sneaky sneaky on 11/17/2016 05:56 PM CST
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can sneak into an thief area where we can't enter normally from tunnels, but not back in from guild

>go door
As you approach a darkened doorway, a hand reaches from the shadows near the doorway, halting you. A quiet voice whispers, "Not yet, my young friend. You have not proven yourself worthy to use this doorway yet."
You melt into the background, convinced that your attempt to hide went unobserved.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
HR>sneak door
You duck quietly through a darkened doorway.
[Thieves' Guild, Master's Den]

H>sneak cur
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You sneak through a dark curtain of sheer nightsilk...

[Thieves' Guild, Den]

H>sneak cur
A servant blocks the way and says, "You're not experienced enough to go there."
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Re: sneaky sneaky on 12/05/2016 06:34 AM CST
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I didn't dig this tunnel so we could post slapdash slipshod sentries! Get this guy fired and find someone with better eyes.

Meanwhile, I'd say you've earned the right to be in the Master's Den... Would that I were a Rose Sister, I would knight thee, young Sneak.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
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