Vanish or Silence plus grapple weirdness. on 10/23/2018 02:24 PM CDT
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Hey, found this last night... well your morning.

I'm assuming it could be to do with Khri Vanish or silence or both? (I had silence running as well)

I was grappled and couldn't move, So I put up Vanish, that disengaged me. I was then able to move one room away. Then when I went back to the room to re-engage I was still grappled.

I was able to engage when I came back, but the messaging from Silence was saying I was still grappled.

You're grappled and unable to focus on the silence within.
> shove tot
You shove at Totenus but his grip remains solid.
[You're battered, solidly balanced and in very strong position.]
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Maltris assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

R> khri start van

You're grappled and unable to focus on the silence within.
A torrent of sizzling, bile-green acid sprays outward from Totenus!
You manage to get out of the way of the sizzling wave of acid.
"Burn him! Burn him!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity immediately gives Totenus a wide berth!
Tapping into the well of mental power within, you focus on a world without your presence in it. Through determined concentration, you achieve a limited subversion of reality, becoming unseen and removed from danger.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

IR> northwest
You wander northwest.

[The Strand, Sandy Path]
The wind rustles through a stand of trees which line the path, their tops rising like dark shadows against the night sky. Occasionally you encounter a lone traveller, but for the most part it is quiet here.
You also see a rickety wagon.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest.

So here I got away and was able to move one room away, and then this...…

You wander southeast.

[The Strand, Sandy Path]
You can hear the Oxenwaithe lapping gently at its bank, creating a soothing sound not unlike a lullaby. The light reflected from the moons provide shimmery paths along the sandy embankments at water's edge.
You also see a Halfling priest of Glythtide, a festive meeting portal, a great banyan tree split down the center by a large rock, a graceful sana'ati gate carved with elegant ivy vines and a uniformed representative.
Also here: Ashvaren, Mnion, Alchemist Totenus who is kneeling, Shadow Tracker Maltris, Doctor Sevona and Safari Guide Lemb who is surrounded by three circling blades of ice.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest.

You're grappled and unable to focus on the silence within.

Maltris gestures at Totenus.
Small globes of blue and orange light appear and dart upward like fireflies.
Creating an ominous shadow, a large cedar limb falls from above!
The limb slams heavily into Totenus, stunning him!

> khri stop van
Undeterred by being revealed, your strong focus on the manipulation of reality once more removes you from perception.

You attempt to relax your mind from some of its meditative states.
Your control over the limited subversion of reality falters, and you once again become vulnerable to viewing.

A torrent of sizzling, bile-green acid sprays outward from Totenus!
"Burn him! Burn him!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity immediately gives Totenus a wide berth!
> sea
You search around for a moment.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You don't find anything of interest here.

You're grappled and unable to focus on the silence within.
> eng tot

You begin to advance on Totenus.
> >
You're grappled and unable to focus on the silence within.
> >
You close to pole weapon range on Totenus.
> > >
You're grappled and unable to focus on the silence within.

Also, There is no way to drop the Inviso from Vanish once all khri are dropped? Or to even shake off the Inviso? I don't know if its just because I cant remember what I used to do or not? But I stayed in the Empath guild waiting to become visible just so I could get healed.


Player of Rifkinn
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Re: Vanish or Silence plus grapple weirdness. on 10/23/2018 10:38 PM CDT
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That reminds me of an old stalk bug- or maybe a feature. Would ASSESSing after you got away have broken the grapple?

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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