Total magic reqs on 11/30/2008 10:02 PM CST
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Was just wondering if it was possible to get the pretend titles that had total magic requirements and, if it is possible, what skills go get counted as magic ranks.

ex. Elemental Liability- 1000 in total magic

Now according to elanthipedia:

"Instead of Primary Magic skill, a 125% Hiding skill requirement was used. Stalking skill was used where other Magic skills were necessary. Charisma is used in place of spell requirements."

So was really just wondering if the formula is:

Hiding*1.25 + Stalking*4 or if our ranks in MD and TM come into play, cause that would suck.
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Re: Total magic reqs on 11/30/2008 10:51 PM CST
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<<Was just wondering if it was possible to get the pretend titles that had total magic requirements and, if it is possible, what skills go get counted as magic ranks. >>

yes, possible.

as for skill, no idea. Could be stats?


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Re: Total magic reqs on 12/01/2008 04:47 PM CST
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The Hiding/Stalking/Charisma replacements for titles are a guideline and are set on a per title basis (so it may be tweaked for specific titles).

If the Thief or WM Advocate wishes to post the specific pretend requirements for that title, that is up to them.

-GM Obseden
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"Anything's possible. Especially since I'm rewriting the system."
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