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New way to learn appraisal - app caravan on 07/26/2020 04:44 PM CDT
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If anyone is looking for a new way to either learn or just use appraisal how about "appraise caravan"?
Right now we get the messaging "You can't sell the [adjective] caravan, so why bother to appraise it?" But, when I say app caravan, what I really want to know is what is the accurate value of the crates onboard when I turn them all in. (referring to contracts) and maybe some different messaging for any commodities onboard?
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Re: New way to learn appraisal - app caravan on 07/27/2020 10:59 AM CDT
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While we're asking, can appraising a person give you experience for every item on that person, as if you appraised it individually? It could be the arrange all of appraisal.
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Re: New way to learn appraisal - app caravan on 07/27/2020 11:30 AM CDT
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lol oh man I would just love to see a bunch of F2P account bots blinged out in the most ridiculous stuff imaginable (even by clownsuit glitter armor DR standards) just because it has a high appraisal value in order to be an appraisalbot for a Trader account.

Please make this happen.
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