Week 11-Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.... on 04/13/2005 07:32 AM CDT
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This question is one that you do see on most personality, getting to know you quizzes. What person out any alive or dead would you like to invite for dinner?

My choice has been the same as long as I can remember. I would love to have Michelangelo to dinner and discuss not only his talent but how he found the inner strength to paint the Sistine Chapel. I would need to have some really nice Italian food, I imagine....

Player of Couri
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Re: Week 11-Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.... on 04/13/2005 07:37 AM CDT
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Without taking a lot of time to think about this (okay, any, which might be a bad thing) I say Shakespeare. Man, could he tell a story.

Because Trading is an art, baby.
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Re: Week 11-Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.... on 04/13/2005 08:26 AM CDT
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I'd invite Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, Bhudda and Confucious. Would be interesting dinner conversation to say the least. :-)

A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.

The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"

The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
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Re: Week 11-Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.... on 04/13/2005 08:46 AM CDT
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This is a hard one. Off the top of my head I would say Salvador Dali It would be a strange dinner indeed.
Second choice would be Leonardo da Vinci or Stephan R Donaldson.

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." ~~ G.O.

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Re: Week 11-Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.... on 04/13/2005 09:33 AM CDT
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I think I'd have to say Thomas Jefferson. I have a lot of questions for him.
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Re: Week 11-Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.... on 04/13/2005 10:12 AM CDT
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Both of my grandfathers, and my maternal grandmother's maternal grandmother (my great-great grandmother). The first two just for a chance to talk to them again, and the last because I want to ask her a bunch of questions about the rather colorful stories I've heard about her.

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Re: Week 11-Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.... on 04/14/2005 04:21 PM CDT
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Good question, and all good answers... Gonif's party would certainly be interesting, though there would be more concurrence of ideas than many would imagine, methinks. If Shakespeare came round, you'd probably end up as a character in a play... And Dali certainly knew his wines.

Since Jefferson is busy elsewhere for the evening, I guess I'll give FDR a ring. Among his other talents, he could mix a good martini.

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Re: Week 11-Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.... on 04/15/2005 06:16 AM CDT
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I have to agree with Tiralor.
I'd have to invite my Maternal Grandmother. She was so important in my life. And I'd love to hear all those stories again.

I'd also like to have dinner with Adolf Hitler (Pre-1933) and the Safety Rep before the Titanic set sail. Just to see if I could change history.
And having changed history - would I still have met/married the man I did? (He was born in Germany and now lives in Australia.)


I'm juggling, trading and also trading in juggling.
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Re: Week 11-Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.... on 04/15/2005 03:12 PM CDT
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Isaac Asimov, I think he'd be fascinating to talk to.

A dark brown Zoluren marnet squeaks with excitement as it pursues a small insect across the surface of the water. A final lunge brings the hapless creature into the marnet's mouth where it is rapidly consumed.
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Re: Week 11-Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.... on 04/18/2005 09:15 PM CDT
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Well, I spent A LOT of time trying to decide here. My choice? My wife. I'd have dinner with her than anyone else. I considered many important leaders in history, artists, inventors, philosophers and even past family members. I just don't think any of them really could reveal anything that 'big' that it would be worth changing my decision. ::shrugs::

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~GM Arnimas

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it."
-Benjamin Franklin
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