Tables and Shops on 07/13/2010 06:32 PM CDT
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Is it just me, or has the opening of shops essentially ruined table trading. I opened for a couple of nights in the market tent and basically got called 'a table trader' and told my stuff sucks. Well my trader is level 20. I basically have nothing to look forward to, until I can own a shop. Assuming more open. I have seen a shop open for two weeks with essentially nothing inside. What's the point of that?
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Re: Tables and Shops on 07/13/2010 07:07 PM CDT
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One obviously miserable character's opinion that your stuff sucks is not something you should take to heart. Shrug it off and keep doing what you think is fun.

It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life. ~ Bilbo Baggins
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Re: Tables and Shops on 07/13/2010 08:36 PM CDT
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Well it does seem like shops that are semi-permanently open would mostly ruin table trading, since they attempt to do the same thing but shops have a pretty huge advantage. But I wouldn't let one person's opinion get you down either, if you really want to get your table trading business going then I think there's no real reason why it can't work. You're pretty much capable of doing the same thing that a Trader with a permanent shop can, it would just require more work

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Re: Tables and Shops on 07/14/2010 02:52 PM CDT
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I posted about this a while ago and have been hoping they will move the tables to a better place, in with the shops or closer. I believe one of the things that have slowed table shopping is since the opening of the shops not many folks even bother to come into the tent anymore. I opened a table a few weeks ago sent a crier and gwethed twice in about 2 hours and all I got were other traders looking for teaching and Empaths checking for life. Atalas.
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Re: Tables and Shops on 07/14/2010 04:40 PM CDT
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if instead of grouping us all together in a plaza, if the shops were allowed to exist on the streets, individually throughout the city, this would of never been a problem
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