A few questions on 08/17/2018 02:49 PM CDT
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Hi. I am currently at circle 13. I have a few questions I have been thinking about. 1. When you do skinning in combat and you get your bundle, is it better to tie the bundle then sell it with finesse spell up will you train trading better that way?

2. If I started doing Utility Forging work orders should I use bronze or start using one of the lower steel types?
Finally, what is a good circle to start doing caravan work? Do you lock trading with caravans Is it best to wait til I get my own caravan with interior at 50 and do inter provincial contracts?

cheers and loving the trader magic.
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Re: A few questions on 08/17/2018 09:10 PM CDT
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1. It doesn't matter if the bundle is tied or not. The only thing tieing a bundle does is turn it into a single item to reduce your item count. Once tied you can't get the skins out again, so only do that if you plan to sell it and don't want the skins or bones for crafting. The same thing applies to tied gem pouches.

2. You want to use the lowest workability material that you can still masterfully craft items from. At low skill levels bronze will probably work just fine for entire tiers. As your skill improves the tier skill ranges get larger and you'll need to switch to a lower workability metal at some point to keep gaining experience at a reasonable rate.

Also, if you do your own mining, or don't mind buying it from someone, you can mix silver, gold, or platinum in to your ingots to increase the amount of money you get from your work orders. Just make sure to keep the primary metal above 67% so that it doesn't turn into an alloy, which will adjust its workability.

3. Caravan trading is terrible. Turning in work orders teaches Trading far better. Really the only reason to use a caravan is to use the storage box when you hit 35th circle, which basically gives you a second vault.

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Re: A few questions on 08/18/2018 02:16 AM CDT
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Thanks for that. Will start using bronze for work orders and stick to doing those.

I appreciate the help and thanks.
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Re: A few questions on 08/18/2018 01:59 PM CDT
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>>Also, if you do your own mining, or don't mind buying it from someone, you can mix silver, gold, or platinum in to your ingots to increase the amount of money you get from your work orders. Just make sure to keep the primary metal above 67% so that it doesn't turn into an alloy, which will adjust its workability.<<

Also, remember when doing work orders, specially when using rare metals like gold and platinum, you can make more coin by pawning the items instead of turning it into the crafting society, but most of the time the crafting society will pay much more if a less than rare metal is used.

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