Possible mobile gem/bundle selling. on 10/19/2014 09:10 AM CDT
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Och nice a mobile gem and furrier shop for us traders to sell pouches and bundles on the road. At least I hope.
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Re: Possible mobile gem/bundle selling. on 10/20/2014 12:36 PM CDT
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>>That's certainly an interesting idea. What kind of services can (or should) you and your caravans provide?

I'd like to see some feedback on caravans for the following:

1. Custom route creation. Get rid of most of the already coded routes (or keep them), and implement a system where we can create our own routes by leading the caravan once, inscribing the route into our ledger. Then we could use this custom route just like a normal caravan route.

2. Fix commodities. While this is not caravans specifically, the only way to trade commodities is with a caravan. Make commodities an actual system that people want to use. I'm probably the only trader to use commodities. Otherwise, about commodities, my ledger now is frozen on commodities purchased through out time (due to the quick fix for the game crashing 65,000 variable bug). It is effectively broken. I think either the variable size issue should be fixed, or the "You have bought the following Commodities:" section should just be removed from the ledger.

3. rework caravan death to take longer than an hour. (or two?) 2 hours real life is 8? hours gametime. No animal would die after 16 hours of last being fed. Give us a reasonable time to be afk/at the store without requiring us to stable it every time we need to go to the bathroom. Contract times themselves don't need to change. (this is probably a dead horse, but you try going to the store for any reasonable time, then come back to your idle caravan being dead). I'm sure caravan death is coded how it is to prevent game lag due to idle caravans or some other legitimate reason. But are there really that many caravans out?

these are just some random thoughts, i'll post again when i have time to think of other caravan issues/desires.
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Re: Possible mobile gem/bundle selling. on 10/20/2014 02:00 PM CDT
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here's some more idea's without regard to their feasibility. The first two are probably the only real suggestions/ideas. the other two are random thoughts.

1. A notification if your caravan runs someone over, while you are INSIDE the caravan. As of now, if you are OUTSIDE, and your caravan runs someone over, you get the thump, bump notice. If you are inside the caravan, no notification happens that your caravan just ran someone over. I expect this is possible, somehow as the caravan destination arrived notification comes in.

2. i thought there was a way to unlock your caravan door to allow anyone to walk in. Isnt there? if not there could be locks on the door to either deny entry or allow entry to anyone. maybe this was the show door to player function, i forget. I'd like others to be able to see my caravan traveling, and just walk inside and ask if i could sell a pouch or whatever. they cannot contact me otherwise since i'm inside the caravan, gweths be damned.

3. Let anyone "join" a caravan. You see a caravan going down the road, you can join it, and will follow the caravan to its destination. Pointless really, but caravan destinations can be determined by looking at the caravan contents.

4. allow use of the shelf items inside the caravan aswell. I expect this is impossible, but as the shelf turns one item outdoors, it could turn the other three items indoors.

more random thoughts to come soon
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Re: more suggestions on 10/20/2014 04:55 PM CDT
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Hopefully these come across as suggestions, as i know many of my posts are taken more negatively than i mean them to.

1. I posted a suggestion for caravan's and feeding troughs at the fest in the festival suggestion folder. So traders attending the fest can park thier caravan in the entry room without having to worry about feeding it.

2. above number 1 suggestion could be eliminated if there were a device we could affix to our caravan so it could feed until the device was empty. Say a portable feed bucket.
>attach my feedbucket to caravan
>You attach a feedbucket to your caravan, it will stay where it is until it runs out of feed. You would not be able to move the caravan with the feedingbucket (maybe the feedbag) attached to it, and if your caravan was lost/died the feeding bucket would be lost forever.

3. These suggestions all started with the new gem pouch/bundle coming from a caravan. While i appreciate the new function, this function seemed redundant since (A). trader has to be there to provide the pouch or rope? (B). A trader attendant can already provide these items, so why was this added to the caravan also? (C). i dont know, maybe for wilderness needs, but if you're going to give caravan's furriers and gem pouch providers, why not allow them to appraise the gem pouch or bundle also to determine value. furthur in the idea, is the original idea of having actual furriers/appraisers buy actual pouches and bundles on the route. For this i would expect a fee to be added.

4. allow attendants/hirelings to be hired anywhere your caravan is present in the room with you. I would consider for this that anywhere that my caravan is present could be considered in town as far as hirelings are concerned. (Not thieves tho!)

again, all theses are just random thoughts. If you were looking for things that cross my mind that might be helpful but maybe not then look above.
Please do not take any of my posts to mean negative things or criticism on how things are. Just constructive thoughts.
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Re: more suggestions on 10/20/2014 11:16 PM CDT
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Or if not a bucket for the feeding, maybe a hireling you pay a fee and in one spot only where it is parked your caravan will be fed for x amount of hours? Which time can be increased as you raise your circle in the guild?

On a whim...: http://www.lostonawhim.com/

The Zoluren army asks, "We're um.... really sorry about the clubhouse and all... so uh... are we cool?"

Train? Why? I'll get there eventually...
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Re: more suggestions on 10/21/2014 12:31 PM CDT
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The below started a discussion at Simucon:

<3. These suggestions all started with the new gem pouch/bundle coming from a caravan. While i appreciate the new function, this function seemed redundant since (A). trader has to be there to provide the pouch or rope? (B). A trader attendant can already provide these items, so why was this added to the caravan also? (C). i dont know, maybe for wilderness needs, but if you're going to give caravan's furriers and gem pouch providers, why not allow them to appraise the gem pouch or bundle also to determine value. furthur in the idea, is the original idea of having actual furriers/appraisers buy actual pouches and bundles on the route. For this i would expect a fee to be added.

GM Socharis was thinking that in the future we could build our own outposts in the wilderness. Buying and selling gem pouches and bundles as well as have our own shop(s). Shop(s) meaning we could have others out there renting our rooms. For example: Locksmith, forging, tailoring, repairs, etc. We'd eventually build our own Outpost behind walls.


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Re: more suggestions on 10/21/2014 12:32 PM CDT
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>>Or if not a bucket for the feeding, maybe a hireling you pay a fee and in one spot only where it is parked your caravan will be fed for x amount of hours? Which time can be increased as you raise your circle in the guild?

more good hireling suggestions like this plz.
after more research its what, 30 minutes of logged out, and 3 hours of logged in before a caravan disappears? (it sure seems alot less than 3 hours)

if you had a hireling with X hours of grass that would feed it for X hours, (regardless if you were logged in or out?), then after that X hours of grass expired, then whatever normal counter governed the caravan's disappearance at the time would just resume. Replace X hours of grass with X pieces of grass if you want.

This could obviously cost something, like most hirelings. I would also hope to receive messages from my feeding hireling if he was close to out of feed, (if i was in game). That way i can come back and give him more feed so the caravan wont die.
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Re: more suggestions on 10/21/2014 12:34 PM CDT
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>>GM Socharis was thinking that in the future we could build our own outposts in the wilderness. Buying and selling gem pouches and bundles as well as have our own shop(s). Shop(s) meaning we could have others out there renting our rooms. For example: Locksmith, forging, tailoring, repairs, etc. We'd eventually build our own Outpost behind walls.

that's intriguing and interesting to say the least.
we can dream that someday someone will find the time to do this.
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Re: more suggestions on 10/21/2014 12:40 PM CDT
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Actually, it was on GM Socharis' radar to do after our introduction to magic was completed and the commodities were rewritten. The commodities rewrite got pushed back by 3.0.


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Re: more suggestions on 10/21/2014 12:42 PM CDT
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<1. I posted a suggestion for caravan's and feeding troughs at the fest in the festival suggestion folder. So traders attending the fest can park thier caravan in the entry room without having to worry about feeding it.

Hmm I would prefer a stable there instead of a lot of caravans milling about the room. That way we would pay to transfer them to that stable and we can unstable them and pay to stable them using the Forfedhdar fees. Giving us access to the storage boxes on the caravans(level 35 ability).

Note: I posted the above in the same Events category you posted the suggestion in.


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Re: more suggestions on 10/21/2014 01:28 PM CDT
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ya, a stable is a much better idea for that congestion reason.

but wouldn't it be awesome to have 30 or whatever caravans milling about? :)
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Re: more suggestions on 10/21/2014 02:35 PM CDT
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We tried that caravan schtick back when we were on strike! We got poopooed by the GMs for it. The other problem is when we all go into the stable and request our caravan and we have two or more caravans in the room with traders trying to put stuff into their storage boxes! hehe fun times.


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