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Player owned caravans? on 04/27/2020 10:33 AM CDT
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A few questions about them.

So I tried to purchase an interior from the minister and was told he received a memo that the design is not available anymore. He never said what the design was so I'm not sure what's happening with this. I was hoping to to purchase a caravan for a few reasons.

I want to be able to go inside the caravan for a few reasons:
First, to prevent people from stealing my money.
Second, to be save from invasions along the trade routes.

If there is a different way to purchase a caravan with an interior please let me know. If this is not available anymore please let me know if/when it becomes available again.

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Re: Player owned caravans? on 04/28/2020 03:46 AM CDT
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That is strange! I got my interior during a fest about the same time I got my caravan. It sounds like a bug. Good luck getting it fixed!

Player of many!

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Player owned caravans? on 04/30/2020 12:36 PM CDT
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I believe you need to be level 50 to get an interior room for your caravan.


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Re: Player owned caravans? on 05/02/2020 07:37 PM CDT
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Currently level 55. Was Level 54 when I tried to purchase the interior.

Does one need to own a caravan before trying to buy the interior? That might be why I'm having issues as I don't own a caravan. I just keep renting them from the clerk when I want to do a bunch of trading for money and experience.
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Re: Player owned caravans? on 05/02/2020 08:22 PM CDT
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You never really "own" the caravan. You keep renting it or store it in a stable. Originally, interiors were only available from shops at festivals. When they were made available through the trade ministers they took all the interiors that hadn't sold out and you got assigned one of them when you bought your interior from the trade minister. I guess it's possible that it accidentally tried to assign you an interior that had been completely assigned and trying again may fix the issue. I suppose it's also possible that all of the interiors have been assigned, and you'll have to wait for the GMs to add more. That seems unlikely as there were over 100 unassigned interiors when the system was changed.

Or it could be something else completely and the GMs have been looking at it since you buged it in game. You did bug it in game, right?

“I’m sorry that your mystical, godlike powers do not instantly work as you would like them to.”
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Re: Player owned caravans? on 07/05/2020 07:18 AM CDT
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Reply Reply it possible to find out if the minister is just not rotating stocks of caravan interior? I think he's stuck on this one. ::nudge:: ::nudge:: hehe.

A plush bedroll rests along one wall with a artificial fire pit nearby. Though carved of wood, the fire pit has been cleverly painted to reveal the surrounding stones and even brightly painted flames along the firewood. The walls and ceiling are the color of the night sky with small embedded crystals resembling stars.
Obvious exits: none.
Placed around the interior, you see: some furniture and other bits of interest.

Can we get a new one please?!

player of
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Re: Player owned caravans? on 07/07/2020 09:17 PM CDT
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Interiors don't rotate. According to the initial GM post that interior is the only one that will be sold until enough Traders buy it and it is sold out.

“I’m sorry that your mystical, godlike powers do not instantly work as you would like them to.”
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Re: Player owned caravans? on 07/07/2020 10:46 PM CDT
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7 RL years? About what a 1/3 of the life of DR (lil more than a 1/3), sheesh.
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