Transfer Caravan on 09/28/2012 09:03 PM CDT
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I read that at circle 25 you can do something like return caravan at another town other then where your caravan was stabled at. I tried this and wasn't able to make it work, is this something that is an actually ability or was I misinformed?
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Re: Transfer Caravan on 09/28/2012 09:56 PM CDT
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i haven't heard of anything like that with caravans. I believe what you might be referencing is something with the mount system, where you can transfer where a horse is stabled by typing "return horse" and paying the appropriate transfer fee.

Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
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Re: Transfer Caravan on 09/28/2012 10:52 PM CDT
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You can definitely do that with caravans too but I forget the details. It will have to be stabled somewhere, and then go to a different stable and type something (either return caravan or transfer caravan or something like that I think)

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Re: Transfer Caravan on 09/29/2012 07:45 AM CDT
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Thanks to Rajara for a great website!

Info from

Transfer Caravan Traders with at least circle 25 and no outstanding contracts or commodities can transfer thier caravan from stable to stable. If you've left it in Riverhaven, you can now have it delivered in Shard for a small fee and possibly wait time. The cost is 5 gold of whatever currency you're in. You can RETURN CARAVAN at the destination to see about how long it will be until the caravan arrives.

The time to transfer is:
◦30 min for same province
◦1 hour for each province line crossed
◦1 additional hour if either endpoint is on the islands
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Re: Transfer Caravan on 09/30/2012 05:50 PM CDT
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Not a problem! I had fun with the help of many others gathering all the info you see on my site :) Let me know if anything is out of date or missing (or wrong!)!

On a whim...:

The Zoluren army asks, "We're um.... really sorry about the clubhouse and all... so uh... are we cool?"

Train? Why? I'll get there eventually...
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