cross-posted from Events- Festivals/merchants
You see Guild Assistant Auriril Kilaeti, an Elven Trader.
Auriril has an angular face with elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears and thick-lashed crystal green eyes. His silver hair is very long and fine, and is worn loose. He has pale skin and a lean build.
He is very tall for a Elf.
He appears to be an adult.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a black spidersilk satchel, an ivory silk shirt with buttons of carved lapis lazuli, an intricately embroidered sash of golden satin, a pair of silk trousers and some glossy black leather boots with shiny golden buckles.
Indaara whispers, "OOC: A crier can be heard in the distance, faintly at first but growing louder. "Traders! Guild Assistant Auriril is currently at Guild Fest, and he has news! He'll be giving a brief speech outside of Primp My Ride momentarily, and then taking names for a special project!""
Auriril says, "After some tense negotiations and then a period of training and more discussions, quite a bit has happened with Primp My Ride."
You lean against a large sign.
> r sign
A large sign reads:
A decision was reached to split Primp My Ride into two businesses. Primp My Ride's management will maintain a focus on providing customizations to your caravans and pack animals. The new sister business, Custorian's Creations, will focus on furniture and other decorations for your personal space within. We apologize for the delay, and hope the wait was worth it.
--Management of Primp My Ride and Custorian's Creations"
Auriril says, "It's been decided that Primp My Ride will no longer furnished interiors to be sold to our guild's members."
Auriril says, "Instead, the furniture makers and decorators that previously worked with that aspect of the business have opened a separate shop to see to those needs in a more personalized manner."
Auriril gestures at a brick building painted with pieces of furniture sitting before a caravan.
Auriril says, "We've also made arrangements with the various trade ministers to cover selling the personal spaces from the start, so that bit of paperwork won't be handled by visiting merchants."
Auriril says, "This means that those of you who have yet to claim your own personal spaces will no longer need to wait for these valued, but rare, merchants to make appearances."
Auriril says, "It also means that some of you late comers will be getting quite a deal for your initial interior spaces. A number of existing ones need to be sold off before we commit to making more. Primp My Ride has given the guild their notes on these, and we'll be selling those first before any new ones are commissioned."
Auriril says, "A one time, flat rate of 750 platinum in the local currency will be assessed to get an interior space. I don't need to tell you, but some of those went for well over 2000 in the past."
Auriril says, "Now, for those of you who already have your spaces..."
Auriril casually observes the area.
Auriril says, "The Guild wasn't as observant as it should have been when allowing you your purchases. As such, you'll need to meet with a representative to have your existing furniture and decorations documented with the Guild before you're able to take full advantage of the new options."
Auriril gestures at himself.
Auriril says, "For the moment, I'm your representative. I'd like to give a quick tour of the new space, and then we'll make our way to the pavilion to see about making some arrangements."
Auriril directs the guards of Primp My Ride to stand aside.
Auriril says, "Primp My Ride is now available for those wanting to make use of its options. I must confess, they spent their time working on the newer options, and then decided to split the business, so don't expect anything new there."
Auriril gazes up at the sky.
Auriril says, "For now anyways."
Auriril says, "Onwards, then, to see Custorian's Creations."
Auriril points at a brick building painted with pieces of furniture sitting before a caravan.
Auriril says, "Those of you who may have worked with the Estate Holders in the past may notice a familiar arrangement to the wares."
Auriril says, "The Estate Holders have done well for themselves, and Custorian felt it a good model to adopt."
Auriril says, "For those who haven't work with them in the past, you just place an ORDER and the attendant will get you going from there."
Indaara asks, "Do we need to see you first before ordering if we already have an interior?"
Auriril says, "Your purchases will be installed immediately. The ministers are keeping tabs on who's checked in where most recently, so we hope it to be a quick process."
Auriril says, "You can request REMOVAL of existing furniture from the Trader ministers. It's how they'll be keeping tabs on what's where."
Auriril says, "They'll hand you a voucher that details what it's for. You can exchange them with the ministers as well."
Auriril says to Bovi, "You'll be meeting with me initially, or another representative in the future."
Dutosa asks Auriril, "When we meet with you, do we need our caravan with us, or can it remain stabled?"
Auriril says, "Most of you should still be able to make some initial purchases here, even before meeting with a representative."
Auriril says to Dutosa, "We'll simply be taking names for now. We'll pass them along to the ministers around the realms to keep a check for you. Each outpost will hire help, in time, to inventory your spaces."
A busy attendant signals to a pair of assistants and directs them towards an ivory ricepaper screen depicting a sprawling tree. They heft the ricepaper screen with care and head out with it.
Auriril says to Dutosa, "You can check with the ministers about FURNITURE to see how their accounting is going thus far."
Auriril says to Rajara, "It's immediately installed, as with the Estate Holders. You can get a voucher for something inside your caravan by asking the ministers about REMOVAL services."
Auriril says to Rajara, "It's a new service. As they get their bearings, the Guild may request additional options."
Auriril says to Rajara, "The caravans do not need to be stabled."
Auriril quietly says, "Paying a small mint for the hired help to track you all down on the routes."
J> r sign
A sign reads:
"Attention: Please understand that the Guild will allow you surfaces within your personal space, but regulations currently prohibit you from making use of those spaces. Until such time as new regulations are established, any purchased containers are merely decorative in nature. Or else. We hope you understand."
[OOC: 'Container' items will not actually hold items at this time, but may at some future point. They are labeled as such in case future support is added.]
J> order
# | Price | Size | Type | Item
1. | 100000 | large | container | a polished mahogany table with turned legs
2. | 90000 | large | container | a blackwood table set on a thick pedestal
3. | 70000 | large | container | a plain rosewood table
4. | 55000 | large | container | an alder table with green painted legs
5. | 85000 | large | container | a lacewood table with a polished top
6. | 85000 | large | container | a teak table with carved legs
7. | 85000 | large | container | a satinwood table with welkin legs
8. | 50000 | large | container | a cedar plank table
9. | 100000 | large | container | a deobar table inlaid with tiny bronze coins
10. | 80000 | large | container | a pearwood table set on carved raccoon pedestal
Auriril says, "For now, the Guild can't guarantee the safety of your personal belongings. As such, we're not allowing you to store items within the personal spaces. In time, we may review that policy, but we feel it's in everyone's best interest for now."
You ask Auriril, "Can carved furniture be used as well like in home?"
You say to Auriril, "Stuff we can make ourselves rather."
Auriril says to you, "At this time, the guild has not sold crafting plans that meet our specifications. In time, it's likely."
Auriril says, "For those seeking to take a bit of home with you, these...erm...wares...should help."
Rajara asks, "Is there a way to recall your caravan like ya do with homes?"
Rajara asks, "To know whats inside?"
Auriril says to Rajara, "I'd hope you could remember the basics, but the ministers will tell you about your FURNITURE. In time, we may see about methods to jog your memory without a minister."
# | Price | Size | Type | Item
1. | 45000 | medium | object | a bundle of dirty clothes
2. | 9500 | medium | object | a stack of dirty dishes
3. | 12500 | medium | object | several empty wine bottles
4. | 120000 | medium | object | a stack of wrapped gifts
5. | 40000 | medium | object | some dirty tools
6. | 95000 | medium | object | an opened armor polishing kit
7. | 100000 | medium | object | an opened weapon maintenance kit
8. | 5000 | small | object | some warring dust bunnies
9. | 5000 | small | object | a pile of wood shavings
10. | 12500 | small | object | a collection of differently styled left shoes
11. | 5000 | small | object | a pile of dust
12. | 5000 | small | object | a heap of sand
13. | 7500 | small | object | a clump of dried roses
14. | 6750 | small | object | a trio of half-burned candles
15. | 12000 | small | object | some scented candles
16. | 12000 | small | object | some rolls of wrapping paper
17. | 8000 | small | object | a shaving cup
18. | 7500 | small | object | a stack of velvet coasters
19. | 5500 | small | object | a collection of broken arrowheads
20. | 20000 | small | object | a colorful seashell collection
21. | 5500 | small | object | some unfinished love letters
22. | 12000 | small | object | some scraps of leather
23. | 10000 | small | object | some crumpled manuscripts
24. | 15000 | small | object | a sketch book
25. | 34000 | small | object | an unfinished canvas
26. | 7500 | small | object | a deck of tattered cards
27. | 7500 | small | object | a board game with obviously missing pieces
28. | 7500 | small | object | a feather duster
29. | 90000 | small | object | a mud-stained mat with layers of grime stomped into it
30. | 80000 | small | object | a simple portrait depicting a regal Elf clutching sacks of gold
J> order
# | Price | Size | Type | Item
1. | 50000 | n/a | door | a simple open entryway
2. | 100000 | n/a | door | a wide granite arch
3. | 100000 | n/a | door | a hammered metal arch
4. | 100000 | n/a | door | a delicately ribbed ricepaper screen highlighted in green
5. | 120000 | n/a | door | an ivory ricepaper screen depicting a sprawling tree
6. | 100000 | n/a | door | a simple door papered with a purple and ivory floral pattern
7. | 70000 | n/a | door | a narrow door papered with wide black and white stripes
8. | 50000 | n/a | door | a gaudy door papered with vibrant blue and gold stripes
9. | 150000 | n/a | door | a white birch door painted with the Trader's Guild crest
10. | 120000 | n/a | door | a stained walnut door carved with a large raven
11. | 90000 | n/a | door | a goldenoak door painted with a merry welkin
12. | 55000 | n/a | door | a lacquered redwood door polished to a high gloss
13. | 55000 | n/a | door | a lemonwood door carved with coins
14. | 80000 | n/a | door | a red door painted with a giant golden coin
15. | 80000 | n/a | door | a blue door painted with a silver coin
16. | 80000 | n/a | door | a yellow door painted with a platinum coin
17. | 90000 | n/a | door | a gold-plated door with a silver doorknob
18. | 55000 | n/a | door | a fir door braced with thick iron bands
A busy attendant taps you on the shoulder and says, "You may browse, but you aren't a member of the Traders' Guild. You cannot make purchases."
Auriril says, "Custorian could only make so many arrangements and still open before the festival ended. I've heard he has a great deal more in his plans for the future."
1. | 200000 | medium | object | an elegant ivory velvet settee
2. | 100000 | medium | object | a carved dark ironwood bench
3. | 200000 | medium | object | an embroidered golden silk chair
4. | 200000 | medium | object | a rich black cashmere armchair
5. | 200000 | medium | object | a dark red velvet armchair
6. | 200000 | medium | object | a carved dark ironwood chair
7. | 200000 | large | object | a plump black velvet couch
8. | 200000 | large | object | a rich black cashmere sofa
9. | 400000 | large | object | a claw-footed mahogany bed
10. | 400000 | large | object | a red-curtained ironwood bed
11. | 400000 | large | object | a shaal-wood bed with a scrolled headboard
12. | 100000 | medium | object | a simple pine cot
Auriril says, "I'm sure you've noticed that the catalogs designate the furniture by size. This ensures that no caravan becomes exceptionally cramped. There's no need to try cramming ten beds within a single space."
Auriril says, "For now, Custorian and the Guild have agreed to allow you a door, four small items, three medium items and two large items."
OOC: outpost is n, 2 east, sw, se go stable, go outpost from inside theren gate"
Dutosa whispers to your group, "OOC: the minister is in the exchange, sw of bank, go exchange, go door"
(I think you need to see the minister not the outpost in Theren, i dunno though)
Auriril says to Mofasah, "You'll still need to meet the established requirements, yes. Custorian has instructed his staff to display the wares to anyone, but only those of sufficient standing may make purchases."
Auriril says, "So! I believe this concludes the tour."
Auriril says, "Those of you who have your own personal space already, or who can make a trip to claim one, we'll be heading over the pavilion. I'll take down your names and then send the list on to the outposts so that they can begin working on taking your inventory."
Auriril says, "There will be a 5 platinum fee to join the list, but everyone who makes the list will have their name passed along."
Mofasah asks, "I don't need that service since I just purchased my interior from the ministry, right?"
Auriril says to Mofasah, "Everyone will need it for the time being, I'm afraid. We don't have a proper accounting of any of the work that was done before. In time, we may be able to hire additional help to check the stables of those less active on the routes."
Auriril says, "For now, however, this is another one of those 'price for being an early adopter' things, to ensure you have full use of your space."
Mofasah says to Auriril, "I meant literally during your speech I snuck out and talked to the ministry about the new seven hundred fifty platinum fee."
Auriril says to Mofasah, "I'm afraid you still need to meet with me for the time being. We haven't managed to streamline the process yet. The outposts are focused on getting you outfitted and on your way, not on the paperwork yet."
Auriril makes a grunting noise.
Auriril says to you, "You can make some exterior modifications as a younger member of the guild. The interior spaces, however, require at least 50 lessons."
Auriril asks, "Just so we're clear -- I'll be restricting the list to only members of our Guild who have achieved 50 lessons in training. If one of you manages to join it and pay the fee and you DON'T already have your interior in place, you're just out the 5 plat joining fee. Clear?"
Auriril says, "So then! Let's get this going so you all can get back to work. Coin to be made after I make mine off of you."
Enjoy! and run!!!! unless you read this too late..
An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
Custorian's creations and primp my ride open on 06/12/2013 12:40 AM CDT
Re: Custorian's creations and primp my ride open on 06/12/2013 08:49 AM CDT
Re: Custorian's creations and primp my ride open on 06/12/2013 08:57 AM CDT
This is my current interior:
Sliding doors provide some measure of privacy for the narrow box bed built in to the front wall. A quartet of drawers, tucked neatly into the wall beneath the bed, provide a modest amount of personal storage. Ornately carved pearwood accents the door and window frames, setting off the rich mahogany that panels the walls. You also see a small stool placed beside the bed.
I'm wondering what the furniture count is in that.
Will the large furniture slots be swappable like they are in premium homes? I'm just curious. I rather like the box bed but I don't know if I'll keep it or not. When we buy a chair, is it a single chair so that we have to buy more than one if we want multiple seats? So far it looks like chairs are the only 'medium' item and we can have three of that size but the chairs seem expensive if you only get one.
I'd like to see a mahogany door with brass trim to match the table. I'd also like to see pearwood in the selections since it would match my interior. I understand more items are coming later, I'm just getting some suggestions in now.
Gnara the Gnome Trader (and others) player
Sliding doors provide some measure of privacy for the narrow box bed built in to the front wall. A quartet of drawers, tucked neatly into the wall beneath the bed, provide a modest amount of personal storage. Ornately carved pearwood accents the door and window frames, setting off the rich mahogany that panels the walls. You also see a small stool placed beside the bed.
I'm wondering what the furniture count is in that.
Will the large furniture slots be swappable like they are in premium homes? I'm just curious. I rather like the box bed but I don't know if I'll keep it or not. When we buy a chair, is it a single chair so that we have to buy more than one if we want multiple seats? So far it looks like chairs are the only 'medium' item and we can have three of that size but the chairs seem expensive if you only get one.
I'd like to see a mahogany door with brass trim to match the table. I'd also like to see pearwood in the selections since it would match my interior. I understand more items are coming later, I'm just getting some suggestions in now.
Gnara the Gnome Trader (and others) player
Re: Custorian's creations and primp my ride open on 06/12/2013 09:56 AM CDT
# | Price | Size | Type | Item
1. | 200000 | medium | object | an elegant ivory velvet settee
2. | 100000 | medium | object | a carved dark ironwood bench
3. | 200000 | medium | object | an embroidered golden silk chair
4. | 200000 | medium | object | a rich black cashmere armchair
5. | 200000 | medium | object | a dark red velvet armchair
6. | 200000 | medium | object | a carved dark ironwood chair
7. | 200000 | large | object | a plump black velvet couch
8. | 200000 | large | object | a rich black cashmere sofa
9. | 400000 | large | object | a claw-footed mahogany bed
10. | 400000 | large | object | a red-curtained ironwood bed
11. | 400000 | large | object | a shaal-wood bed with a scrolled headboard
12. | 100000 | medium | object | a simple pine cot
I understand that the small sized decorative items are 'object' but the door room lists type as 'door' and the table room lists type as 'container'. So... why do the chairs, couches, beds, etc, in this room just say 'object' without stating what type? Are the beds and chairs and such not functional the way that they are in premium homes? That rich black cashmere sofa in a premium home goes in the bed slot and works just like the beds too. So if I buy the sofa is it going to replace my bed?
Gnara the Gnome Trader (and others) player
1. | 200000 | medium | object | an elegant ivory velvet settee
2. | 100000 | medium | object | a carved dark ironwood bench
3. | 200000 | medium | object | an embroidered golden silk chair
4. | 200000 | medium | object | a rich black cashmere armchair
5. | 200000 | medium | object | a dark red velvet armchair
6. | 200000 | medium | object | a carved dark ironwood chair
7. | 200000 | large | object | a plump black velvet couch
8. | 200000 | large | object | a rich black cashmere sofa
9. | 400000 | large | object | a claw-footed mahogany bed
10. | 400000 | large | object | a red-curtained ironwood bed
11. | 400000 | large | object | a shaal-wood bed with a scrolled headboard
12. | 100000 | medium | object | a simple pine cot
I understand that the small sized decorative items are 'object' but the door room lists type as 'door' and the table room lists type as 'container'. So... why do the chairs, couches, beds, etc, in this room just say 'object' without stating what type? Are the beds and chairs and such not functional the way that they are in premium homes? That rich black cashmere sofa in a premium home goes in the bed slot and works just like the beds too. So if I buy the sofa is it going to replace my bed?
Gnara the Gnome Trader (and others) player
Re: Custorian's creations and primp my ride open on 06/12/2013 11:12 AM CDT
>>I understand that the small sized decorative items are 'object' but the door room lists type as 'door' and the table room lists type as 'container'. So... why do the chairs, couches, beds, etc, in this room just say 'object' without stating what type?
This probably has no real meaning beyond what they decided to name furniture behind the scenes.
>>Are the beds and chairs and such not functional the way that they are in premium homes?
They work just like in homes. You can sit on both the armchair and sofa and even lay on the sofa.
>>That rich black cashmere sofa in a premium home goes in the bed slot and works just like the beds too. So if I buy the sofa is it going to replace my bed?
It shouldn't unless you have both your large sized slots filled. It will tell you if you are replacing something when you order it, though it might not if your furniture has not been updated yet.
This probably has no real meaning beyond what they decided to name furniture behind the scenes.
>>Are the beds and chairs and such not functional the way that they are in premium homes?
They work just like in homes. You can sit on both the armchair and sofa and even lay on the sofa.
>>That rich black cashmere sofa in a premium home goes in the bed slot and works just like the beds too. So if I buy the sofa is it going to replace my bed?
It shouldn't unless you have both your large sized slots filled. It will tell you if you are replacing something when you order it, though it might not if your furniture has not been updated yet.
Re: Custorian's creations and primp my ride open on 06/12/2013 12:18 PM CDT
>I love that the black cashmere armchairs and sofa from the home furniture system are also in the caravan system!
Yay! Home shops are a good source to pull furniture from, but ultimately it's up to the shop owners to decide if they want their descriptions to be shared with POCs or not. For my own shops, I'll be converting as much as I can to be used as POC furniture and some of the older 24/7 furniture shops as well.
>I'm wondering what the furniture count is in that.
Your interior has 3 "things" you can interact with -- a bed, a door and a small tool. The drawers aren't actually there, so aren't counting against you. Only stuff you can interact with counts. The door is a door; the bed will be converted to a large item; the stool will be small or medium.
>Will the large furniture slots be swappable like they are in premium homes?
Not quite like homes, no. You can turn them into furniture slips to move stuff around and swap things out, but each piece of furniture in your POC is its own thing.
>When we buy a chair, is it a single chair so that we have to buy more than one if we want multiple seats?
With the current selection, a chair is just a single chair. In the future, I'd like to do something like homes where you can pull others out, but that's a bit off.
>Are the beds and chairs and such not functional the way that they are in premium homes?
All of those beds/chairs work in so far as you can sit and lie on them. They do not have the additional mechanics that home beds do -- you can't pull the furniture around to make it face other furniture, etc.
>So if I buy the sofa is it going to replace my bed?
Unlike homes, the only replacement mechanism in place is for the door. The rest simply add as long as you have an open space. If you don't have room for it, it tells you to go talk to a minister to have something removed to make room for the new before allowing you to buy it. So no, a sofa will never replace a bed, but it may show up next to it if you have room.
>So... why do the chairs, couches, beds, etc, in this room just say 'object' without stating what type?
Like I said in another post, we opted NOT to go with specific "slots" like homes (doors, beds, tables, fire source, armor storage, weapon storage, etc), but instead to classify things by size. It gives everyone more freedom in decorating their interior and for staff to make items (Gnome-sized beds could be 'small' items!). That said, there are still certain 'types' of items. Containers, objects, doors and atmospherics are the 4 'types' of items. For the moment, there are no atmospherics released. The 'type' classification is more of a mechanics point of view so you know what you're buying, but truthfully it could be hidden with little long-term impact.
Containers -- while we don't allow storage inside the POC right now, if we ever do in the future, it makes sense for you to have items capable of holding stuff in place so that we don't have to jump through hoops doing ANOTHER conversion at that point. Items designated as 'container' fill that role.
Objects -- this will primarily be what your furniture is. Even if we allow storage in the future, these types of items can't hold other items.
Doors -- are just that. Nothing fancy here.
Atmospherics -- ideally these will be things that provide periodic atmospheric messaging to your caravan. Something like a brazier, or incense, or a pet. From a mechanics point of view, we could use objects for this, but classifying them as their own thing makes it easy for you to know ahead of time. Not everyone will want three sets of candles that are all spamming messaging inside along with a pet rock rolling around too.
>I understand more items are coming later, I'm just getting some suggestions in now.
SGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
Premium Lead
Trader Guild Advocate
Yay! Home shops are a good source to pull furniture from, but ultimately it's up to the shop owners to decide if they want their descriptions to be shared with POCs or not. For my own shops, I'll be converting as much as I can to be used as POC furniture and some of the older 24/7 furniture shops as well.
>I'm wondering what the furniture count is in that.
Your interior has 3 "things" you can interact with -- a bed, a door and a small tool. The drawers aren't actually there, so aren't counting against you. Only stuff you can interact with counts. The door is a door; the bed will be converted to a large item; the stool will be small or medium.
>Will the large furniture slots be swappable like they are in premium homes?
Not quite like homes, no. You can turn them into furniture slips to move stuff around and swap things out, but each piece of furniture in your POC is its own thing.
>When we buy a chair, is it a single chair so that we have to buy more than one if we want multiple seats?
With the current selection, a chair is just a single chair. In the future, I'd like to do something like homes where you can pull others out, but that's a bit off.
>Are the beds and chairs and such not functional the way that they are in premium homes?
All of those beds/chairs work in so far as you can sit and lie on them. They do not have the additional mechanics that home beds do -- you can't pull the furniture around to make it face other furniture, etc.
>So if I buy the sofa is it going to replace my bed?
Unlike homes, the only replacement mechanism in place is for the door. The rest simply add as long as you have an open space. If you don't have room for it, it tells you to go talk to a minister to have something removed to make room for the new before allowing you to buy it. So no, a sofa will never replace a bed, but it may show up next to it if you have room.
>So... why do the chairs, couches, beds, etc, in this room just say 'object' without stating what type?
Like I said in another post, we opted NOT to go with specific "slots" like homes (doors, beds, tables, fire source, armor storage, weapon storage, etc), but instead to classify things by size. It gives everyone more freedom in decorating their interior and for staff to make items (Gnome-sized beds could be 'small' items!). That said, there are still certain 'types' of items. Containers, objects, doors and atmospherics are the 4 'types' of items. For the moment, there are no atmospherics released. The 'type' classification is more of a mechanics point of view so you know what you're buying, but truthfully it could be hidden with little long-term impact.
Containers -- while we don't allow storage inside the POC right now, if we ever do in the future, it makes sense for you to have items capable of holding stuff in place so that we don't have to jump through hoops doing ANOTHER conversion at that point. Items designated as 'container' fill that role.
Objects -- this will primarily be what your furniture is. Even if we allow storage in the future, these types of items can't hold other items.
Doors -- are just that. Nothing fancy here.
Atmospherics -- ideally these will be things that provide periodic atmospheric messaging to your caravan. Something like a brazier, or incense, or a pet. From a mechanics point of view, we could use objects for this, but classifying them as their own thing makes it easy for you to know ahead of time. Not everyone will want three sets of candles that are all spamming messaging inside along with a pet rock rolling around too.
>I understand more items are coming later, I'm just getting some suggestions in now.
SGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
Premium Lead
Trader Guild Advocate
Re: Custorian's creations and primp my ride open on 06/12/2013 03:04 PM CDT
I want a calico kitten for my caravan! When you get around to atmospherics, will they count as small items? I would think that something like a pet would.
Thanks for answering all those questions. Unless you DO come up with a gnome-sized bed, I think I'll keep my box bed. It's really too bad the drawers can't be storage someday cause I love how they're under the bed.
My POC looks small on the outside because it belongs to a gnome and I did the alteration that way. So a Gnome-sized bed that registered as 'small' for her would be great. But would big people be able to sit on it? Just a thought. How about a Gnome-sized desk and chair, both 'small'? I can see it now. "Small" desk, chair, and bed for the caravan owner and larger stuff for guests.
Gnara the Gnome Trader's (and others)
Thanks for answering all those questions. Unless you DO come up with a gnome-sized bed, I think I'll keep my box bed. It's really too bad the drawers can't be storage someday cause I love how they're under the bed.
My POC looks small on the outside because it belongs to a gnome and I did the alteration that way. So a Gnome-sized bed that registered as 'small' for her would be great. But would big people be able to sit on it? Just a thought. How about a Gnome-sized desk and chair, both 'small'? I can see it now. "Small" desk, chair, and bed for the caravan owner and larger stuff for guests.
Gnara the Gnome Trader's (and others)
Re: Custorian's creations and primp my ride open on 06/12/2013 03:33 PM CDT
depends on the pet size like the rest of the furniture I'd think... A bug, mouse, or bird would be small. and I'm guessing something like a good-sized dog would be medium. Something like a great dane, or a bear(guard bear?) would be large.
other suggestiolns for pet ideas:
chickens, a goat, baby yak, sheep, similiar livestock... and having a caravan with a buncha chickens running around would be neat too.
smells that maybe invoke a feeling- money, profit, guilt, tears, depression/despair , and of course manure.
beaded curtain made of interlinked coins, loft bed or some kind of bunk bed with a desk/work space below it, stove or other cooking spaces
I imagine with all the junk a trader might carry with them in their portable office/living space, some of the caravans might end up looking like a cramped Hong Kong apartment or something.
something like these - but I'd assume things would be arranged so they don't topple over when traveling.
An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
other suggestiolns for pet ideas:
chickens, a goat, baby yak, sheep, similiar livestock... and having a caravan with a buncha chickens running around would be neat too.
smells that maybe invoke a feeling- money, profit, guilt, tears, depression/despair , and of course manure.
beaded curtain made of interlinked coins, loft bed or some kind of bunk bed with a desk/work space below it, stove or other cooking spaces
I imagine with all the junk a trader might carry with them in their portable office/living space, some of the caravans might end up looking like a cramped Hong Kong apartment or something.
something like these - but I'd assume things would be arranged so they don't topple over when traveling.
An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
Re: Custorian's creations and primp my ride open on 06/12/2013 04:52 PM CDT