an appeal to other players on 07/10/2006 02:00 PM CDT
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well, since solomon has posted he's not going to put the answers to the ?s in the criminal titles on the website, i'm gonna appeal to the other players to post on the criminal titles to see what the actual requirements are.

let's get this thing figured out.

da numbah-cruncha

i'm particularly wanting to know numbers for:

shadow wraith

Oh, and for suggestions, I really want Desert Pirate.


must have regular pirate requirements.
additional - muspar'i citizen
must have had over 500 warrents in muspar'i. :-)

Desert Pirate Schvartz

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
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Re: an appeal to other players on 07/10/2006 02:44 PM CDT
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>>well, since solomon has posted he's not going to put the answers to the ?s in the criminal titles on the website, i'm gonna appeal to the other players to post on the criminal titles to see what the actual requirements are.

Really would need a website that people could post their skills to anonymously. I know there's a lot of people who wouldn't want to post their ranks here, especially since a lot of the ones with these titles would be supar sekret thieves.

So the titles that don't have listed requirements:


Safe Cracker
Deadly Shadow
Night Warden
Black Hand
Shadow Wraith
Criminal Mastermind
Master Spy


Teaching Professor




Survivalist (GM posted as "just over 10,000 overall ranks")


Cat Burglar
Shadow Fighter
Jewel Thief
Shadow Runner
Infiltration Specialist
Shadow Master/Mistress


Force of Nature
Tree Seeker

Those are all the titles that don't have all their requirements posted on the titles pages. So then I would go in and look at my Survival1 list and say, "Okay, I have Survivalist" and then go and post/send in this information to the database saying "Survivalist is less than 10,141 overall survival ranks cause that's how many I have and I have it" and then someone else could post and say "I have it too and I only have 10,037 overall survival" and the req would be lowered on the website until it was REALLY close and then finally down the road someone will be able to say "I didn't have it at 9,999 but I did have it at 10,000" and then it can be listed with a little (FINAL) next to it.

I would happily keep track of all the data and read all the entries and whatnot, but unfortunately I have no webspace to host any of this on, nor do I have any talent in creating webpages. Still, I had that idea a while back since I hate these silly little PAFO puzzles. So anyone feel free to take it and run with it, or hit me up at TeeklinDR and maybe we can mess around with it and figure something out.


"You take people, you put them on a journey, you give them peril, you find out who they really are. If there's any kind of fiction better than that, I don't know what it is." -Joss Whedon
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Re: an appeal to other players on 07/10/2006 07:17 PM CDT
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night blade - 400 hide, 350 stalk, 400 backstab, 400 highest weapon

shadow fighter 200 hiding, 200 stalk, 200 backstab
infiltrator - 175 hiding, 175 stalk, 175 evasion , 50 escaping
mastermind - 350 steal, 340? perception,30 charisman, 37 wisdom
safe cracker - 350 steal,375 hiding ? 270 ? evasion, 75 escaping,340 lockpick ?,340 ? stalk

<ones with ? i had more when obtained, so not sure.

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
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Re: an appeal to other players on 07/10/2006 08:22 PM CDT
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I asked for hiding or circle instead of stealing cause every single thief in the game over 10th circle has hiding as one of their 8, not every thief has stealing

Both have a hard req that is tiny but I have never met a thief who didnt use hiding as one of their skills
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Re: an appeal to other players on 07/10/2006 08:23 PM CDT
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*Now look at the titles without posted requirements

95% are criminal or survival thievish ones

I'm not sure why only shadowy thiefish ones should be the ones not told.
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