"sniper" and "hunter" bows on 05/17/2010 10:05 PM CDT
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Any idea if the sniper's bonus is for poaching also like an above poster asked, and how does the "sniper's bow" bonus compare to the "hunter's bow" bonus? Right now I'm loving the LX from this shop, but I'm still leading with my hunter's fletched SB because of the extra balance. If the sniper's bonus is on par or higher than the hunter's one, I might be convinced to switch over to it.
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Re: "sniper" and "hunter" bows on 03/17/2012 05:27 PM CDT
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I'm willing to bet a capped fletched hunter's bow is mucho better than a fest sniper bow.

I find that I constantly question the "bonus" of sniping, poaching, and the "bonus" that sniper bows give to these... might seem harsh but they seem useless to me... I don't feel any increased accuracy or damage.

Maybe that's because I don't really train bows at level... or I just haven't spent enough time trying... or I'm already hitting some kind of a damage cap with capped arrows?... i dunno.
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