Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/18/2002 06:11 PM CDT
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I'd like to give a big kudos to Caidrin for being the only 'awake' trader (see rant in 'Complaints - Traders' folder) that came to Baya's aid whilst he was comatose and squished into the road outside the guild in Shard.

It is heartening to see that not all the traders that ply the Shard trade routes are mindless zombies and are willing to help a fellow guild member.

Once again Caidrin my many thanks and if at any stage you require assistance just call on me.

Baya Mwanamume - May your debts be small and your profits large.
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/18/2002 11:42 PM CDT
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Yea, I had a bit of a run-in (about 20 times per person) on the Shard routes whilst I laid dead. My fault for dying there, but their fault for running me over countless times and not even blinking or turning around to help.

As such is life.

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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/19/2002 12:18 AM CDT
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>Yea, I had a bit of a run-in (about 20 times per person) on the Shard routes whilst I laid dead. My fault for dying there, but their fault for running me over countless times and not even blinking or turning around to help.

I have no complaints about my death, self inflicted so to speak (note to self: MUST feed caravan), as I stated in 'Complaints', it's the zombies that I have an issue with (maybe needs looking into by a GH?) that ran over me without blinking an eye about finding a fellow guild member (Yes I have my title up) dead at the front door.

Baya Mwanamume - May your debts be small and your profits large.
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/19/2002 12:57 AM CDT
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You're certainly welcome, Baya, although I must admit that I was a little bit skeptical when I drug you down to Adan'f myself. My first thought was that you were a zombie trader who'd picked up so many coppers that you fell over in the guild, and someone drug you out to be at the mercy of passing caravans. However, I am fully aware of the unfortunate circumstances (other than afk scripting) that can keep you from responding to conversation, so I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and a drag. If I had definite proof that you were a zombie trader, I'd probably have run you over a few more times just for good measure. :-P As it is, I'm glad to hear that you weren't, and glad that I could be of service to you.

On the note of this topic, I must admit that I also am very concerned about the number of "zombie" traders in Shard as well. I'm not talking about scripting traders - I use the Ilithi script just like everyone else down there seems to, but I keep my eye on the screen while I'm running it. The fact is, I could add several names to Baya's list (although I won't, because I don't think it would be of any real profit) because I've tried to strike up conversations with other traders working the Ilithi routes.

Seeing this disappoints me, because I feel it gives our Guild a bad image. No wonder thieves are so rampant along the route to shard - they know they can steal from zombie traders with no fear of reprisal. I've had several thieves practically fall out of hiding with their mouths hanging open when I told them that I saw those last three grabs, please go away. They don't expect traders to be aware of the world around them.

You people know who you are. Please reconsider. There IS a game instance of DR that allows you afk script without repercussion, it's called The Fallen. I won't insult you by saying you shouldn't be allowed to play DR just because you enjoy playing for wealth and rank - I'm just saying, do it in the appropriate place. Some of us are trying to roleplay. Personally, I'm running the routes so hard in Ilithi because I want to hit 20th circle and be able to use the tables. My determined and constant trading there is completely in character. Is yours?

I know the majority of you out there don't do this, so please ignore this short essay. ;-) I'll see you on the trails.

The ones of you who are scripting afk in Ilithi - please, take it to The Fallen and stop making our Guild look bad.

(stepping down off his soapbox)
-Caidrin Du'Kirchdraut
Gnomish Commodities Trader Extraordinaire.
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/19/2002 12:46 PM CDT
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Or maybe those folks just don't care about a corpse and are more worried about making money and are paying attention?

Not everyone is forced to be a nicey nicey buddy yanno.
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/19/2002 05:59 PM CDT
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>Yea, I had a bit of a run-in (about 20 times per person) on the Shard routes whilst I laid dead. My fault for dying there, but their fault for running me over countless times and not even blinking or turning around to help.

I see dead body alone, I stop and inquire if help is desired. I see dead body not responding, I ignore it, which can mean running it over multiple times. Simple, really.
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/19/2002 07:01 PM CDT
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I don't know why; but when I trade in Zoluren I'm AFK checked A LOT.

But down in Illithi I've sat there and traded for a few hours at once and I don't get checked at all.

I dunno, maybe the GM's don't care because in the long-run shard can't make you THAT much money (relatively.)

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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/20/2002 12:35 AM CDT
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<Or maybe those folks just don't care about a corpse and are more worried about making money and are paying attention?>

I doubt it. Just to see, I hid outside Steelclaw Clan last night (where all of us who use the most common script stop each time to forage) and stalked a few traders as they came through. I then did my best to strike up a conversation, asking them about their families, hobbies, and the last time they stopped to take a bathroom break. Believe me guys - if I'd have been an AFK check, these guys would have failed miserably.
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/20/2002 01:12 AM CDT
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I traded down there a bit myself today, and most of the people seemed "out of it".

quite a few of em were getting the "what shall i feed them"... thing... a number of times, which if you are paying attention you know when yer feeding yer caravans/animals.

I'm tempted to put the Steal back in Steelclaw clan if this keeps up..... :-)

Bags/Schvartz enterprises, ltd.
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/20/2002 02:01 AM CDT
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>quite a few of em were getting the "what shall i feed them"... thing... a number of times, which if you are paying attention you know when yer feeding yer caravans/animals.

They may or may not be afk-scripting, I dunno, but getting the 'what do i feed them' message doesn't really mean much, most people just foraging outside the bridal path in their script and then trying to give caravan. I know if they happened to get their scripts off my website I put that in mine anyways.

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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/20/2002 06:52 AM CDT
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I agree there seem to be a lot of unattended traffic in Shard, but as for the feed message, I use macros for things I am going to repeat over and over, and feeding my caravan is one of those things. My F4 key has this written in:
get feedbag from my satchel\rgive caravan\rput my feedbag in my satchel\r

Same could easily be written for giving grass to your caravan. I push my F4 now and then without really waiting for my driver to tell me to feed my caravan, so they are not always hungry. Please, don't use the "what shall i feed them" as a gauge to someone being AFK or not. That would lead to very false assumptions.

Trader Gidske
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/20/2002 11:14 AM CDT
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<Please, don't use the "what shall i feed them" as a gauge to someone being AFK or not. That would lead to very false assumptions.>

I agree with this. That's why I stalked them and tried to strike up a conversation. I'll say once again, I use a script to trade in Ilithi, and it stops to forage at the same spot. I just don't do it unattended. There's nothing wrong wth using scripts, as long as you're there to stop the script and respond to the environment when it's needed.

-Caidrin Du'Kirchdraut

Gnomish Commodities Trader Extraordinaire
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/20/2002 11:26 AM CDT
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>There's nothing wrong wth using scripts, as long as you're there to stop the script and respond to the environment when it's needed.

And no one is ever required to stop and talk to another player, so in the situation you laid out it was not 'needed'.

Just report them and move on, a warning will affect them alot more than hassleing them a few moments in game.
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/20/2002 03:24 PM CDT
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Report's don't always do it.

I've seen some insanely intelligent scripts; that can respond to almost any sort of AFK check I could ever think up.

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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/20/2002 07:02 PM CDT
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>>I've seen some insanely intelligent scripts; that can respond to almost any sort of AFK check I could ever think up.

No script, or trigger set up for that matter could handle the range of script checks and script check type events I have experinced.

If you report and nothing happens, guess what, they're not AFK or they're not gaining an IG adavantage.

Face it, players have no way of checking these things. if you think they are AFK scripting rport them and move on.

PS caravans hit bodies as they move out of the room.
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/20/2002 08:37 PM CDT
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There is no such critter as a 'standard" script check. GameMasters are infinitely creative in their methods of seeing if you are awake, and infinitely patient also if need be. There is no way any script could possibly be as flexible as a real live GM.

Players are not required to respond to other players. No matter what you a player do, the other person is free to ignore you. I often do ignore people who I find are being annoying or I don't feel like talking to even if it means risking a script check. In fact sometimes I report "Hey I'm awake I'm just ignoring <name of person>".

It's too bad you got left by so many, but someone did help you. I've yet to recieve a 'Pat on the Yak' from the fourty some people I've hauled out of various areas including through invasion and hunting areas. I leave almost as many people dead on the road as I rescue though because in a high traffic area someone is bound to help them, and if I come back and no one has I'll help em. So let's not dissolve into bickering and arguing about who dragged who.

As far as "zombie traders" it used to tick me off until I realized that most of trading is incredible amounts of boredom. A lot of times when someone is trying to strike up a conversation with me on the trade route I respond poorly cause it's been a long boring day and I really just don't feel like talking, nothing personal. I've also been threatened several times by people too for striking up a dialogue, no really at least 10 times I've been told to shut up or die.

So three cheers for getting saved, and remember to return your caravan when done with it.
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/21/2002 03:00 AM CDT
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AFK checking is a system that is coded.

Recent AFK checks I've experienced activate a timer which you must respond to in a given time.

You can't code a system such as this to be creative.

As such, the only checks that exist are the one's programmed.

Whether it be a mouse that runs up and talks to you or a booming voice from nowhere that asks how much perception you have (I've been AFK checked and 3 of those times it was asking how much perception I have...? Crazy.)

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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/21/2002 03:03 AM CDT
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Oh, and another thing to think about is...

If you know what you'll encounter while running a script.

Then you can fire off of anything that doesn't fall under that.

There is a program in existence that incorporates all that one might encounter while trading in Shard; and anything else will cause an alert.

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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/21/2002 04:38 AM CDT
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>AFK checking is a system that is coded.

You are incorrect.
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/21/2002 12:33 PM CDT
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/21/2002 12:54 PM CDT
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>AFK checking is a system that is coded.

>You are incorrect.

Very incorrect :)

It is much more likely that the 'zombies' that always get reported but you still see running contracts every day, are responding to afk-scripting checks because they check their script occasionally every couple minutes.

Like when the Theren plats-for-cash crew (Venari/Xief/Dryf/Qip) was constantly trading in Therengia, it was well known they were all run by 1 person and that she was mostly afk - but the GMs couldn't do anything about it because she checked her scripts every few minutes and was able to respond to all the scripting checks. But she got busted eventually

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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/21/2002 03:06 PM CDT
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The only reason I believe the system is coded is because of how it works.

The last few AFK checks I've had give me 7 minutes to respond; and repeat the message every minute until no time is left (i assume).

I highly doubt that a GM sits with a stop watch and sends a new message every minute.

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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/21/2002 03:32 PM CDT
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I believe there are two systems, an automated one and a "live GM" one. I had one ask me to sneeze or some such awhile back... was funny too because out of all the mind numbing repedative training I tend to do late a night I never get script checked, but got that one after I'd been in a room for like... 1 minute after everyone else (that'd I'd been talking to) had left. Go figure.

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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/21/2002 04:09 PM CDT
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That makes sense.

I know there are AFK checks that don't seem to fall under a system.

But, clarifying my point, there is such a system, and it is used, (in my experience) most of the time.

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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/21/2002 10:50 PM CDT
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Yeah but Caidrin is still saying Gnomish instead of Gnomic.

Lapidary Eyedrop Darpole ::slaps Caidrin upside the head again::
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/22/2002 01:30 AM CDT
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>>Yeah but Caidrin is still saying Gnomish instead of Gnomic.

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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/22/2002 01:55 AM CDT
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Gnomigosh Gnot aGnother...

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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/22/2002 03:24 AM CDT
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>>Yeah but Caidrin is still saying Gnomish instead of Gnomic.

I didn't!

I never!

::walks away in a huff::

-Caidrin Du'Kirchdraut

Gnomi-(insert suffix here) Commodities Trader Extraordinaire
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/22/2002 10:34 PM CDT
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Last night Caidrin said GNOMIC in-game; so I think he's a changed man!

<cheers all around>

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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/23/2002 02:24 AM CDT
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I think I've decided I want to be Gnomoid.

::ducks Andantagio's bop!::

::bops Andantagio over the head::


-Caidrin Du'Kirchdraut

Gnomithic Commodities Trader Extraordinaire
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/23/2002 05:34 PM CDT
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::slaps Caidrin upside the head once again::

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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/23/2002 05:57 PM CDT
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::eats some berries::

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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/23/2002 08:50 PM CDT
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>>::eats some berries::

THANKS!...Reminded me I got plums in the fridge!
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/24/2002 02:58 PM CDT
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::slaps Caidrin upside the head for the fun of it::

Lapidary Eyedrop Darpole :)
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Re: Big thank you to Caidrin on 09/28/2002 08:28 AM CDT
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>AFK checking is a system that is coded.

i've seen a variety of different ways that GM's check afk'ness. and know of a fair few varietys they like to use, you cant code scripts for every eventuality.

(GM's tend to get creative when checking Traders for Afk'ness)

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