POC caravans on 10/29/2014 08:43 PM CDT
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I realized my site was lacking in the POC section so just added that for anyone who needed it ;) For those that already have (or will have in the future) an altered caravan please let me know what it looks like! I need the tap and look, would like to compile a list of caravans and who owns them if you're willing to share, thanks! You can either reply here or email me at ellusionzg1@gmail.com

On a whim...: http://www.lostonawhim.com/

The Zoluren army asks, "We're um.... really sorry about the clubhouse and all... so uh... are we cool?"

Train? Why? I'll get there eventually...
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Re: POC caravans on 11/24/2014 08:25 PM CST
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Keep in mind that my main trader is in Plat- but I do have a custom POC. I've not obtained new furniture yet, but I can get you a Look at what I do have.

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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