Backstab weight limit on 04/12/2016 07:14 AM CDT
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I'm curious, what's with the 30 stone weight limit on backstab?

I have always assumed it was A) 'we don't want you backstabbing with spears' which extended down to B) we don't want you backstabbing with dagger-shapped objects which weight a billion stone.

So that leads to my dumb question of the week (yes, I limit myself to one intentional stupid question, the others are purely accidental leakage). Does this cap serve a purpose in modern DR? Would breaking the 30-stone cap lead to backstab being insanely overpowered again?

I'm looking at the wiki and I can't really find puncture-based forged weapons in se/me over 30 stone (there's 1 harulun mambeli at 45), so I can't build a stat comparison chart to find out for myself. But if the 45 stone mambeli in harulun is a good example, the stats don't get too insane? 11/3/5, compared to a tyrium rapier at 30 stone, 10/5/3. Obviously these NOT GOOD comparisons since I'm swapping weight and metal (density). It's just the best I could do.
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Re: Backstab weight limit on 04/12/2016 08:53 AM CDT
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Well, you can only use a Small Edged weapon to backstab with so the weight limit doesn't have anything to do with limiting what type of weapon you can use. So my assumption is that the weight limit is in place to limit the damage you can do.

Backstab is like any other attack and uses a percentage of all damage types, so I have a feeling if they let us use max weight SE weapons that we'd be doing more damage than Kodius would want us to do.

Old, rare-metal, forged sabres could reach higher puncture damage at 30 stones than current weapons, but they had almost no slice/impact damage so I think they might even out, or be slightly better, than current forged weapons for BS but I doubt they break the DPS limits.
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Re: Backstab weight limit on 04/12/2016 09:42 AM CDT
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I went off and talked to Squanto after posting this, and as near as he can figure, most/all small edge weapons would cap around 30 stone anyway, due to density and volume. Might kick them up to 37 or 45 in a rare case, but since they use such small volume templates you're just not going to push them much beyond that weight.

And the stats weren't much better than a 30 stone tyrium rapier, might have added 1-2 points.

I was just wondering if anyone knew the base mechanics of BS better than me (ok, YES EVERYONE DOES), and could figure out if the 1-2 point increase on visible appraisal would combine with the alpha damage and DFA damage to break the game.
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Re: Backstab weight limit on 04/12/2016 10:41 AM CDT
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>>And the stats weren't much better than a 30 stone tyrium rapier, might have added 1-2 points.

Remember that those 1-2 "points" are actually ranges, and each range consists of 5 points of damage. So 1-2 ranges could be 1-14 points of damage, depending on where in the ranges it is, in just a single damage type.

>>I was just wondering if anyone knew the base mechanics of BS better than me (ok, YES EVERYONE DOES), and could figure out if the 1-2 point increase on visible appraisal would combine with the alpha damage and DFA damage to break the game.

It depends on where the damage increase is applied, but the difference between my somewhat heavy puncture stiletto and my very heavy puncture rapier (2 ranges/7-14 points of damage difference) is night and day, and the rapier even has a damage/accuracy penalty since it is a ME. I only keep the stiletto around for when I tank my confidence and the penalty to the rapier makes me fail while I'm trying to regain confidence.

Would it break the game? Probably not, but I'm fairly confident that BS would get a nerf if they removed the weight limit.

I have to assume you are asking this because of damage reqs for weapons with Ambushes? And that increasing the BS weight limit would open up more weapons that can do everything? If so, then I think lowering the Ambush reqs would be a better way to go since I think BS is good where it is and would be wary of it being rebalanced for something that doesn't affect BS.
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Re: Backstab weight limit on 04/12/2016 10:59 AM CDT
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>I have to assume you are asking this because of damage reqs for weapons with Ambushes? And that increasing the BS weight limit would open up more weapons that can do everything? If so, then I think lowering the Ambush reqs would be a better way to go since I think BS is good where it is and would be wary of it being rebalanced for something that doesn't affect BS.

Honestly, no. I was just wondering about the weight limit. Most stuff in DR is based on skill, skill-set, or guild. Some are based on having another ability up, but very few are just flat out based on weight. Weight factors into quite a few things, but I can only think of one other thing that uses weight as a binary check. LT/HT with non-weapons.

>It depends on where the damage increase is applied

Ya, that's rather my point. I (we?) don't know enough about the calculations used, so we don't know if the weight limitation is a hard limit (i.e. every weapon over 30 stone has stats high enough to warrant a nerf on base BS), or if it's just a relic from a game 10...20..? years ago. So this post was less 'RAR WE NEED DO THIS THING!' and more 'Hey, why does this even exist?'.

If we compare other weapon feats, there's whirlwind. Size limitation only. There's dual load. Requires a second ability to be active. Snipe, just the correct weapon and a couple of skill checks. Off-hand, pure guild and size, no weight limit. Arm-worn-shield sizes is only guild (exception: clerics with SoL). Maneuvers don't use weight or weapon size at all, do they? Stacked throwing weapons use guild to determine bonus throws. The aforementioned throwing non-weapon-weapons uses strength and weight as a go/no go

I feel like I left out some weapon or armor based feats, so please correct me if those are wrong.

Again, can't stress this enough, I'm not arguing for a change. I'm asking why it exists. The implication from that is not 'and if there isn't a good reason I will then whine for a change', so please don't assume that, either. I'm just asking why.
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Re: Backstab weight limit on 04/12/2016 11:29 AM CDT
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>>I'm just asking why.

That's cool. I was just wondering if there was an angle to your questions or not.

As to the why? I'm guessing it's just something that has always been and it doesn't have a real purpose in the 3.x world. Knowing how Kodius is about balancing DPS in combat it's a safe bet he balanced BS around the damage that a 30 stone ME could do, though. The weight limit was probably kept because it was easier to leave it in place and just rewrite BS itself rather than completely re-do the whole system. If you remember coming into 3.1 we basically got a new coat of paint (with a few additions) to make us up to speed with everything. BS was no different and Kodius probably just did the minimum work to get the attack compliant with Combat 3.0 (and who can blame him with his workload at the time, plus he did a pretty good job with what he did).

This is all just assumption and me reading between the lines from everything I've gathered from then till now.
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Re: Backstab weight limit on 04/12/2016 12:39 PM CDT
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What if Backstab ranks helped mitigate penalties to using non-SE weapons or increased the range of allowable weapons somewhat? (Weight wise)?

Or does it already do this?

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Re: Backstab weight limit on 04/12/2016 03:00 PM CDT
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It doesn't, but I'd be all for BS doing more.
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Re: Backstab weight limit on 04/12/2016 08:31 PM CDT
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I was pondering getting the Darkstone Stiletto from the grey raven commissary but it irks me it doesn't hit enough slice to slash. I wish it did, Tyrium Stiletto's type template does from what I've heard. The darkstone stiletto compares similar to my glaes telek which apps at moderate puncture (must be high end). I am still pondering on getting it however since it has the backstab boost, but not sure if that's enough that i'd want to bother since I also have a capped glaes rapier. Really there's nothing else in the commissary that really compels me though.
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Re: Backstab weight limit on 04/12/2016 09:35 PM CDT
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>> Darkstone Stiletto

While I like the darkstone stiletto most days from the Grey Ravens, just as a price comparison:

2000 scrip = 4-5 runs of Aftermath (Even 3 perfect runs you only get 1800 scrip so you need at least 4 and most random groups average about 400 scrip in my experience) So you're talking about $40-$50.

1-2 Runs of Ulf'Hara (it's totally doable to get 20 tasks done in 1 run) will get you 4 volumes of Tyrium which you can mix with 1 volume of nickel and pound out a tyrium thrusting blade (or rapier). Which looks like this:

A tyrium thrusting blade is a medium edged melee-ranged weapon.
A tyrium thrusting blade trains the small edged skill.
The thrusting blade is ill suited, but usable, for backstabbing.

You are certain that it could do:
very heavy (10/27) puncture damage
fair (5/27) slice damage
low (3/27) impact damage
no (0/27) fire damage
no (0/27) cold damage
no (0/27) electric damage

The thrusting blade is dismally (2/17) designed for improving the force of your attacks.

You are certain that the blade is extremely well (11/17) balanced and is poorly (3/17) suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.

You are certain that the thrusting blade is nearly impervious to damage (17/18), and is in pristine condition (98-100%).

I highly recommend the thrusting blade over the stileto. Awesome balance, stun/slash compliant, and stats to kill for. Easily my second favorite use of tyrium for thieves (light throwing axe being the first).
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Re: Backstab weight limit on 04/12/2016 09:37 PM CDT
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If you were asking me, 1 minute of 'unlimited' backstab every 48 hours isn't worth wasting my time with. If we assume a 6 second total attack for backstab (which also assumes you're at melee and can stay there) that's 10 attacks every 2 days. So it's worthless for training, but what about PvP? I don't know. Can you kill your target in 10 backstabs? Can you stay at melee long enough to get enough backstabs in during the 1 minute timer to matter? Even if you run a quest and want to use it on the 'boss' mob, they flex each time you hit so it wouldn't do you any good.

That's basically my response to every 'but it buffs X for Y seconds' thing in DR. We play on the scope of hours, giving me a buff for a fraction of one percent of my time that I can use weekly might as well be nonexistent. It's a boss-killer for a game with no bosses. Duskruin did it sort of ok, most of the boosts the items offered would last 10-20 minutes and be usable hourly.

As far as the other commissary items, if you have a ton of scrip and need to burn some, the guard ring works with infuse or potency crystals (whatever increases level) I believe, so you should be able to use two to get it to produce tier 6 quality gear. Should sell for a heck of a price? Same deal for the money belt and bank, both can be bumped up with crystals.

Or the 14 bolt repeater is a good stand by for PvP, crank out 14 shots in a few seconds.
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Re: Backstab weight limit on 04/12/2016 09:38 PM CDT
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>>I was pondering getting the Darkstone Stiletto from the grey raven commissary but it irks me it doesn't hit enough slice to slash. I wish it did, Tyrium Stiletto's type template does from what I've heard.

I was under the impression that the darkstone stiletto was equal to a tyrium one, but I haven't used either so I can't say for sure. The Ambush Slash slice req does make a lot of good weapons less attractive because they can't be used with Slash. It sucks and I hope it's one of the things that gets reconsidered whenever Thieves get a little more attention paid to them.

>>The darkstone stiletto compares similar to my glaes telek which apps at moderate puncture (must be high end).

Yea, the glaes is at the top-end of moderate for puncture. A telek made from haralun/kertig will hit somewhat heavy puncture because of the extra weight.
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Re: Backstab weight limit on 04/12/2016 09:39 PM CDT
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>>2000 scrip = 4-5 runs of Aftermath (Even 3 perfect runs you only get 1800 scrip so you need at least 4 and most random groups average about 400 scrip in my experience) So you're talking about $40-$50.

Keep in mind that scrip prizes are meant as a bonus on top of the normal end prizes a quest has. So it's not like you get only scrip from riot runs.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Backstab weight limit on 04/12/2016 09:44 PM CDT
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>>Keep in mind that scrip prizes are meant as a bonus on top of the normal end prizes a quest has. So it's not like you get only scrip from riot runs.

Ya, that's true, but even still it's $40-$50 buyin (where you get other stuff too) vs $15 where you get exactly what you want.

Also for reference here's a tyrium telek, it's just a hair under the darkstone stileto. Also not able to slash with it.

> app tele careful

A tyrium telek is a light edged melee-ranged weapon.
A tyrium telek trains the small edged skill.
The tyrium telek is well (9/17) suited for backstabbing.

You are certain that it could do:
somewhat heavy (8/27) puncture damage
somewhat fair (4/27) slice damage
poor (2/27) impact damage
no (0/27) fire damage
no (0/27) cold damage
no (0/27) electric damage

The tyrium telek is terribly (1/17) designed for improving the force of your attacks.

You are certain that the telek is excellently (12/17) balanced and is terribly (1/17) suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.

You are certain that the tyrium telek is nearly impervious to damage (17/18), and is practically in mint condition (90-97%
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