Note to self: Don't bother RPing when stolen! on 05/28/2005 11:03 AM CDT
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My first experience with a pickpocket up close! I don't know if I've been robbed before, but this is the first time I've experienced one who shows a careless, disregard to his/her craft. :)

I got a bunch of my coppers stolen from Blixxer. More than twice probably. ::grin::

HMPH! (says my character)

My first reaction was to run to the guardhouse. Then I thought, wait, I should at least try to put a little more effort into RPing this for the sake of some authentication. Give the guy a chance to RP it so that my character won't go to the guardhouse (maybe a nice sob story about how his mother needs medicine or something)

So I went back and shouted in anger and glowered. What does the guy do? Nothing. Just keeps stealing from me! Not even a word of apology or a bluster or a glare at me or ANYTHING beyond repeatedly stealing from me. What the heck?

I caught him twice total. And since there was another felony cry from a passer-by, I figure there was another.

Next time I won't even bother to interact. =P Oh well. It was worth a try anyway.

After all the complaints about how traders are zombies on a trade route, I thought I'd put a little life into my trader. Meh!

That's my rant.

By the way, thank you to everyone who had given new players tips on how to guard my coin. I had all coppers inside my pockets... heavy and make me fall over more than once, but the loss was negligible. I can't imagine how broken up I'd be if I lost golds or something.

::sniffles:: My precious coppers. :(

Pam with her young miserly trader.

D-E-P-A-R-T is very easy to spell. You should try it sometime.
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Re: Note to self: Don't bother RPing when stolen! on 05/28/2005 02:20 PM CDT
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Heh..yeah...I actually don't do anything usually when I see someone stealing from me...then I wait until I catch them and run to the guards, or the clerk if I can.

Always accuse to the clerk first, if you're on a route with your caravan, the clerk'll send out a thug team to get the guy. But if it doesn't work, then head to the guardhouse.

Also, you'll get more RP from the clerk and commerce minister than you will with most thieves...

~Brady, player of I'm a Lover Not a Fighter Elavin Rismel.

>get my amar
You get a burnt orange amaryllis.
>wear my amar
But you don't have any hair! Where are you going to put it? Don't answer that!
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Re: Note to self: Don't bother RPing when stolen! on 05/28/2005 03:55 PM CDT
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all depends on who it is. I've seen from both sides of the equation as it were. and theres traders that don't RP it as well as thieves.

I know though one fellow that caught me a while back, I made his caravan say that it had taken the coins because the trader in question wasn't feeding it enough carrots. :-)

A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.

The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"

The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
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Re: Note to self: Don't bother RPing when stolen! on 05/28/2005 04:04 PM CDT
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Heh...that's good, Gonif...

I also think there's a pretty good balance between thieves and traders that don't RP...having played both sides of the trader end..sometimes ya just want peace and quiet.

Then there was this time where I met two girls from the Tri-Delt Clan (no offense, I really think they were trying to be this way) that were just so bubbly and excitable that I tried my hardest to open the window to the gondola and jump out...:cackle:

~Brady, player of I'm a Lover Not a Fighter Elavin Rismel.

>get my amar
You get a burnt orange amaryllis.
>wear my amar
But you don't have any hair! Where are you going to put it? Don't answer that!
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Re: Note to self: Don't bother RPing when stolen! on 05/28/2005 10:45 PM CDT
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Hee! That's funny, Elavin. I'd probably want to jump off the gondola too. Well, no. Maybe stuff cotton in my ears ::grin::

Yeah, Gonif. :) That would have been amusing if it happened to me.

D-E-P-A-R-T is very easy to spell. You should try it sometime.
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Re: Note to self: Don't bother RPing when stolen! on 05/31/2005 09:45 AM CDT
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> made his caravan say that it had taken the coins because the trader in question wasn't feeding it enough carrots. :-)

I like that one. <g> Lets see, I've had thieves give me back more than they stole, vanish, keep harassing me until I pulled my crossbow, sit and talk for a bit, and all kinds of things. Mostly though, while the taxes in the Crossing area are high, they're not usually too bad. Where the thieves can be horrid is in the Shard area, I think because so many traders are totally oblivious.

Oh well, there's a reason my primary weapon is crossbow and I'm a stealth hunter.
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Re: Note to self: Don't bother RPing when stolen! on 06/25/2005 10:07 PM CDT
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Itd be nice if we could always accuse to the clerk, and send our thugs after pick pockets. Any chance we could get this? we know the city guards are often inept at catching criminals, even with a long list of outstanding warrents. That, and, its always nice to see a thief who just stole from you laying o nthe ground, hands chopped off, and a nice boot print on their forehead...
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