B&E/Thief title(s) inspired by Gangs of New York on 11/17/2007 12:43 PM CST
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lowborn girl who goes uptown, dresses up as a maid, walks into some grand mansion via the servant's entrance, and proceeds to rob them blind (as used in the movie)
Must be female
must have B&E'd into a rich household (though I'm not sure this will matter for the B&E system)
?? stealing ranks
?? charisma (gotta be able to act like you belong, or be able to fool your "master" enough to make them believe your words)
?? agility (part of the quick getaway)
?? dexterity (part of the quick getaway)

cant (as used in the movie) for "guts, cajones, or other references to audacity, gall, or courage", as in "it takes a lot of sand to walk up to Princess Arilana and Prince Vorclaf, and jab an arrow into her belly"
must be a thief
30 discipline (the will to commit to foolhardy actions)
20 stamina (kind of a stretch, going for the ability to quell stress responses--nerves, sweating, stammering, etc)

a girl pickpocket (as used in the movie)
must be female
other reqs for pickpocket, possibly slightly harder

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List -- http://symphaena.com/index.html
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Re: B&E/Thief title(s) inspired by Gangs of New York on 11/27/2007 01:28 AM CST
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Id rather be The Butcher, not butcher lol

Man i almost forgot about that movie I am going to put it in and watch it again now :P

Don't fear the dark, Fear what hides in it.
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