and have no clue why. Could someone explain to me what happened?


SEND[Caleveth] Good! That makes baby Damaris happy. Now go about your business and kindly try not to kill anyone else today before I'm finished with the paperwork for THIS one.
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Re: Question on Rep on 10/31/2007 01:56 PM CDT
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this doesn't answer your question but I'm confused.. I'd think the queen's and the old serpent's refer to the same area? I also never thought whom must be the "pencil pusher" would be considered as... well, a pencil pusher.

I guess queen refers to the respective ordered guild but I guess i must've missed the referenes that makes her 'queen'.

Reene: It's like you started writing something sane then had a seizure of some kind half way through.

"Yarrg! Me bum is in ye rum. Like dark rum do ye?"
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Re: Question on Rep on 10/31/2007 07:00 PM CDT
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>>I also never thought whom must be the "pencil pusher" would be considered as... well, a pencil pusher.

There are NPCs that refer to Dwillig as a pencil pusher. I can't remember if it was another GL or Raif.

If you check out the details in his office you'll notice why they refer to him as such.

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Questions and responses on 12/06/2007 12:39 AM CST
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Questions for the Thief GMs is good.. But responses to the posts should be in the den

>Fades back into the chaos dragging several unconsious posts behind him


Any questions and/or comments can be sent to me at, or Senior Board Moderator Annwyl at or Board Supervisor Cecco at
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Question about new concentraion on 01/20/2008 10:22 AM CST
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Hey Z I just circled and my concentration went way down which is normal but I was wondering what affect if any that's gonna have on my khris since were still under the old khri system?
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Re: Question about new concentraion on 01/20/2008 10:57 AM CST
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It will have an effect, yes. If it went down, the durations/downtimes will get worse, if it went up they'll get better. How much is dependent on which khri. We hadn't planned on releasing the change this early, we're doing a major push to get everything new out now.

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Khri Type Question on 01/30/2008 02:16 PM CST
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Probably the wrong place to ask, but any chance gweths could be changed to work off Max concentration instead of current? I'm finding it impossible sometimes to gweth with 4 or 5 khri going and sometimes I'll get one gweth off and then not be able to do it again until I drop a khri
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Stealing Question for ya Z on 02/18/2008 06:12 PM CST
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I am curious and this is something Ive never seen asked before, but does race play an issue on item difficulty? I ask because say a 'tog and a gnome are both going to steal a claymore...I can see the 'tog get away with it a hell of a lot easier than the gnome. Anyway, Im just curious if race is in the overall formula for stealing difficulty.
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Re: Stealing Question for ya Z on 02/18/2008 07:40 PM CST
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I do not code racial bonuses or penalties into anything of mine.

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Question about Khri on 02/27/2008 05:03 PM CST
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I know that using multiple khri is an ability we grow into, but I'm a bit confused. I can toss 4 khri up at a time, usually focus hasten prowess avoidance or focus hasten prowess plunder or focus darken dampen strike, depending on the situation. I'm level 53, I've got 155 concentration (as a Prydaen no less, discipline's a pain) and when I toss up the Secure combo, hasten sight safe, it only knocks me down to 50 concentration of my total 155, yet, for some reason, I can't focus enough to toss up focus and then secure? I'm guessing maybe this is because secure is a "combo" and so I'm getting penalized for trying to use a combo + another khri? I guess I just want to make sure this is working as intended as focus its self only takes like 15 concentration to put up to my knowledge, which means even after I put up Secure I've got three times the needed concentration for focus and still can't use it too? Man, I really miss Support. =(

Alley Cat
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Question about getting khri on 02/28/2008 05:50 PM CST
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For those of us that aren't able to speak to certain guild leaders, is there anything in the works to get our khri back? I believe it was mentioned that something would be put into place for those characters in a guild meeting around a year or so ago when discussing the upcoming changes.
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Question about the Den on 03/19/2008 12:35 AM CDT
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I recently realized that when the old guild hall closed down, it also took the guild library with it. Will we ever get that back for the new Guild Hall? If so, what would be the chances of having a Masters entrance in the new library that would come out possibly over by say the Reflex trainer?

"If I was the Creator, I wouldnt start with Butterflies and Daffodils, Id start with Lasers. 8 Oclock. Day One."
Evil Being-Time Bandits
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Question on 08/27/2008 05:07 AM CDT
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I was just browsing through another forum and I saw this, posted by Z...

"Backstab is under review, as many know, and whatever happens to it is likely to be more limiting on the PvP side than the PvE side. I'll be looking at Snipe too."

So my question is, considering the comments on making the "hidden" state less desirable, along with other stealth penalties like WATCH, what will Thieves be able to do in PvP that a commoner can't unless they seriously outclass their opponent?

Synyster Shadowmaiden
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Shoplifting Question on 12/19/2008 03:55 PM CST
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This isn't strictly a thief question, but I figured this was the best place to put it.

My non-thief characters can't use mark, so they have to use item appraisal and weight to gauge shoplifting difficulty. Based on appraisals, the ordinary lockpick from the riverhaven lockpick shop should be the easiest item to steal, period. It has a weight of 1 stone (verified at mamas), and when I appraise it, I get this:

You don't think the lockpick is worth anything.

However, it seems like it must have a secret app value after all, which is hidden by that message, because I can't steal this with 21 stealing and 22 agility, no armor/burden.

I noticed a very similar issue with two other items as well:

- warrior mage talismans
- dice from aesry puzzle shop

I can still get the weight of the item by going to mamas, but I can only guess at the actual appraisal value.

It's just a bit strange because while the latter two examples I can understand, I just assumed storebought lockpicks actually had no value. I guess I was wrong?
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Re: Shoplifting Question on 12/19/2008 04:08 PM CST
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Stealing lockpicks at low ranks probably is an unwise idea because the current pick system uses value to determine the potency of the lockpick, and it's simply flagged as something like nonpawnable, and we can't really override that at this stage. Some other systems do the same.

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Theoretical Question on Confidence on 03/31/2009 04:38 AM CDT
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Theoretically, would a thief with 2000 ranks in every single skill be worse off than a thief with 2000 ranks in every skill minus one weapon, because the latter thief can actually bump up his confidence via stabbing creatures and use his boosted ranks to kill the first thief?

"When I grow up, I want to be a soulless monster trapped in a suit of enchanted armor and compelled into violent service for a commercial institution through torturous psychic conditioning." -- Armifer
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Accuse Question on 06/01/2009 10:24 AM CDT
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I'm curious just what the GM's / DR Policy on accusing is. Example being:
I catch NotAThiefDude in an attempt to steal without permission/consent.
I run to Varsyth and Accuse NotAThiefDude of Theft.
A thug comes (and at this point) kills NotAThiefDude.
I go on my merry way back to hunting, training, etc.

At this point is the conflict resolved? Does NotAThiefDude have consent to attack/kill me? Given that we (thieves) suffer a hit if we accuse to the guards is this the correct action to take rather than attacking him? I've been reading over policy at but can't seem to find anything clearing this up.

I seem to recall reading somewhere (can't remember where) that if you catch someone stealing from you that it's one or the other. You can accuse OR attack but not both. Is that accurate? Sorry in advance for the chaotic nature of the post I'm just really quite curious what the 'correct' way to go about catching someone stealing is. Thanks for the time.

- Calain
- Any jackass can fall off a bar stool, a real man rides it to the ground.
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