Khri Prerequisites Strangeness on 10/05/2018 06:20 PM CDT
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Either the messaging is wrong, or Kalag is teaching some thief Khri too early.

Gender: Male Age: 24 Circle: 10

Kalag the Sly adds, "I could be convinced to teach you some new tricks. From the Subtlety tree, you can learn Silence, Shadowstep, Harrier. From the Finesse tree, you can learn Safe, Plunder, Elusion. From the Potence tree, you can learn Prowess, Sight, Calm, Terrify."

> ask kalag about prowess
Kalag the Sly clicks his claws against his desk and says, "Concentrating on your prowess will allow you to be more of a force to be reckoned with in battle. This is one of the few khri that can be noticed by others, causing anyone that wishes to engage you to be apprehensive of your power. Once you have learned the secrets of throwing your voice, you can even make use of this khri while undetected."
Kalag the Sly adds, "You will need to be at least twentieth circle to learn this ability."
This Intermediate ability will cost 2 slots.

> ask kalag about prowess choose
Kalag the Sly gestures, "Sit down, and listen well, this won't be brief."

- Saragos
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Re: Khri Prerequisites Strangeness on 10/05/2018 06:34 PM CDT
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It's just a messaging issue. Most of the low level circle pre-reqs were removed, but some of the messaging slipped through.

That one guy

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