Ambush Slots and F2P Visas on 08/11/2018 09:37 PM CDT
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I am bad at figuring out where to post things.

So here's the issue. Ambushes now take up slots to learn. But they're still unlocked by circling. With the current visa system, asking for a visa will send you to the lowest circle skill you can learn. For ambushes, that would first send you to Ratha. There are 3 ambushes to learn there, Stun, Screen, and Slash, learned at 25, 30, and 39th. So in a situation where someone wants to only learn Stun from Ratha, but still wants the higher-circle ambushes from other provinces, the current visa system will force us to spend 4 slots on Screen and Slash.

And just a reminder for any other F2P thieves out there, we can only get a visa once every 2-3 weeks. I forget the exact amount of days, it might have been 20 or something. So if you rely on clout for knocking mages around where you're currently hunting, it will be a month or two before you can get that again. Longer if you don't grab all 3 Ratha ambushes in the same visit!

And, I get that magic users have a similar problem with picking up spells they don't care for in order to unlock the ones they want. The issue is that, with few exceptions (moon mages in particular), magic users don't have to travel to difference provinces to learn specific spells, and those spells they do travel for aren't gateway spells to reach the end of the spell tree.

I'm told Slash is a pre-requisite for Ignite now, so that's that, not going to complain about that! But under the current visa system, we would also have to learn Screen.

I'm sorry if this is all too complainy. Its a rough life for an F2P thief. I really like some of the new khri, and I'm glad for the change, and forgetting junk fits my character just fine, so, I'm not really that bent up about it! Just letting folks know there's still some problems!

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
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Re: Ambush Slots and F2P Visas on 08/12/2018 06:27 AM CDT
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>I'm sorry if this is all too complainy. Its a rough life for an F2P thief.

I bet a simucoin passport fixes this problem instantly! It's a great mechanic.

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
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Re: Ambush Slots and F2P Visas on 08/12/2018 10:41 AM CDT
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The complaint is mostly that the visa system works correctly for all other f2p guilds and it would be nice if it did for Thieves as well.

But it seems like the easiest resolution is really just to have all ambushes taught by all guildleaders. Or maybe add an ambush trainer to Zoluren who can teach them all.
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