Week 13-Queen or King For a Day on 04/27/2005 07:24 AM CDT
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This one is pretty much self explanatory. If you could be Queen of King for the day...how would you spend it?

As I have been taking care of a child for 3 months 24/7 with a complicated recovery from surgery as well as all the ordinary home things...I would just like a day all to myself. To take a long bath, read, play DR, watch a good movie and to sleep all night long...after the cleaning crew cleaned the house from top to bottom.

Player of Couri
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Re: Week 13-Queen or King For a Day on 04/27/2005 08:20 AM CDT
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My mind boggles with the possibilities.

Because Trading is an art, baby.
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Re: Week 13-Queen or King For a Day on 04/27/2005 09:07 AM CDT
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I would gift lots of wealth and access to the person I would be the day after!

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." ~~ G.O.

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Re: Week 13-Queen or King For a Day on 04/27/2005 09:13 AM CDT
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>If you could be Queen of King for the day...how would you spend it?

Setting up trust funds and life long monetary support for myself and my best friend so that we could do what we want with our lives instead of spending it trying to get by.
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Re: Week 13-Queen or King For a Day on 04/27/2005 09:25 AM CDT
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First thing I'd do is stash some money where I could access it to be able to pay all my bills and buy myself and our family a decent home in a nice area once the "day" was over. :-)

I would then utilize the day to get a makeover - like a health spa - get the works - while someone else takes care of my mom. As I spend 24/7 taking care of her <she is an Alzheimers patient>, it would be a pleasant change.


A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.

The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"

The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
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Re: Week 13-Queen or King For a Day on 04/27/2005 04:04 PM CDT
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Most of what I would want to do would probably cost me very dearly the next day, so here's what I would do:

Hire someone to clear and fence in our property, and...

Make arrangements for my family to spend a week in Orlando, FL at all of the theme parks, all expenses paid, unlimited access to everything, and be the only guests in the parks (hurray for no lines!).
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Re: Week 13-Queen or King For a Day on 04/28/2005 01:06 AM CDT
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Queen Kobmand's day.
(Queen's have endless supplies of everything and I live in Australia)

Starting at the top....

Pay off our national debt and order and pay for any supplies Australia needs for the coming year.
Pay/Bank Defence budget (supplies and pay for soldiers).
Ensure our SES (State Emergency Service), CFA/RFS (Country Fire Authority/Rural Fire Service), CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) and Ambulance services all had correct/current equipment and budget for the year.
Pay each person of Australia's mortgages and bills. (It's only paper money right?)
Each person over the age of 18 would legally own a house.
Each persons debts would be paid. (Everyone owes someone money right? Just redistribute it)
Credit would be outlawed - Credit cards/loans etc. Everything would be interest free from then on. Saving for items would be the new way of spending money. Visa Debit cards would be used for any normal 'Credit Card' purchases (such as DR)
Match each person over the age of 18 with the job that suits them...including those already in the wrong jobs.
Implement Environmentally Friendly laws.

Have lunch with all the dignitaries, which would include a discussion on what the hell they think they're doing with my country.

The rest of the day would be spent finding other ways to fix the countries problems.

The day after......

I wake up in my own bed in my own house with my husband.
All our debts have been paid and we are both going to work in the jobs we enjoy.
Everyone at work is happy because they also have woken up in their own homes with no debt.
We all go to money management classes as a country (including dignitaries and company directors etc.) and learn how to enjoy life with no debt and never get ourselves (business/country) back to the state that we are now.

Isn't life great?

I'm juggling, trading and also trading in juggling.
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Re: Week 13-Queen or King For a Day on 04/29/2005 11:16 PM CDT
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I'll start by moving to Australia after Kobmand's day..

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