Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 08/28/2013 05:24 PM CDT
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I've always thought the new crafting systems were there to make lore primes be as interesting to play as the combat oriented guilds. Opening up all crafts and expanding them was the only way to have a healthy lore skill set.

That said, I am starting to miss the abilities that used to differentiate the guilds. But that's another discussion in it self. A few bonus techs from your guild don't mean much when compared to the benefits of careers or hobbies, which everyone has now. The nice thing is, everyone has to pick a few things to be good at. No one can be good at everything. These choices are meaningful and make characters more unique. The difference now is, you get to pick a guild that has the flavor you want and you get to pick a craft that has a flavor you want.

Compare this to combat where every guild has GuildFlavor OffensiveAbility, GuildFlavor DefenseAbility, GuildFlavor DamageReduction; all of which are essentially equally effective and all of which are readily available to even low level players.

As someone with a passion for crafting poison, you will have a significant advantage over everyone else who doesn't. Maybe they want to play around with poisons, but not at the price of losing an advantage in a craft they're more interested in.

Thief poison was a great ability. I don't begrudge you for being disappointed in losing it.
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 08/28/2013 05:48 PM CDT
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> I've always thought the new crafting systems were there to make lore primes be as interesting to play as the combat oriented guilds. Opening up all crafts and expanding them was the only way to have a healthy lore skill set.

A healthy lore skill set was the justification for all the craft skills being lore skills.

I think the justification for opening up all the crafts comes directly from Moon Mage Enchanting. The work required to develop for moon mage enchanting ulimately lead to the plans for War Mage and Cleric enchanting to be scrapped as infeasible. Dragonrealm's development model couldn't afford any more such systems. So, crafting needed to be opened up with one core system or nobody was going to get any future crafting development except the people who already had it, and those systems would see only sporadic support.
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 08/28/2013 09:35 PM CDT
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>I think the justification for opening up all the crafts comes directly from Moon Mage Enchanting. The work required to develop for moon mage enchanting ulimately lead to the plans for War Mage and Cleric enchanting to be scrapped as infeasible. Dragonrealm's development model couldn't afford any more such systems. So, crafting needed to be opened up with one core system or nobody was going to get any future crafting development except the people who already had it, and those systems would see only sporadic support.

I'd agree, and go a step further, and say that all the systems were put on singular core mechanics, rather than each guild getting unique and arcane guild-specific spells, abilities, etc. That's partially what DR 3.0 was about, was putting everything into a standard core system/language, rather than having everyone running hodgepodge stuff that took years to learn.

I'm a badger, I be badgerin'
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 08/29/2013 01:42 AM CDT
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>A few bonus techs from your guild don't mean much when compared to the benefits of careers or hobbies, which everyone has now. The nice thing is, everyone has to pick a few things to be good at. No one can be good at everything.

This is actually somewhat incorrect. With max skill, you can make almost anything and you'll have techniques for the hardest things. As I approach 800-850 ranks in forging on my Trader, I can almost mastercraft Tier 10 armorsmithing projects in bronze with neither technique nor career/hobby. The tech/career/hobby just makes it loads easier.

Of course getting 1750 in 5 mutually untrainable-simultaneous skills is quite a feat in and of itself, and most likely is going to be a Lore Prime that does it.

Kaeta Airtag

>>Actually an opinion cannot be changed or corrected. Nice try back of line.-VERATHOR
>>But it can be wrong.-Starlear
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 08/29/2013 07:46 AM CDT
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So at 850 forging you can make tier 10 items out of a material with properties no one would desire? I think that kind of proves the point, though. A huge investment that doesn't really pay off without techs. You're not competitive with anyone who has techs in those items and won't be for what, another few years if you train hard?
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 08/29/2013 03:06 PM CDT
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I second spitting poison idea.

I read on the internet that ninjas do it so its real it happens everyday in some parts of the world
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 08/30/2013 09:07 AM CDT
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Hunters bows were a 100th circle ability. And makers marks is not forging. Just saying.

Beast Elec Drister

"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here."
―Jayne Cobb

MM1-USN 1999-present
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 08/30/2013 10:09 AM CDT
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Poison wasn't the end all be all of alchemy. It was one recipe that was severely in need of an update. That update would never happen if it stayed in the domain of a single guild.


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 08/30/2013 12:20 PM CDT
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I'm excited about being a non thief and having some powerful poisons at my disposal. Is flush poison staying around?
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 08/30/2013 07:07 PM CDT
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>So at 850 forging you can make tier 10 items out of a material with properties no one would desire?


I can mastercraft the hardest thing currently in an entire discipline without career or techniques. Doesn't that seem a little strange?

Yes, out of an easy material no one desires. But also not at world-shaking ranks. Given a year or so of training in a relatively unrelated field (Blacksmithing), I will be able to mastercraft it in steel. A couple years and I'll be looking at doing rare metal.

Kaeta Airtag

>>Actually an opinion cannot be changed or corrected. Nice try back of line.-VERATHOR
>>But it can be wrong.-Starlear
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 08/31/2013 02:29 AM CDT
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>I can mastercraft the hardest thing currently in an entire discipline without career or techniques. Doesn't that seem a little strange?

While that may be true for now, the same can't be said for weaponsmithing, which has harder templates at the higher end.

I assume it will not stay that way, as the various crafts are fleshed out. Also, rare materials can add a HUGE bump in difficulty.

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 12/12/2013 04:36 PM CST
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either way we should be happy other guilds get to play with poisons then they can see that even a poison crafted with 1600 ranks in alchemy is worthless cause the masses of non-thieves over the years complained to much about our brews powers (even though it took us literally YEARS to figure out a potent recipe) and the nerf bat hit repeatedly took poison to a novelty status.

Deadly force, is the force which a person uses, causing—or that a person knows, or should know, would create a substantial risk of causing—death or serious bodily harm. Deadly Force is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort,
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 12/12/2013 05:16 PM CST
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Just stop. Please. Take a couple beers or valium or whatever it takes, but you're freaking out and crying about how everyone hates thieves is really getting tiresome man.

Please, as a fellow thief player. You're really getting on MY nerves. The world isn't ending. The GMs will see and respond to posts, and will respond much better to less, er, frantic and antagonistic, posting. You're getting angry at multiple people in multiple locations and every post is basically 'this sucks and ruins everything and we need to break all the limits'.
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 12/12/2013 05:19 PM CST
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Sorry if you don't know the thieves history guess that is a side effect the older ones get when we have been around longer and actually lived the nerfs you might (scratch that) have not read about.

Deadly force, is the force which a person uses, causing—or that a person knows, or should know, would create a substantial risk of causing—death or serious bodily harm. Deadly Force is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort,
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 12/12/2013 06:45 PM CST
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>Sorry if you don't know the thieves history guess that is a side effect the older ones get when we have been around longer and actually lived the nerfs you might (scratch that) have not read about.

Let's compare internet genitals later.

My point stands that you're being overly dramatic and your histrionics aren't particularly helpful. Neither is 'I've been around long enough to...whatever'.
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 12/12/2013 08:41 PM CST
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Coming from someone that has (I am guessing here) Never made a batch of poison your argument is moot and chalked Up as the kid trying to join the varsity team from a 4th grade flag football team. And our brews used to be awesome but on the flip side 1 batch would take upwards of 6 real life hours to make. A time sink I found well worth it for the reward received at the end.

Deadly force, is the force which a person uses, causing—or that a person knows, or should know, would create a substantial risk of causing—death or serious bodily harm. Deadly Force is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort,
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 12/12/2013 08:51 PM CST
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What is up with the aggressive slant to every single post you make Ajathaer?

Poison had lots of things wrong with it, the best and only way to get it worked on is to actually have a crafting system that doesn't suck. The only way to get an entire crafting system for poison is to have it open to everyone. It will be vastly more superior to the single recipes with 5 variations to it.

I like to think I know a thing or two about the previous states of poison and I for one am happy to see it blossom into a full fledged craft all its own.


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 12/12/2013 08:56 PM CST
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Take it to conflicts or end it guys.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 12/12/2013 09:23 PM CST
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I try to be civil I really do... Prolly the real life military attitude kicking in..

And Yam I am pretty sure you and Elec are responsible for 85% of my brewing exploration nearly ...what was it 10 years ago I forgot.(do still have all my notes somewhere on a flashdrive)

Anyways back to the point. Good Luck new crafting GM you have a LONG history of poison research to do to hope to make the new system perform to the days of Old.

First things first though PLEASE fix it so the forged keyblanks make lockpicks worth using.

Deadly force, is the force which a person uses, causing—or that a person knows, or should know, would create a substantial risk of causing—death or serious bodily harm. Deadly Force is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort,
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 12/12/2013 11:32 PM CST
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>>Good Luck new crafting GM you have a LONG history of poison research to do to hope to make the new system perform to the days of Old.

If you think poison in 3.0 will be graze + death, you're going to be disappointed.

Poison in 3.0 is going to debilitate/debuff/destat in some cases, stun in others, drain vit/concentration/mana/fatigue in others, cause wounds in others, etc.

But none of those are going to be a one hit and you win type of situation.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 12/13/2013 01:09 AM CST
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thank you for summing up the downfall Of a once great and time honored craft.

Deadly force, is the force which a person uses, causing—or that a person knows, or should know, would create a substantial risk of causing—death or serious bodily harm. Deadly Force is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort,
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? on 12/13/2013 07:21 AM CST
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Dude, if you think anything in DR aside from GM story powers should be 'graze == death' you are out of touch entirely with design philosophy and can't be pleased. Frankly I love the concept of new poison as a wide and varied toolset.
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Re: So what's going to happen with poison? ::Thread Over:: on 12/13/2013 09:22 AM CST
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