Looking out from inside on 05/14/2012 10:13 PM CDT
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Is it only possible to look out from inside your caravan if there is a window in the description? Or is it even possilbe at all?

a moss-covered cedar caravan pulled by a team of massive elk

look caravan
Tiny mushrooms have taken up residence on the damp cedar walls of the caravan, making it look as though it belongs more in the forest than on the road. The impression is only heightened by the presence of the elk, which glance around uncertainly.

[Delendra's Caravan, Interior]
A plush bedroll rests along one wall with a artificial fire pit nearby. Though carved of wood, the fire pit has been cleverly painted to reveal the surrounding stones and even brightly painted flames along the firewood. The walls and ceiling are the color of the night sky with small embedded crystals resembling stars.
Obvious exits: none.

I liked this interior and how it ties in a wilderness feel with the exterior, but if I need to get a window in the description in order to look outside without exiting, I may do that. Although, thats a huge chunk of coins to toss the above interior and another even bigger chunk of coins to get an interior that has a window in its description.

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Re: Looking out from inside on 05/14/2012 10:41 PM CDT
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<< Is it only possible to look out from inside your caravan if there is a window in the description? Or is it even possilbe at all?

All caravans allow you to look outside. Even if there isn't a window in the description, it is assumed that one is on a wall somewhere or a small one in the door. From inside every caravan:

>study room

Looking about the interior, you feel you could:
GO DOOR to exit the room
PEER WINDOW to look outside
PUSH (person) to evict someone
TURNing the DOOR once opens it to allow anyone to enter. If you then turn it again, it will allow only someone joined to you to enter.

Best Regards,
~GM Arnimas

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it."
-Benjamin Franklin
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