Inviso Bug on 04/17/2018 04:14 PM CDT
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So, this was something I've noticed for a while and then another player and I were discussing this, but there is definitely a bug with the Khri Silence.

Silence is just Pulsing invisibility. But when one engages in pvp with this buff up, one will notice that they aren't able to move past pole for quite a while.

It looks like this,

You close to pole weapon range on xxxx.

xxxx continues to braid his grass.
xxxx bows her head and chants a prayer.
xxxx continues to braid her grass.
You close to pole weapon range on xxxx.

This will cycle two or three times + before combat at melee can engage. Melee is everything to a thief.

Now, I can understand the khri, Vanish having this issue, given it has a retreat mechanic.

Is this fixable? please please please - purdy please.

This was tested on: empath, thief, barbarian, and ranger. Results were the same, regardless of buffs and no buffs.

You've gone Missing
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Re: Inviso Bug on 04/17/2018 06:43 PM CDT
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Vanish has a short pulsing effect to remove you from engagement. I couldn't reproduce this until I used Vanish. Silence by itself doesn't appear to have this problem.

That one guy

If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at
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