Other AFK situations on 10/03/2004 08:53 PM CDT
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After posting my long winded opinion about travelling while in sleep mode and AFK, I began to consider other situations which are a little more difficult to define.

If you tell a caravan to go to Dirge from Crossing, but you don't follow the caravan but instead go AFK in town while hiding. Only to awake a little later and travel on to Dirge where you meet up with the caravan.

Or you move ahead of the caravan after telling it to travel on and it meets you at the destination. While the caravan is moving toward there, you are AFK while awaiting it's arrival.

All this is the same as travelling 'with' a caravan and should be handled the same.

Travelling in general and being reported for AFK by someone in the game is right near impossible to prove, for an obvious number of reasons. One I will note to be the most culpable of these is our ability to be hidden while travelling with a caravan. Another is the fact we do move, from room to room, so what player is going to really notice in such a short time period as they pass us by?

It is primarily during ferry and barge crossings that most folks interact (or try to interact) with us and at that point we can then say, "I'm afk until we reach dock". Oh the convenience of our life. I really don't understand why we are not the most populated guild in the realms!

Could I suggest we mix up the trade routes one week a month (maybe shorter, maybe longer) with those temporary waystations that we haven't seen in many, many, months? If nothing else it makes afk trading slightly more aggrevating.

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Re: Other AFK situations on 10/04/2004 07:40 AM CDT
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>with us and at that point we can then say, "I'm afk until we reach dock".

Actually, with this logic, it is against policy to be AFK at any time you have a caravan rented. You are always gaining an advantage, if nothing else in not having to rent another one after you get back from the bathroom/sandwich/soda break. Technically, you shouldn't even be able to light a smoke or glance out the window, but until they demand pupil tracking as proof of being ATK, we're not going there. <g>
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Re: Other AFK situations on 10/04/2004 03:39 PM CDT
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Simple enough. If the caravan is moving, you shouldn't be AFK. It is moving on a ferry/barge/gondola, and since you can't go anywhere on them, just exit the game while AFK on such conveyances.

I'd like to say I am not rabidly against AFK scripting; trading or otherwise. I might even be AFK quite often in DR when I shouldn't be myself. These are just points of interest for the topic at hand. Being afk while scripting doesn't get my goose like some other issues of DR.

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Re: Other AFK situations on 10/04/2004 05:08 PM CDT
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like lets say broken systems within systems that got tweaks around the inner broken one...ie...substances

Aj the Last
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Re: Other AFK situations on 10/05/2004 03:41 PM CDT
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I normally don't post on policy but since this conversation is about trading and AFK, I wanted to clear a few things up. I know some of you are probably joking a bit and even being a bit sarcastic, so keep in mind that this post is just a general post and not directed at anyone specifically.

If confused about the AFK policy, please refer to News 5 17. In regards to the policy while trading, I'd pay special attention to paragraph 4.
<<If your attention is not in the game window, you should log out of the game or stop any experience, skill or money gaining activities to avoid being warned.

To be clearer, while a travel script may not be considered AFK scripting in some instances, it would be if you have contracts or commodities out and have a caravan following. The time spent delivering the contract or commodities is part of the effort needed to earn the coins from that system. I'm not going to debate 'what ifs'. If you have contracts or commodities and have a caravan following you, I would plan on being responsive. The same goes for being in sleep mode while at a stall/table or any other trading system. If you're earning coins or experience and are unresponsive, you can be warned.

Lastly, the best way to handled a suspected AFK person is simply to report and then leave the situation alone. You likely will never see the testing if you're not the one being tested and interfering by dragging or attempting to interrupt a person's script will cause testing to fail.

Best Regards,
~GM Arnimas

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it."
-Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Other AFK situations on 10/05/2004 08:31 PM CDT
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Well dang. There goes all the speculation and what ifs. I was just going to give some more situations, like if I got carried off by a big eagle yet still had a caravan out.

Or if- oh nevermind.

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Re: Other AFK situations on 10/24/2004 07:13 PM CDT
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Hi Arnimas,

Thanks for some input into recommended ways to handle afk situations.

My only question is this, if we cannot see intervention when we report how do we know it even happens? Im not trying to put a cat amongst the pidgeons but I tend to see the same souls (who will remain nameless - no flaming here) doing the same thing over and over again. From a purely logical point of view Id have to consider that they have never actually been approached.

Im sure they are at times, and I know of situations where they have been reprimanded as a result. Thing is, it is frustrating......can I perhaps recommend these interventions do become viewable at least?

We all have a quick phone call, grab a bite to eat or need to let nature take its course from time to time.........but it appears some folks have awefully loose bladders.

The fact is that there is nothing we can do, including flaming on these boards, so the folks essentially get away with it. It may just be my opinion, but from the people I talk to....I seriously doubt it.

There is a time and place for afk learning, its called the fallen and its 24/7. Please give us a way to genuinly do something about this, or at least see that geniune reports are being attended to. No one likes a snitch, and I personally dont report often for two reasons. Firstly, no one has to respond to me so I cannot be sure they are AFK. Secondly, if I report nothing seems to happen....

Muleskinner Elsulose

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Re: Other AFK situations on 10/25/2004 09:01 AM CDT
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There was a thread in the General DR folder discussed AFK scripting and it comes down to this: Don't worry about it as a player.

It isn't your concern. All you can and should do is report it (or what you think is AFK scripting) and move on. Period. End of story. Any other action on your part to make them stop what you perceive as being AFK will only get you in trouble or make it impossible for a GM to AFK test them.

It isn't our jobs as players to enforce the policy. Those days are over now that it is against policy, it is the DR staffs job to enforce it.

And as for seeing results, it isn't going to happen. GMs have said often enough, what happens on someone else's account is not anyone's business.

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Re: Other AFK situations on 10/25/2004 09:51 AM CDT
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<< My only question is this, if we cannot see intervention when we report how do we know it even happens? >>

I think it's best to say that not every report will always be followed up on a scripting situation. Sometimes staff is busy with an assist or just not available to do a testing. However, the majority of the time, that person IS tested. If you report them, then they will be caught eventually. If I don't have time to test the person at that moment, I keep the name to test them the moment that I am free, as do many other GM's.

<< can I perhaps recommend these interventions do become viewable at least? >>

While I'm not in charge of the way testing is done, I can see this as helping an AFK person more than it helps the reporter. If the AFK person is running 2 characters in the same room and is only watching 1, then they'll see the viewable test and click on the other and respond. Testing is best done where it is only visible by the one being tested.

Also, keep in mind that testing isn't done in 1 minute. If you're waiting to see if the person gets busted, you could be waiting awhile. Testing is very thorough to insure that the person is truly scripting and often those that appear to be, are just ignoring whispers and respond quickly to testing. Taking any action to disrupt the scripter will just cause testing to fail, which has happened more times than I care to remember when I was testing someone after a REPORT.

Again, the best solution is to REPORT. Even if a on-duty GM is busy, they'll request someone else to jump in and test if someone has time or do it themselves when time permits.

Best Regards,
~GM Arnimas

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it."
-Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Other AFK situations on 10/25/2004 08:16 PM CDT
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>Also, keep in mind that testing isn't done in 1 minute.

Typically I've seen it take about 30 minutes before someone is beamed up to the mothership when I've bothered to stick around.

'Slimy Yet Satisfying' - Miko Mido

Supreme Bunny Overlord Zairius
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Re: Other AFK situations on 10/27/2004 11:48 AM CDT
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Please give us a way to genuinly do something about this, or at least see that geniune reports are being attended to. No one likes a snitch, and I personally dont report often for two reasons. Firstly, no one has to respond to me so I cannot be sure they are AFK. Secondly, if I report nothing seems to happen....

Ahh Elsulose, been waitin to see you on these boards. And for your reference the GM's did check me and i was at the keyboard sorry about your luck.
I also admire how in your post you pointed out how no one has to respond to you yet I come back to find myself pushed over several times on the ferry after you engaged me pointed me out of hiding and basically attacked me for no reason other than i didn't wanna listen to your class. So ummm, dunno what to tell you, system seems to be working fine, keep reportin me pushing me over dragging me etc. etc etc. and any other ways you can think of to disrupt me. I dunno. :shrugs:
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Re: Other AFK situations on 10/28/2004 02:06 AM CDT
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Come back from what hun, AFK scripting?
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Re: Other AFK situations on 10/28/2004 02:15 AM CDT
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Hello All,

Thanks Arnimas for replying.

Ill take your word on it because youve done nothing but good as far as I can see.

I wont brawl and shove people....sit in hiding/stalking for 2 hours watching them....anymore. Ill assume this is sorted...I doubt it.

Thats all, felt like I could make a difference.

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Re: Other AFK situations on 10/28/2004 09:18 AM CDT
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Who are you???
By this I mean, I recall you saying on the ferry
something like ummm
Elsulose says, "I mean i believe in a little downtime myself."

So, wait, Elsulose believes it's ok for him to go afk while scripting apparently but if he sees others then it's wrong. And apparently I couldn't of been gone that long because I kept standing up and getting back to my trade routes and catching your report so I guess maybe I'm no different than you. So, then exactly what are you so mad about? And quit calling me hun and she, I'm a guy....yer making me insecure about my name I'm contemplating rerolling now :mutters:
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Re: Other AFK situations on 10/30/2004 11:35 PM CDT
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Hi Sabua

Sorry about the she reference, no need to re-role.....

I actually didnt report you, well not that I can remember...not sure Ive reported in years, I do know I warn over a dozen times to respond or I take action.....this is generally over a dozen or so contacts...aka....a long time. Ive now learnt not to do so, I guess everyone just has very very very loose bladders or eats one heck of a lot!

As for reporting. It could have been maybe any one of the other several dozen people who seemed to see some very direct and methodical approach to your trading?

Im sorry, I do not remember you, and as I said....this is not about flaming. If I put you on your behind I apologise.........your not the only one. The number is so high its scarey! As previously mentioned, Ive stopped this approach.

My post was general, had nothing to do with you, if your insecure about it.....watch your keyboard more.....

Good luck with trading and may Eluned pave your roads with gold!

Muleskinner Elsulose
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Re: Other AFK situations on 10/31/2004 05:27 AM CST
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good deal
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Re: Other AFK situations on 11/21/2004 03:16 PM CST
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Opps I did not mean to inflate a settled issue. I should have read all the posts before I posted my prior message. My apologies up front/rather after the fact.

Player of Hagler
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