A few more spell suggestions on 04/18/2019 07:47 PM CDT
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That said, a few thematic suggestions for future spells:

Name: Beast of Burden
Type: Augmentation
Description: Even the most successful trader may find themselves without a caravan when opportunity strikes. This spell will increase your strength and allow you to move more freely while carrying heavier loads.
Effect: +Strength, reduces armor hindrance floor (stealth + movement)
- Application: You feel like you could carry the world on your shoulders
- Fall-off: Your muscles ache as you feel weaker than before.

Name: Flourish
Type: Meta-spell for finesse
Pre-req: Finesse
Description: This technique will further enhance your finesse with supernatural style and grace befitting a trader of your station.
Effect: +hit for weapons, Crystal Dart, and Arbiter's Stylus.

Name: Shadow-puppets
Type: Debilitation
Pre-req: Avren Aevareae
Description: The celestial compact never understood the potential of what they had until it was separated from them. We knew better. Surmounting their original design, we can force form from light alone, wracking havoc upon the weak-willed and foolish who dare stand before us.
Effect: Meta for Avren Aevareae. The orb will spawn illusions made from pure light/shadow which rush towards the target (not the trader). It's a fear-based contest giving the target a -DF/-OF penalty upon failing the roll and strength of the original cast.
Messaging: A [tiny/small/large] [creature] bursts from the [color] orb and rushes towards [playername/the creaturename/you].
Saving throw: [playername is/the [creature] is/You are] unfazed by the obvious fakery.
Failing throw: [playername/creaturename/you] cowers before the attack only to see the [creature] harmlessly dissipate upon impact.
Additional failing message for the player: You are [a little/moderately/heavily] fazed by the experience.
Additional Expansion: build in a hook to allow traders to customize this creature. Give them everything from the grotesque to to the cute to the bizarre.

Name: Binding Arbitration
Type: Utility/TM (Debilitation?) Ritual
Description: Summons a lesser arbiter to judge the fates of all present. It only makes itself known to the trader (not an actual creature, pulses messaging), and those who it is currently arbitrating. Long duration.
Effect: Spirit contest augmented by your trading skill. The arbiter will act as a judge between you and your enemies. The arbiter will take from one and give to the other, as is determines is fair. Think resource based curse system.
> Nod target
You see: The arbiter acknowledges the parties and announces that it is prepared to hear your case.
Target sees: A shadowy figure appears before you, telling you that it is now prepared to hear your case. You have no idea what it's talking about.
You see: (if used within the last 2 minutes) The arbiter refuses to act, giving you a lengthy lecture on union rules and procedure. Target sees nothing in this case, other than you nodding at them.

> [Trader] plead arbiter (this teaches and uses trading to augment the success)
You see: You carefully explain your case, detailing your wrongs and listing facts and figures to support just recompense.
Target sees: [Trader] begins to dramatically describe a story of terror and injustice where you are painted as the villain.
If the target is a trader: You quickly rebut, defending yourself as best you can with little preparation. This gives the defender a massive bonus to the saving roll based off the defending trader's skill. Traders do not exploit other traders.
You only have a small window to plead before this step is skipped (no bonus or trading experience).

> a few moments later
Both parties see: The Arbiter announces that it has come to a decision. It finds [tradername] in the [right|wrong].
TM/debil Fail: The arbiter attempts to extract payment but is unable to make contact. Shrugging, it goes about its business.
TM/debil Success: The arbiter connects the accuser and the accused with a thin beam of light. If hiding, they're now revealed.
You and the target see: You feel a [stronger|weaker] as the beam siphons the energy of the offending party.
Both parties see: The arbiter nods, concluding the case, and goes about it's business.
If one party has left the room, the remaining party sees: The arbiter announces your victory by default and wishes you well in collecting your just reward. It then returns to its business.

Effect: Random TM siphon, like a vampire weapon but as a spell. Fatigue, spirit, mana, concentration, or vitality (or a random stat/skill/wounds) based on the TM success. The "winner" is given x% of the amount taken (arbitration costs) or a static amount based on the size of the cast. The loser obviously takes that damage. The arbiter will not judge undead (including perverse necros). They're beyond its authority.

Below are scroll only spell recommendations with intentionally vague and nefarious descriptions. Maybe the spells are taught by a different arbiter or negotiate instead. The idea that while a moon mage may look into the future, a trader can use the web of probability to see what else could have been in the present. This is an advanced ritual. I know you'll probably say too powerful, but it's still less skills than a general weapons buff you'd find in other magic tert guilds, with a slew of penalties on top.

Name: Negotiator's insight
Type: Augmentation Ritual
Restrictions: Scroll only. Maybe a quest from one of the guild leaders, after you've shown that you can be "trusted".
Big warning: Casting or having the ability up in front of an arbiter or negotiate, or when touching your tessera, will result in immediate death and a long mana drain (similar to the mana trap). You're informed this is due to breach of contract. This spell cannot be refreshed or released (see metaspells).
Description: Not all negotiations are made in good faith.
Effect: Buffs 1-3 random skills in a skillset, debuffing 1-3 others in that same skillset. The same skill can be buffed or debuffed. Appraisal skill (insight) influences the number of buffs, and trading (experience) influences the number of debuffs. Cannot be cast on others. Maybe luck has an influence.
Messaging (application): You are overwhelmed by the infinite web of possibilities blossoming in your mind. You let your mind wonder, seeing what you could have become had you chosen a slightly different path. Grasping onto a strand, you merge that possibility with your present reality.
Messaging (fading): The web of possibility disintegrates into nothingness returning you to the here and now.

Name: Renegotiation
Type: Metaspell
Restrictions: Scroll or quest only.
Pre-req: Negotiator's Insight
Description: A deal is a deal, until a better one comes along.
Effect: Allows you to replace Negotiator's Insight with a fresh cast. May require you to be under the effects of "lucky" such as speculate luck.
Messaging (recasting): You carefully refocus your mind on a new possibility.
Recasting while not lucky: You attempt to refocus your mind on an alternative future, but you get lost in the web. You end up on the same path as before.

Name: Reconciliation
Type: Metaspell
Restrictions: Scroll or quest only.
Pre-req: Negotiator's Insight
Description: Luck is the result of preparation meeting opportunity, but only the fool leaves opportunity entirely to chance.
Effect: One random debuff becomes a buff when you cast negotiator's insight.

Name: Beneficial Exchange
Type: Utility ritual
Restrictions: Scroll or quest only. Requires starlight.
Pre-req: Reconciliation and renegotiation
Description: Is it theft, if you steal from yourself?
Effect: "Reroll" a treasure box, may be randomly upgraded or downgraded based on your trading skill (useful if used with piercing gaze).
(No box, unlocked box in right hand) There's negotiation and outright robbery. You would never let yourself forget this. [no effect]

Holding a locked box, disarmed or not: You let your mind along the web of fate, seeking to understand the enlightened geometry necessary to make a connection with another you. Suddenly, you find yourself doing the same in another time and place. Sharing a mutual purpose, you both envelop your [box] in starlight. There's a flash and you realize the box your holding is not the same. The vision fades.
Other's see (katamba): nothing
Other's see (starlight, katamba, xibar): A [blue|white|red] flash originates from [trader]'s location.

Not enough starlight: You let your mind along the web of fate, seeking to understand the enlightened geometry necessary to make a connection with another you. Suddenly, you find another possibility of yourself yourself doing the same. Sharing a mutual purpose you attempt to envelop the box in starlight only to realize you lack the power. You see yourself cursing yourself as the vision fades.

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