Minor Khri Avoidance messaging ambiguity on 06/30/2015 07:08 PM CDT
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The current ending message for Khri Avoidance is a bit misleading since the use of 'concentration' has potentially two meanings: the actual pool and the concept of concentrating on a khri.

>Your concentration runs out, and your rapid analysis of incoming threats ceases.

Whenever I see that I always have to glance over to my concentration bar because it makes me think I've completely run out of concentration (the pool) instead of the actual situation where only my concentration (the concept) on that specific khri has run out. Could it perhaps be changed to something less ambiguous, such as:

>Your focus falters briefly, and your rapid analysis of incoming threats ceases.

or perhaps based on the starting message for the khri:

>Taking a deep breath, you focus on making your mind and body one, your mental discipline trained on quickly noticing, analyzing, and dodging approaching threats.

>Your concentration on making your mind and body one runs out, and your rapid analysis of incoming threats ceases.

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