Back Room on 09/09/2014 02:23 PM CDT
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I feel there is a lot of oppuntunity for expansion with trader shop back rooms. It would be nice if more could be done with the surfaces there. I don't know if it is a system limitation, but having a maximum of 5 surfaces on the salesfloor and 3 stagnant ones in the back seems in need of revamping. A few thoughts I have are: rotating surfaces, a hired clerk in the shop to allow customers to review a list of back room products (or have the clerk do the rotating upon customer request), and the clerk being able to take messages for the trader (ex. placing custom orders). Also, it would be a nice perk to have a storage rack in the back room for overstock.
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Re: Back Room on 09/09/2014 09:03 PM CDT
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Aren't the tables in the back essentially for overstock already? It just seems like what you're asking for already exists, and the real request is more overall capacity both in front and back.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Back Room on 09/09/2014 09:25 PM CDT
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>>and the real request is more overall capacity both in front and back.

This is not what I am suggesting. I am asking for the surfaces that we pay monthly fees for (that includes the ones just sitting in the back room) have more functionality than storage. I would like to see them act as selling surfaces, not storage spaces with affixed price tags. Another possibility may be to get rid of the 3 extra surfaces and exchange them with storage racks which can hold 20 items per 15 circles up to 3 times (so 60 total items max) with affixed price tags that can be placed on the sales floor as replenishment as items sell down. For instance, if you sell 1 item off a steel table, an attendant goes into the back room and retrieves the next item from the racks and places it onto the open space on the steel table.
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Re: Back Room on 09/09/2014 09:29 PM CDT
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Their suggestion wasn't just about an increase in overall capacity...

I like the idea of rotating the tables in and out.. though you can do it manually already. But it would be nice if the clerks would do more since traders end up paying them commission for sales made when the trader isn't present.

I definitely like the idea of an overstock area (or even the surfaces in the backroom) that could be set up for the clerk to move items from the back to the front when space becomes available. Like you price them in the back, and set them up to go onto a certain surface in the front, and as items are sold from that surface, the clerk would move the item from the back to the front.

The only problem I might see is that it automates the store perhaps too much. Though I don't really see anything wrong with that, but can see why the GMs might not want it.

Also, I would love to have the stores open longer. Not really sure why a store can't be open all the time.
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Re: Back Room on 09/09/2014 09:31 PM CDT
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>>and the real request is more overall capacity both in front and back.

>>This is not what I am suggesting. I am asking for the surfaces that we pay monthly fees for (that includes the ones just sitting in the back room) have more functionality than storage. I would like to see them act as selling surfaces, not storage spaces with affixed price tags. Another possibility may be to get rid of the 3 extra surfaces and exchange them with storage racks which can hold 20 items per 15 circles up to 3 times (so 60 total items max) with affixed price tags that can be placed on the sales floor as replenishment as items sell down. For instance, if you sell 1 item off a steel table, an attendant goes into the back room and retrieves the next item from the racks and places it onto the open space on the steel table.

Yeah that would be awesome.

Maybe not 60 per rack.. that seems overkill (though it would definitely be nice) but maybe 30 per rack? Even that would be a lot of help.
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Re: Back Room on 09/09/2014 09:38 PM CDT
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While those are all nifty ideas and I would not begrudge them being put in place with additional rent, they amount to extra capacity in either the front or back. Not sure why the insistance that it isn't, but whatever. Auto-replacement and buyer requested swapping of surfaces equals more capacity in the front, and extra racks in the back equals extra capacity in the back.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Back Room on 09/09/2014 09:43 PM CDT
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The 60 items rack(s) concept is to balance out the loss of 3 extra surfaces that contain 20 items apiece. Even if it's 3 racks with 20 items capacity each, it'd maintain the 60 item balance that currently exists.

I really would also like to see some kind of a messaging system that allows customers to place special orders.
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Re: Back Room on 09/09/2014 11:07 PM CDT
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Not a trader, so I apologize if I'm stepping on any toes, but here's some things I'd like to see:

1) The ability to deliver items to a shop that's closed. Nothing more annoying than having someone order a large batch of something from you, then you don't see them again for a week or two. To avoid people just being idiots, perhaps it would have to be manually set to only accept from certain people. In addition, there would need to be a mechanic that limited how items were stored, to avoid them just becoming another pseudo-vault.

2) Dispensers. 1 or 2 count items that would basically store variable amount items and allow the buyer to choose how much they'd buy. For example, jam 50 arrows into it, and the buyer could set it to only buy 5 or 10 or such. Would be extra useful for ingots, herbs, dyes, and other crafting/crafted goods.

3) Stacking sellers. Basically the same as above, only for non-amount items. Got 8 scimitars that are identical? shove them in and now you don't have to constantly be restocking your basic goods.

4) Display stands. Basically a tray or a stand or something that periodically atmos the room about what's on it.

5) Updated/better system to displaying what shops sell. Maybe that single letter code thing once worked, but when I'm looking for ingots or tools or the like, I generally have to check every shop, since the codes don't quite match anymore.

6) Deed couriers. Basically allows undeeding of crafted items inside a shop.

7) Race/guild settings. Would be nice if you could set the shop to charge more or less for certain races or guilds (assuming such features are visable).

8) Vouchers. Basically gift cards. Would allow you to give them out for promotions or auctions.

9) Purchase scales. This would basically let a shop become a gem/furrier purchaser while the trader is gone. Think similar to financable gem shops.

10) Hirable appraiser. Basically any customer could show them an item in the shop and they would give an APPRAISE CAREFUL, ANALYZE, and FOCUS as if they had infinite appraisal/crafting/magic ranks.

11) Refreshments bar/stand/etc. A place to lay out food and drink for customers without having to use up selling space.

12) Decorations. Basically the ability to make up a shop temporarily for a holiday. Smells, decorations, sounds, maybe some background NPCs (carolers, etc.).

13) Explanation tags. Basically a way to write a quick explanation of an item and attach it to an item. Worried some customers might not know what gaethzen is? Write "glows when magically charged" and attach.

14) Heralds. Basically a way to pay so that you could advertise an item throughout the entire plaza.
> A dapper young man sticks his head in and loudly proclaims "Traderlady is now selling a fancygem in her shop for 8 billion kronars. Come see it at Some Shop!" before ducking out.

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: Back Room on 09/09/2014 11:30 PM CDT
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Caraamon, these are all great ideas.

I'd also suggest an option for special prices for low circles.

-- Player of Eyuve
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 01:05 AM CDT
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<<The 60 items rack(s) concept is to balance out the loss of 3 extra surfaces that contain 20 items apiece. Even if it's 3 racks with 20 items capacity each, it'd maintain the 60 item balance that currently exists.

That's effectively a loss of functionality, though, since there's no longer an option to swap out tables which reduces the effective front of house overall capacity.

I think the suggestions that were made are fine, but would need to come with additional rents because they do result in greater capacity.

I like most of Caraamon's ideas, except the heralds only because advertising within the market is kind of pointless. Speculate chaffer already exists and reaches more potential customers than a market-area announcement ever would.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 01:43 AM CDT
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I will add that I think what may be a good compromise is to divorce shop size from circle, or at least have it be less impacted by it and all the upgrades are optional add-ons including the standard surface increases. That way someone could choose to not have 3 back room tables and not pay the rent for those, but choose storage racks and pay the appropriate rent for those. Circle would instead cap both the nimber of features you could select as well as their total cost. E.g. 70th might be allowed 8 features totalling no more than 30 plat per cycle and 100th would be allowed up to 12 features totalling no more than 50 plat per cycle. That way they're much more customizable and everyone could take it to their needs.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 07:00 AM CDT
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Absolom, out of curiosity, what circle have you gotten your largest trader to?
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 10:25 AM CDT
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Not currently active, but 80ish or so. I'm not sure what the point of your question is other than pulling a Falkonis, though.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 01:00 PM CDT
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I was not trying to be offensive. I just wasn't sure what parts of the shop mechanics you had or had not unlocked circle-wise. Anyway, some of your suggestions do currently exist, particularly surfaces being optional. What I'd like to see is the back room ones being sales functional. Currently, they do not expand the sales floor whatsoever. You have to push one surface from the sales floor to the back room, then go to the back room and manually push another surface to the sales floor. I'd be fine paying extra for a feature that improves this.
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 01:36 PM CDT
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<< Anyway, some of your suggestions do currently exist, particularly surfaces being optional.

Only optional in that you don't have to pay for them. The only decision is whether to include a surface or not. My suggestion was more for differing costs based on function. E.g. Something like an available surface in the front might cost 5 plat per surface, a pushable surface in the back might cost 3 plat per surface, a 20 slot storage rack in the back might cost 4 plat per rack, bundling capability might cost 1 plat, a herald service might cost 2 plat, etc. At 50th circle you might have a 5 slot limit with a 20 plat limit so you could choose to have 3 surfaces up front with a storage rack in the back, and bundling capability or 4 surfaces up front with no amenities, etc. 100th circle might have a 10 slot limit with a 40 plat limit, so you could decide to have 8 services up front without any other services, or you could limit yourself to 5 surfaces up front with more storage in the back and a some amenities like bundling capability, heralds, messaging, etc. Obviously the numbers are just made up and would need to be different to be more balanced, with perhaps different slot costs for different things like surfaces costing 2 or 3 slots and amenities costing only a single slot.

This way those who dislike back surfaces can choose to purchase something else entirely, and those who like having the extra surface available can still rent it.

<<What I'd like to see is the back room ones being sales functional. Currently, they do not expand the sales floor whatsoever. You have to push one surface from the sales floor to the back room, then go to the back room and manually push another surface to the sales floor.

Putting aside that back room surfaces are more functional than just storage... you want increased capacity. Got it.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 02:37 PM CDT
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You are seriously just coming across as a jerk, Absolon.

Secretia is not asking just for increased capacity, nor saying there shouldn't be an extra cost for using additional services. They are asking for increased functionality. Which is something most of us would like.
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 02:47 PM CDT
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<<Secretia is not asking just for increased capacity, nor saying there shouldn't be an extra cost for using additional services.

Even they out and out said the request would expand sales floor capacity.

<<What I'd like to see is the back room ones being sales functional. Currently, they do not expand the sales floor whatsoever.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 03:38 PM CDT
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Reading comprehension bud.

Even with what you quoted... nothing in there asks for expanded capacity. Secretia said the backroom surfaces don't expand the sales floor. That, along with the other things she said - seeing as the entire point of putting words together is so that you read them all - implies the sales floor features... since that was what she was asking for. Not just more space.
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 05:06 PM CDT
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You are the one in need of reading comprehension. Here's that full quote in different words: She wants the back-room tables extended to have front-room capabilities and supports this by saying that they currently don't expand the front room. (They actually do, but not in the way she would like since they require the trader's presence to effect the expansion.)

The only suggestions she made that don't result in an increase in capacity of either the front or back room are the player requested list of back room surface inventory and the messaging inbox. Her storage rack suggestion was even a direct request for more back room capacity.

To clarify, since I think you are taking increased capacity to mean something literal... Increased capacity does not exclusively result from additional surfaces like the storage racks. E.g. If you have 5 tables out front and 3 in back and allow players to request surface swapping without the trader present or have them auto-rotate, then that is an effective 45 item front of house capacity expansion because now you 8 tables worth of inventory always available for sale in the front of house regardless of your presence.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 05:20 PM CDT
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No. That would still be you.

>>Here is that same quote in different words

Meaning once again you cant just accept what secretia said and have to change it to fit what you want to pick apart.

Regardless if it does involve increased capacity, that is not the focus or intent of their post. As they have made clear. It is about adding functionality. This isn't hard to get. But you keep trying to dumb it down to a request for additional capacity and that just flat out isn't what is being requested. If it was.. they could have simply said.. please increase the number of items we can sale on tables. But that isn't what they said.

I also find it funny that you dont make the same comments to caraamon when he makes similar suggestions even though they too with your logic can be boiled down to adding capacity.
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 05:29 PM CDT
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<<I also find it funny that you dont make the same comments to caraamon when he makes similar suggestions even though they too with your logic can be boiled down to adding capacity.

Reading comprehension fail again. The only suggestions of his that have anything to do with increasing the number of items that can be sold is the third one and sort of the second one depending on how someone normally sells items with part counts. All of the rest are quality of life perks that have nothing to do with how many items are able to be sold or stored.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 05:42 PM CDT
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<<If it was.. they could have simply said.. please increase the number of items we can sale on tables. But that isn't what they said.

And again, they did say that.

<<<<What I'd like to see is the back room ones being sales functional. Currently, they do not expand the sales floor whatsoever.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 05:42 PM CDT
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To clarify, I never requested or suggested expanding overall shop capacity beyond the current maximum of 160 items (8 surfaces times 20 items per surface).

I think this guild is great and I actually love trader shops. If I could have my ideal setup, I'd like to have sales surfaces only on the sales floor. I'd like to have overstock racks in the back room for replenishment by the shop's staff. It would be amazing to have a drop box for commissioned forged goods. Example: I ask Caraamon to make me 5 36 stone HCS bastard swords and we agree upon a rate of 15 platinum Kronars per sword. Caraamon fulfills the order, goes to my shop and drops the correct swords into a drop box, and it dispenses 75 platinum Kronars to him. Perhaps the drop box can be outside the entrance to my shop. This way he can deliver a fulfilled order at his leisure. I then can retrieve swords from the box and sell them as spaces open on my sales floor surfaces. Like all great businesses, it would also be great to have a special order system. Perhaps you could either go to a clerk and place an order and/or there could be a mailbox with notecards and a quill outside the shop where you can insert a message for the shop owner. This would allow players to support their favorite shops. Just some thoughts.
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 05:51 PM CDT
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So you admit that some of his ideas by nature of your logic would increase capacity but you failed to make a stink about it like you are with secretia's suggestions.

Basically most of your posts in this topic have added little to nothing to the discussion except to claim the secretia is asking for something she isn't.

And no. Secretia did not ever ask for additional capacity in and of itself. No more so than some of the suggestions put forth by caraamon did. Get over it bud.
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 06:03 PM CDT
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Okay, looking at this thread with a fresh set of eyes, I'd like to weigh in before it turns out an all out forum brawl.

Based on Secretia's post, I just see it as a means to add more functionality to what the back room does without adding in "extra" space. Would more space rock? Sure would! But I see it more as added functionality with better organizational stuff.

Could it be based on perspective? Could the "I'd like to view the back room wares" be viewed as "extra" space - as it's giving more VIEWING space for browsers to see/shop? Sure, it could be seen that way.

However, instead of arguing over semantics, I think that the thread at hand should go back to what the original intent was. More functionality of the back area and how it can relate to the front area. Adding in custom requests/orders into the clerk system. Leaving notes with the clerk. As well as the slew of good ideas that Caraamon chimed in about.

Do we relatively all agree that it could be cool to have more space? Sure! At extra cost? Well, duh! I don't think that needs to be argued over - especially at such length. One of the nice things about making suggestions is that - it's just a suggestion. So even if more space was in fact 100% a suggestion, it can be approved or denied, and move on from such. Fundamentally though, most traders (speculation of course [what traders are good at]) would agree that added functionality right now would be better than just having more counter space.
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 06:05 PM CDT
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Well said and I completely agree!
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 06:08 PM CDT
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<<And no. Secretia did not ever ask for additional capacity in and of itself.

<<Also, it would be a nice perk to have a storage rack in the back room for overstock.

Try again, bud.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 06:15 PM CDT
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Really bud? Again? Read all of what she said. At this point you are just too invested in being right when there is no prize for it. You are the guy just nitpicking at something for no reason/gain.

It is pretty clear that her suggestions were to improve functionality and improve trader stores and not just ask for more capacity.
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 06:31 PM CDT
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<<It is pretty clear that her suggestions were to improve functionality and improve trader stores and not just ask for more capacity.

I also have no issue with increased capacity with a cost. Something I've already said and which Secretia agrees with. Feel free to find both our quotes on that. The only issue I have is with the claim that most of her suggestions are just 'functionality improvements' not capacity increases. Yes they increase the functionality. The function, however, just happens to result in an increased capacity of items for sale or for storage. Her intent may not be to obtain increased capacity, but that's what those suggestions result in no matter how much anyone says otherwise.

<<Could it be based on perspective? Could the "I'd like to view the back room wares" be viewed as "extra" space - as it's giving more VIEWING space for browsers to see/shop? Sure, it could be seen that way.

Simply viewing it being extra sales capacity? Of course not. Having the ability to move items to the front room purchase them without the trader in attendance being extra sales capacity? Absolutely. I've already gone over this distinction, however.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 06:51 PM CDT
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Secretia's a dude. :(

*Surface rotation: One surface of 20 items rotates off the sales floor into the back room and another one replaces it from the back with a fresh 20. At any given point in time, only 100 items available to the customer on the sales floor. This mechanic would eventually rotate out all 160 items, but never all 160 at once. Not ideal to me, but it improves the situation of stagnant stock in the back room.

*Overstock rack (no surface rotation): An item is sold off a surface on the sales floor. 1 item replaces its spot from the overstock rack in the back room. At any given point in time, only 100 items available to the customer.

*Back room inventory list: This would allow a customer to see all items in the shop if there was no overstock rack, but rather 3 surfaces in the back with 20 items max apiece. At any given point in time, all 160 items available. Nice, but not sure how the customer could appraise items not out in the open if they are in the back. Perhaps an attendant can show items to customers?

I think the overstock rack concept is the simplest one. To keep overall shop capacity where it is now, only allow up to 60 items on the back room's overstock rack(s).
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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 06:55 PM CDT
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Yes, she was asking for more storage. Last line: "Also, it would be a nice perk to have a storage rack in the back room for overstock."

Secondly, it is asking to raise the amount of available items that a trader can have for sale at any time from 50 to 80 items. As a trader who doesn't care to own a shop, I'm against it. There are enough shops now that there is plenty of competition. I see adding more competition from high end traders as hurting young traders. The limit as it stands now provides a good balance.

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Re: Back Room on 09/10/2014 07:19 PM CDT
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Not to do with the back room but I'd just like to see more extras to promote traders actually be in attendance in their shops :)

On a whim...:

The Zoluren army asks, "We're um.... really sorry about the clubhouse and all... so uh... are we cool?"

Train? Why? I'll get there eventually...
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Re: Back Room on 09/11/2014 03:15 AM CDT
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<<Secretia's a dude. :(

Oops, sorry. I was fooled by the feminine sounding name. Unless you mean you as a player are male not your character, in which case I have no reasonable way of knowing that so going by the gender of the character is quite reasonable.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Back Room on 09/11/2014 04:57 PM CDT
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Well, this thread is completely derailed...
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