It's happening on 10/08/2017 09:42 AM CDT
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Based on the "Strange Goings On -- A Teaser" GM post and the invasion events of this morning, I'm convinced that the long-awaited arrival of Trader Magic is imminent. Clearly extraplanar mathematical creatures using an unfamiliar Lunar spell with a bureaucratic bent? To me, this can only mean one thing.

Additionally, some of the defenders shared some logs and it seems that the creatures are under a curse from Harawep - when the curse is lifted, they sort of go "wait, what am I doing here?" and wander off into the darkness. Given this, I wouldn't be surprised if it's tied in with the upcoming HE, and I think that would be a lot of fun.

I'm really excited, this is something I've been looking forward to (as have so many others) for quite some time. Here's to a smooth launch of a new era for Traders!
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Re: It's happening on 10/08/2017 10:07 AM CDT
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I'm hopefully optimistic about this, but I'm not going to reactivate my trader just yet.
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Re: It's happening on 10/11/2017 05:50 AM CDT
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>>Additionally, some of the defenders shared some logs and it seems that the creatures are under a curse ...

They are corrupted. It's not quite a 'curse' in the literal sense, but they are absolutely under the influence of bad energies.

>> ... from Harawep

There is some intentional confusion about the source at this point in the event, but if you paid close attention to both last year's HE events and some other Trader, Necromancer, and Moon Mage events and lore, you may be able to figure out what exactly is going on.

>>I wouldn't be surprised if it's tied in with the upcoming HE, and I think that would be a lot of fun.

The current events are absolutely tied in with the upcoming HE. They are also importantly tied in to Traders (and a few others).

>>I'm really excited, this is something I've been looking forward to (as have so many others) for quite some time. Here's to a smooth launch of a new era for Traders!

:D :D

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Re: It's happening on 10/12/2017 05:35 AM CDT
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>>if you paid close attention to both last year's HE events and some other Trader, Necromancer, and Moon Mage events and lore, you may be able to figure out what exactly is going on.

I wasn't around for last year's HE and I often get a little overwhelmed by lore stuff, so I don't think I'll be putting the entire puzzle together (without some serious research). But I did get some interesting information from a little bird about the possibility of someone in the guild negotiating what is likely to be a very ill-advised contract...

At any rate, this setup is shaping up to be really cool. I have some unavoidable heavy travel and errands and things right smack in the middle of HE, but I'm looking forward to seeing and interacting with as much of it as I can.
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Re: It's happening on 10/12/2017 08:13 AM CDT
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>There is some intentional confusion about the source at this point in the event, but if you paid close attention to both last year's HE events and some other Trader, Necromancer, and Moon Mage events and lore, you may be able to figure out what exactly is going on.

bahaha, oh man. This is awesome.
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Re: It's happening on 10/12/2017 08:35 AM CDT
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Help out those of us with poor memories. Are we talking about that necromancer pulling people away for body transformations?

Is the implication that traders are making a pact with the demons for their new power/
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Re: It's happening on 10/12/2017 12:04 PM CDT
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>>Help out those of us with poor memories. Are we talking about that necromancer pulling people away for body transformations?

>>Is the implication that traders are making a pact with the demons for their new power/

I think this is more the whole "mechanical spider is now somehow half spider through who knows what actions that are taking place"

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: It's happening on 10/12/2017 01:52 PM CDT
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>K: The state of things is most certainly intentional. It was you [who did it]! And Her. Mostly Her. You helped Her with the completion of Her Work, this glorious creature! This creation is Her Avatar! To reside upon this Plane as She desires!

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Re: It's happening on 10/12/2017 02:47 PM CDT
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> I think this is more the whole "mechanical spider is now somehow half spider through who knows what actions that are taking place"

Hm.. I vaguely recall this. Is there a cliff notes summary of key events somewhere? Or better yet, bring this up annual history of Hallow's eve lecture in game!
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Re: It's happening on 10/12/2017 03:46 PM CDT
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>Is there a cliff notes summary of key events somewhere? Or better yet, bring this up annual history of Hallow's eve lecture in game!

The first link below gives the best summary there is. Surprisingly it isn't on the First Land Herald page but it is a FLH article. I didn't attend HE but I did take part as much as possible in the leadup and saw the transformation itself and it was IMO the most confusingly vague and abrupt event in the history of HE.

Here are some other discussions of the event.,_October_19th,_2016,_at_9:30_PM_Eastern_-_10/20/2016_-_01:54
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Re: It's happening on 10/12/2017 03:49 PM CDT
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And one of those other links is a cut and paste mistake I repeated.
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Re: It's happening on 10/12/2017 04:20 PM CDT
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>>Help out those of us with poor memories. Are we talking about that necromancer pulling people away for body transformations?

Nope, not at all.

>>Is the implication that traders are making a pact with the demons for their new power

Nothing in any of the HE events in the past, or what is going on currently has pointed to demons in any respect.

>>I didn't attend HE but I did take part as much as possible in the leadup and saw the transformation itself and it was IMO the most confusingly vague and abrupt event in the history of HE.

Some portions of the event that explained what exactly was going on occurred during the festival itself, though a great deal did happen outside of the festival grounds before, during, and after the fest. I'm also pretty sure that players posted about almost everything that happened during the festival.

>>As was said by another, some of us werent here last year or even the beginning of this year.

You won't have needed to be there then to be part of events now, nor to understand them as they play out. But if you are someone steeped in events both current and in the recent past, you're likely to have a better idea of what is occurring faster than those who didn't. That's all!

Events are ongoing folks, so I'm not going to spoil them by walking everyone through all of the connections and explaining it all on the forums outright. You have plenty of time to get involved in game and be a part of things as they play out, including the greater discovery of just what all is really happening, and why.

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Re: It's happening on 10/12/2017 06:02 PM CDT
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Thanks everyone! It looks like I have some reading to do.
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Re: It's happening on 10/12/2017 07:02 PM CDT
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>Nothing in any of the HE events in the past, or what is going on currently has pointed to demons in any respect.

Then there has been some awfully suggestive allusions that are easy to misinterpret, I'd say.

>You won't have needed to be there then to be part of events now, nor to understand them as they play out. But if you are someone steeped in events both current and in the recent past, you're likely to have a better idea of what is occurring faster than those who didn't. That's all!

I do hope that we get some solid and clear answers to things. I've always loved that DR has deep and nuanced lore, but there has historically been somewhat of a 'this is meant to be kept a secret from the players' even after the fact sentiment I know myself at least has felt.
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Re: It's happening on 10/12/2017 11:07 PM CDT
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>>Then there has been some awfully suggestive allusions that are easy to misinterpret, I'd say.

Given how little we know WRT demons vs Immortals vs other extra-planar beings, I'd say that's the norm when it comes to these things.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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