King Fade weapons... on 02/12/2011 12:19 PM CST
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So there is a Trader shop in a town that wont be named that currently has weapons from Fade currently in stock on their tables.. now while I wouldnt think that this is something to be up in arms about, it seems like its a way to skirt around the PVP nature of the weapons since the trader in question doesnt seem to ever be around. I know AWOL shopowners are nothing new, but with stock like that I'm wondering if that isnt questionable activity considering what he's actively selling.. Is there any IG response that can be had for a trader selling fade weapons that is obviously never going to be around to be confronted about them and can now profit from them with zero risk?
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 02/12/2011 12:27 PM CST
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IC you could stalk the shop, wait for people to buy the fade weapons and try to reclaim them.

Which would be worse? To live as a monster or to die as a good man?
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 02/12/2011 12:38 PM CST
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My character stalks the shop fanatically now and for the last week or so hasnt seen a single shred of evidence that the Trader in question even exists or visits their shop. Just seems kind of a horrible way for things to play out since Im fairly sure that wasnt the intent of the weapons or the trader shops. Shrug
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 02/12/2011 12:41 PM CST
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Not the most IC solution, but you could always REPORT TO KALAG/FADE and see if the GM's can handle it in a semi-IC way. Seems like a sorta mech-abusey way to bypass the intended consequences of those items anyway.

~Minstrel Ascot, Bladesinger of M'riss
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 02/12/2011 12:43 PM CST
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I know a lot of people who have trader alts setup just to run a shop hardly log in, usually only to check their inventory about twice a week. Instead of trying to find the trader just try collect the fade weapons from the people who purchase them.

Which would be worse? To live as a monster or to die as a good man?
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 02/12/2011 12:48 PM CST
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It's not that big an issue to me given what Redeth said. Eventually the items will be sold and placed in a potential situation where they could be recovered.

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Re: King Fade weapons... on 02/12/2011 05:11 PM CST
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They certainly shouldn't be on the open market like that. Considering that those weapons were pretty much the last bit of Thief guild development we should be jealously guarding them. They are probably being sold by a Thief's trader alt, and whichever Thief passed them on will probably have to answer for it when the guild's leaders find out about it.

It's a poor state of affairs when this sort of thing can happen. The guild has lost its teeth and people are starting to forget about secrecy. Folks are getting bold and stepping over the mark because they think they can get away with it.

I would definitely bring it to the guild leader's attention as Ascot suggested. The mechanic still exists and I have used it recently myself.

As an aside, do people attempting to buy these weapons get the warning? If they don't that would constitute mech abuse since not everyone knows what those weapons are or what the consequences of possessing them could be.
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 02/12/2011 05:19 PM CST
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I'm not sure if actually buying the item conveys the same messaging as trying to give it to someone.

However, I totally agree that we shouldn't allow this to happen but can we thug the shopkeep? I mean we can't really threaten their lives and get away with it policy-wise, to get them to stop.


>>"It's part of the whole unnatural abominations upon Elanthia deal."<<

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Re: King Fade weapons... on 02/12/2011 05:35 PM CST
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I meant to do a second post and accidentally deleted the first one, so here are both put together:

<<I'm not sure if actually buying the item conveys the same messaging as trying to give it to someone. >>

It's a non-thief possessing a Fade weapon that draw our attention. Here's Tiesse's post on the matter:

Relevant snippets:

<<* Thieves are encouraged to use verbal means to obtain contraband whenever possible, at least at the start. It is preferable that guild members use a logical escalation of tactics in order to reclaim a weapon from a non-Thief. While this is not mandatory, it reinforces the roleplay aspects of the scenario rather than just straight up killing people.>>

<<* The overarching rule: ANYONE who maintains possession of a Fade weapon, regardless of guild or profile stance, is at risk for PVP repercussions. You are a target as long as you hold onto these specific items>>

<<* Traders are considered responsible for any Fade weapon placed on their tables or auction blocks regardless of who actually "owns" the item.>>

If you detect any non-thief possessing a Fade weapon (purchasing one, or having one on a trader table would have to be considered being in the trader's possession) then it's party time.


In The Aftermath.
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 02/12/2011 05:59 PM CST
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I see it as a problem of them by-passing the mechanic in place by having it on sale (and technically in their possession) and not actually being in the shop.

I'd say let kalag or fade know as well since it is the only reasonable recourse.


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 02/12/2011 10:39 PM CST
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I assisted to ask about this one time, since them not being on the trader himself meant we couldn't Mark and then wait like the policy says to, and were told to RP it out and whatnot. It was fairly interesting RP in the end.

My partner went in to confront the shop owner, who claimed the weapons were marked high to prevent non-thieves from buying them, then sold under the table to real thieves for more "reaonsable" prices. Of course, the price my partner was looking for was "free." When a deal couldn't be reached, he said he'd return in 10 minutes, to see if the trader had thought about it more and changed his mind. Of course, upon returning, he found himself banned from the shop. So, I helped him sneak in, and the shop owner found himself very much dead.

Of course, now we're both banned from the shop, but for the time being, we at least scared him into taking the goods off his shelves. Overall, it was a pretty fun experience.
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 02/13/2011 10:37 AM CST
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Idea to fix the situation where the Trader never logs on:

Let Thug be usable on Fade weapons, and further usable on Trader's who aren't even logged in which would simply retrieve the item (and maybe thug them when they log in?).
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 02/13/2011 01:30 PM CST
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>Of course, now we're both banned from the shop, but for the time being, we at least scared him into taking the goods off his shelves. Overall, it was a pretty fun experience.

This is so awesome. Glad to hear you got to RP it out and still throw down with said Trader.

-Reverend Gidien

"Under the sword lifted high, there is hell making you tremble. But go ahead, and you have the land of bliss."

~Miyamoto Musashi
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 08/10/2012 10:57 AM CDT
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What is so special about the Fade weapons? I am planning on buying a couple but other than the obvious PVP rules for having them, is there any reason to get one for anything other than looks?
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 08/10/2012 11:28 AM CDT
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They (used to be) better than forged weapons (forging 1.0). Now steel forged weapons are better (maybe same?), and rare metal weapons are better.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 08/10/2012 12:32 PM CDT
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Maybe they'll see an update with the next fest *fingers crossed*
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 08/10/2012 06:32 PM CDT
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>>Maybe they'll see an update with the next fest *fingers crossed*

We've been asking for this for awhile, but no luck yet.

The Fade ME's are pretty much equal to steel, while the LE's vary. The katar has qualities matching rare metal, and some that are worse. The briquet and falcata are worse than new forged equivalents.

The bows are all still pretty decent, except the short bow which is the only one that is not reduced load. If they ever do update Fade weapons I hope that they change this since reduced load short bows do exist in-game (their reasoning for not was that there were no reduced load SB's in-game.)
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 08/10/2012 06:46 PM CDT
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>their reasoning for not was that there were no reduced load SB's in-game

I thought Nisha bows were reduced load time SB's. Is that not correct? I never really used ranged weapons, but I always thought or thought i've heard that Nisha bows had lower load times.

Blackguard Danoryiel

"Sogan udazama umbunor fau arrazoi inishatu seiremisai. (Only the fallen have nothing to despair)"
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 08/10/2012 08:04 PM CDT
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>I thought Nisha bows were reduced load time SB's.

Yea, they are, and that was what made no sense. Without doing too much bashing, the weapons guru GM posted saying that the reasoning for the SB being the only non-reduced load Fade bow was because no other one existed in the game. When the flood of posts came in about the Nisha bow that is sold for 1 gold in Theren being reduced load the answer was "Oh, well it's still a nice bow so we're not going to change it." (paraphrased).

My hope is if they ever do decide to update Fade weapons and sell them again that they will fix this mistake since it is probably the only gripe that most people have with them.
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 08/11/2012 01:45 AM CDT
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>>no other one existed in the game

I think they were specifically referring to a snipe + reduced load bow. IIRC, all the fade weapons are a little better on BS and SNIPE than a normal version of whatever. I don't know if its something you can see with plain APP but might have to do combat test to see cit% or damage% and compare.

All of Ambika's bows were standard RT but increased %, so maybe that was the basis for Fade bows?

^All of the above is total speculation. :)

System Announcement: The Night Sun has been snuffed. It's dark again. Now the scary stuff comes out.
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 08/11/2012 05:35 AM CDT
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Actually we are both wrong. It was because they thought a reduced load SB could get a 0 RT when loading, which isn't possible.

Either way I've never been interested in using the Fade SB because it isn't reduced load. Sure it has a snipe/poach bonus, but so do player made hunter's bows and they appraise with much better stats than the Fade bow. If they changed the Fade short bow to be like the rest of them then I would probably swap my Nisha bow out for one and use it all the time.
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 08/21/2012 09:46 PM CDT
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Is King Fade's shop a shop that stays open or was it just for guildfest?
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 08/21/2012 10:15 PM CDT
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Not just guildfest, but apparently it the shop has only appeared at one guildfest.
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 08/22/2012 05:49 AM CDT
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i believe 2 guildfests.

Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
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Re: King Fade weapons... on 08/22/2012 08:34 PM CDT
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Well in that case, if anyone is inclined to sell one of the sniper's composite bows. I'd gladly pay for one.
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