Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/04/2005 07:48 AM CDT
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This weeks question is what is one of those things that makes you just want to yell at someone for doing? Pet Peeve if you will. I know we all have many, but one will do for this week...unless of course you want to share more.

I grit my teeth as hard as I can and have to control myself when people sing along at shows or where someone is performing. I don't mean concerts or any of the places that you are invited to sing along. But if I pay 100 dollars to go to a show...I want to hear that performer sing...not the person next to me. I love to sing as much as the next person...but I'll do it in my car or in the shower.

Player of Couri

P.S. This is going to be my last question for a while. I've pretty much run out of good questions and would love to pass the wand. You must all have been thinking of a question these weeks...so let's keep this up!
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/04/2005 08:49 AM CDT
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While there were several things that came to mind here, I think this bothers me more than any other:

People using cell phones while driving.

I used to drive a lot on my job and I would regularly (1-3 times a day, 5 days a week) have to avoid people that attempted to merge, slowly crossed lanes unintentionally or changed speeds drastically due to being on a cell phone and not having enough attention on the road. Oddly enough, they would also give you odd looks when you honked to get their attention back on the road because you just had to change lanes to avoid them hitting you.

Best Regards,
~GM Arnimas

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it."
-Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/04/2005 09:01 AM CDT
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>This weeks question is what is one of those things that makes you just want to yell at someone for doing?

Leaving the babble box on 24/7 ... and then turning it up two hours before I have to get out of bed so I have no choice but to get up and go to work. <grumble>
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/04/2005 09:14 AM CDT
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My wife and I sitting down to watch a TV Show, then her getting distracted by her message boards, then turning around and saying, "What'd I miss?"

The Crossroads of Elanthia
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/04/2005 10:20 AM CDT
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I had to think about this a bit, but I think I have (one of) my biggest pet peeve...

People who don't listen then jump to conclusions.

I've seen more stupid arguments start that way, and more emotional harm done that could have been prevented if one, or both sides had stopped talking long enough to listen to what the other was saying. It's becoming more prevalent in my house as my daughter becomes a teenager, but oddly, it's not her that's doing it. It's my husband, and I hate having to tell him to be quiet and listen and quit assuming.

-Tiralor, who's tired of having to hide, go into rest mode, and settle an argument in the next room.
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/04/2005 12:53 PM CDT
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>>People using cell phones while driving. ~Arnimas

HA! Yesterday, I'm driving home, merging onto the interstate and there's this small car in front of me. Not going the normal 5+speed limit, and wasn't accellerating all that fast, so I eventually passed it when a spot opened.

I looked to my right as I passed this car, and I see this girl, college age (around the University, where I work), with both of her elbows on the steering wheel, while two-fisting a sandwich (had the sandwich in both hands, and was fiddling with it trying to turn it so she could eat more of the sandwich). Now, if that wasn't bad enough...her head was cocked to the right because she was talking on her cell phone while driving. That one takes the cake in my book.

As far as things that make me want to scream, you may insert any random rant you've ever read on "tech hell"-type forums, where computer support technicians give their laments about dealing with customers here :grin:

~Brady, player of I'm a Lover Not a Fighter Elavin Rismel.

>get my amar
You get a burnt orange amaryllis.
>wear my amar
But you don't have any hair! Where are you going to put it? Don't answer that!
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/04/2005 01:11 PM CDT
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thats actually illegal in certain neighborhoods around here, as in, if the cops see you yakking into a cell phone while driving, you'll get a ticket.

as far as pet peeves, there are many behaviors presented by those that are senile that irritate me. unfortunately I have to live with most of them.

A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.

The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"

The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/04/2005 01:29 PM CDT
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>there are many behaviors presented by those that are senile that irritate me. unfortunately I have to live with most of them.

Eh, well, I actually find those a bit more tolerable, just because they're not voluntary. If nothing else they're more ignorable, somewhat, at least until they get dangerous. That's the hard part.
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/04/2005 02:54 PM CDT
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People that walk up and just start talking to me assuming I might care even a little bit about what they have to say.

The Turtle Moves
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/04/2005 07:45 PM CDT
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People who don't listen to what I say and either ignore me or jump to a conclusion that's waay off base.

A dark brown Zoluren marnet squeaks with excitement as it pursues a small insect across the surface of the water. A final lunge brings the hapless creature into the marnet's mouth where it is rapidly consumed.
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/05/2005 12:40 AM CDT
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When perfectly normal children turn into teenagers that don't even slightly resemble those children that you so loved.

As an example: I have an angellic neice that I've called "Angel" (Not even slightly close to her real name, just what I've called her) since she was only a couple of days old. She came home from hospital at 2 days old and slept from 7-8pm through to 7am. Just in time for me to get up and go to school. Great alarm clock. AND she woke up a happy kid.
Picture this happening all through until about the age of 10.
Sure she starts to argue with her mother but spends at least 1 weekend a month at my place.
Gets to 13 years of age and decides that she wont even clean her room (both at home and at my place), we give her some freedoms her parents don't, but trust her to do the right thing.
I let her go to the skate park (unsupervised teenage hangout about 2 streets away) on her own. She comes home (my place) smelling like cigarettes. "Honey, did you smoke?" "Nah, wouldn't do that" (She knows I have a HUGE aversion to smoking/smokers) Okay, the kid has never lied to me before (I allow her to lie to everyone else, as long as she tells me the truth - I'm not stupid, I know she does lie.)
Next morning I'm doing the washing (she sleeps late, I can have her clothes washed and dried before she wakes up) and empty the pockets, brand new cigarette lighter. I confiscate the lighter.
Clothes are folded and put where she can see them when she wakes up.
Her girlfriend comes over and asks if they can go to the skatepark. Sure 'friend' you can go to the skatepark but Angel can't. Get a weird look from Angel. Friend stays. Doesn't want to go on her own.
I ask Angel why she thinks she can't go to the skatepark (now she KNOWS that her cigarette lighter isn't in her pockets. she KNOWS I did her washing) NOTHING.
I ask her again and she says 'I don't know.'
Leave it awhile, do other stuff around the house.
All the while both girls are in the lounge room discussing why ole' meanie wont let her go out.

Eventually I tell her about the lighter. She denies it. She found it. Now unless she found it on the counter at the local milk bar (corner store) she didn't find it. Perfectly clean, new label and still full of lighter fluid.
She continually lies/sobs/is completely quiet for the next 2 hours. Now I'm nice compared to my sister, so I threaten if she doesn't tell me the truth I'll ring her mother and tell her myself. OR she has the choice of ringing her mother and telling her herself (hopefully earning herself some brownie points with her mother for being truthful)
More sobbing "My life is over" but STILL lying to me.

That is what really makes me scream. I've told her not to come back until she can stay here without lying to me.
She's now 14 and has moved states so unlikely to stay here again. Which is the really sad part because now I don't trust what she tells me and we were really close. I guess I treated her like a grown up too early. But when are children still children and when are children at the age when they are responsible for themselves?

So in short.......people I trust lying to me is what makes me want to scream.


I'm juggling, trading and also trading in juggling.
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/05/2005 07:05 AM CDT
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One of my biggest pet peeves is being interrupted while talking. It happens all the time at work, and it irritates the heck outta me. I don't know if I'm just plain old boring, or if they're really that inconsiderate and oblivious to other people.

~ the player of Aavarine, Silphe, Nabihle, et al

"Come fairies, take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind and dance
Upon the mountains like a flame." -- W.B. Yeats
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/05/2005 09:18 PM CDT
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Teenagers are like that Kobmand. Their hormones, their changing status in life, peer pressure, and ten dozen other things make them do things that seem perfectly logical to them.

Bear with her and before you know it she'll be changing into the woman she'll be.

It always hurt me deeply that much of my family wasn't patient with me during my teenage years when I needed them most (though I would have denied it under torture).

A dark brown Zoluren marnet squeaks with excitement as it pursues a small insect across the surface of the water. A final lunge brings the hapless creature into the marnet's mouth where it is rapidly consumed.
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/06/2005 02:24 PM CDT
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I hate when someone pokes me in the armpit. Make me want to scream.

> I see dead people...<

Vote for Pedro
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/08/2005 12:56 PM CDT
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People who claim to know what is 'logical' and 'not logical' when they haven't even taken a math course beyond Calculus, or a philosophy course with a 4 prefixing it.

Yeah. That really bothers me. People don't have a clue how to utilize the tool not truth that logic is. Logic is not common sense.

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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/09/2005 03:53 PM CDT
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I've been dating a guy recently (dun dun dun, no just kidding)..I've been friends with him for ages. There's not much that he does that annoys me except -

I say something, or tell a story - he acknowledges it, but later I come to find out that he completely misunderstood me, or unconsciously substituted a word here or there with something different. Now After coming to this realization a few times over, I ask, 'Now if you thought about what you thought you heard me say, it wouldn't make any sense, now would it?' He says, 'Well..no...not really.'

So I then ask, 'Well if it didn't make sense after you think about it, then why not ask me to explain or restate again?'

His response, 'Um'

My response, 'So then you really weren't listening very well in the first place were you?'

His response, 'No I was listening..'
I cut in, 'No you heard something, but you weren't actually listening very well..'
(we have this arguement all the time)
Followed up with a 'Yes I was', 'No you weren't' debate.

<At this point in time, I want to do the classic 'Simpson's' Homer thing and strangle him like he does Bart to the degree that he makes the choking noise and his tongue sticks out of his mouth. I picture it in my head, it's rather amusing.>

How does one win an arguement (the classic yes, no , yes, no), well we at least settled this with whoever says yes or no with X infinity following it first. Childish but fun. You have to at least say yes or no twice before wipping out the X infinity. Victory is Mine!

Sorry, babbling, at work...goofy..

Also other things that bother me,

Assumptions of any sort, unless i have pre stated that you are allowed to make assumptions about particular things.

Forgetfullness, Like the serious what did I say I had to remind myself to do 1 minute ago (ALL the time)

Oh well, I'm going home.

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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/09/2005 04:05 PM CDT
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>I say something, or tell a story - he acknowledges it, but later I come to find out that he completely misunderstood me, or unconsciously substituted a word here or there with something different.

Um, that's just the problem with mixed relationships. <shrug> You get this every time I've ever seen a guy and a girl together. That's why I cheat and stick with my own kind. ;) I got tired of fighting the 'realities per minute' and 'but I said ... '.

What guys hear and what girls say rarely have much in common, I've found in my life. The opposite also happens to be true. Do not know why this is, but hey, such is the nature of the beast.
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/09/2005 04:07 PM CDT
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>How does one win an arguement (the classic yes, no , yes, no)

Scenario 1: If you're married, the man will eventually aquiesce with a "Yes, Dear."

Scenario 2: If you're dating, it may go on for days until the girl eventually catches the guy staring at something other than her eyes during said fight.

Scenario 3: If you're just friends, it will end with a "Whatever!" and it will be held as a grudge until death of either party which, at that point, the surviving friend will babble about what a silly argument it was and that it was all their fault anyhow.

The Crossroads of Elanthia
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For the latest announcements, news, hints, tips, guides and information, stop by today!
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/09/2005 11:28 PM CDT
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It would be a toss up between, people that don't fold their underwear before putting it away in a dresser, and people that spell ridiculous with an e (rediculous.)
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/10/2005 06:56 AM CDT
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>>people that don't fold their underwear before putting it away in a dresser

People fold their underwear? Nonsense!!

"Come fairies, take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind and dance
Upon the mountains like a flame." -- W.B. Yeats
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/10/2005 08:12 AM CDT
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<<>>people that don't fold their underwear before putting it away in a dresser

You mean your supposed to put it in a dresser and not leave it in the dryer!

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." ~~ G.O.

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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/10/2005 01:09 PM CDT
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If you leave it in the dryer you can turn the dryer on before you jump in the shower, and have a nice warm pair of underwear after the shower.

> I see dead people...<

Vote for Pedro
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/10/2005 06:51 PM CDT
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>>If you leave it in the dryer you can turn the dryer on before you jump in the shower, and have a nice warm pair of underwear after the shower.

I'm telling you, that is one of the best feelings in the world. Toasty panties. Ahhhhh...

"Come fairies, take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind and dance
Upon the mountains like a flame." -- W.B. Yeats
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Re: Week 14- That makes me want to scream.... on 05/11/2005 04:07 AM CDT
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People that nod,wave,bow,shake hands,say good bye... all of those just to say I'm leaving, bye.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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