Thief Silence Bug on 06/10/2020 08:54 AM CDT
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Thief Silence Bug.

Those of us who have been following this topic are still hoping for some sort of modification done to this issue.

Here’s a brief outlay of the issue.
When a thief is grappled and puts up his/her silence it triggers a bug which is disabling to overall performance of the thief.
Now there has been an argument place that this disabler is only fair because it allows for an opponent to interfere with thief inviso. Which that is a valid point but lets really look at this…

So all thieves have is their invisibility for disengagement defense mechanism. It’s the only way they can use a good portion, if not 90% of their abilities, in Player vs. Player interaction. So, when the grapple bug takes hold of the character it disables the character for as long as 45 minutes. It will still try to pulse, which interferes with running additional khri, escapes, and finishing conflict.

So if this was the cleric guild, for explain, and They used a maneuver which caused a bug to occur and disabled the opposition for nearly an hour, and I was unable to use my primary abilities, wouldn’t that be a fairly critical issue in the spirit of fair play?

Imagine SA not working but the cast prep constantly pulsing and messing with other tactics to defend yourself, or even to go back to hunting.

Please bare in mind that Thieves already have to spread their tpds thinly in order to cover their bases for stat challenges as well as basic abilities. Where most guilds, have nearly zero (trader magic) or 1 to 2 stats to contest – we typically have 2 to 3. We don’t have dispel so we can’t return the disabling. And we spend on average $250-300 bucks to hunt decently at level in concentration regen items, (Not including MEF branches x 2) because the calculations for khri are for basic pulsing but can not be maintained for allotted time period with out dropping, with using ambushes. Which means the concentration bank is to small. When magic users implement a foci, it's to maximize their magic bank/spell strength/overall power. We are struggling with basic duration length and snapping buffs, constantly, when trying to use our full abilities.

I feel I absolutely love all the work that has been done to the thieves guild with the khri rewrite. Truly thank you Javac and the Simu Team. If we could get a few things looked at and worked on that would be great.

I know pvp is annoying for the team but at the same time, it’s a cash cow for simu.
And there is a bunch of us that do wake up everyday to enjoy the pvp of DR. It one of the only reasons a lot of us play. You might have 10-45 people attending order events, but you do have 70+ people who are ready to engage daily, in basically what the healthy portion of us look at as text tag.

Thank you for your time.
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