1/26/2013 8PM Eastern Thiefly Teach Night on 01/26/2013 12:16 PM CST
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The Thiefly Teach Night is still: 1/26/2013 8PM.

There is a Thiefly Teach Night currently on the Calendar for 10PM Eastern, this was an error, I submitted my calendar entry form incorrectly and asked for a correction to 8PM ET.

I was only told of my error recently, so I fully understand if the GMs don't get it fixed, however if your planning to come please come for 8PM Eastern, that's when it'll officially be, hopefully the Den will still have some people in it at 10PM Eastern, if you want to hang out then, by all means please do.

The Theme of this Thiefly Teach Night is for helping lower circle Thieves, if you can help usher them into the Den Much appreciated.

Already Cross Posted this into the Events Folder, sub folder Zoluren.

Also of note the February dates and times are all in on the Calendar.

"I think anything that forces you to do something no sane adventurer would do just in order to train is ridiculous."

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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