Khri Prowess reqs and Kalag on 04/28/2020 10:54 AM CDT
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Someone in Discord reported:

Kalag the Sly adds, "You will need to be at least twentieth circle to learn this ability."

[You have learned how to 'khri start Prowess'! Type KHRI by itself for more info.]

They said the were circle: 13.

Epedia says Prowess has a 20th circle req, the 2008 tentative Khri tree post says it has no requirements. Is Kalag's messaging bugged? If so, are other GLs sharing the same bug?
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Re: Khri Prowess reqs and Kalag on 05/03/2020 08:23 AM CDT
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Javac changed it a while back. I guess it was never documented. For the longest time there was no really feasible way to work debil that was sustainable for young thieves.

Monster Elec

Community first. Guild always.
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