Guild party! on 12/29/2016 07:08 PM CST
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Another party is coming up! We'll have plenty of food, drink and smokes. And if enough people show up, we'll get out the dice and have a little game. There will be prizes! Come join us at the Den in the Crossing guild!



Hope to see you all there! Come have fun, ask questions and get some classes! If you're curious, look for me around Crossing or send me a thought.

This won't be the only one, so keep an eye out!

Where: The Thieves' Guild, Den, at the Crossing
When: Tomorrow, Friday, December 30th at 10PM Eastern

Sorry for the late warning here again. I spread the word out but don't know how many heard about it. I had planned to post about it earlier, but some things came up in the last couple of days and I wasn't sure if I might need to cancel, but it's on! Hope to see you all at the Den.
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Re: Guild party! on 12/30/2016 11:24 AM CST
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I'm sad that I'm probably going to miss this. Have fun! It's great to see people getting together in the Den for a social event. Keep up the good work. :)

-- Pythea
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Re: Guild party! on 12/30/2016 12:46 PM CST
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Thank you. I'm sorry again I couldn't announce this party with more time, I'll be trying to give more warning for the next time, hopefully something won't come up then too lol. I'll be throwing these as often as my schedule allows and they'll be on Friday (most likely) or Thursday, at least for now. So, anyone curious feel free to pop over here around the middle of the week to see if I've posted about the next party. Feel free to also send me a though if you wanna find out about the next party that way instead.


Send me a thought if you see me in game and would like my pidgeon, easier to get a hold of me and ask about this stuff or anything else.
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