I would like to suggest that we have another way to check the status on the time until expenses are due on the shops. Whether its posted on the board or through the clerk in the admin office this would be nice for prospective buyers looking to move into the new area (Specifically crossing). Having to bug other traders in their shops to find out how much longer until people might get evicted is troublesome.
Player of Ilvis
Rent due timer. on 05/03/2012 12:56 PM CDT
Re: Rent due timer. on 05/03/2012 04:13 PM CDT
I suppose a flag/indicator for struggling shops in the red might be feasible. Nobody is going to want others to have access to their balance, so just knowing when a shop's rent is due would in itself be entirely useless.
Now if the GMs want to code some kind of flag/indicator that Trader's can "see" by reading the board or asking the guards to find out about struggling shops, I suppose that could have some use. Though it may be disappointing when the proprietor of Shop in Trouble swoops in at the end of their billing cycle and drops a few thousand plats in the shop's account preventing eviction.
Now if the GMs want to code some kind of flag/indicator that Trader's can "see" by reading the board or asking the guards to find out about struggling shops, I suppose that could have some use. Though it may be disappointing when the proprietor of Shop in Trouble swoops in at the end of their billing cycle and drops a few thousand plats in the shop's account preventing eviction.
Re: Rent due timer. on 05/03/2012 05:05 PM CDT
I think you misunderstood my suggestion so I guess I should elaborate some more.
I meant that traders should have the ability to see when the next cycle of expenses are coming due. I have no reason to know any other traders profits or the ability to see if a specific shop is doing bad. I would just like to know when the cycle is going to hit in a more user friendly way. There is no way to find out this information without either bugging a trader that is currently in their shop and owns it to use SHOP STATUS, or owning your own shop and doing the same thing. Due to Crossing being completely at full capacity at all times it is hard to try to gauge when the expenses are going to hit due to the timer they use(Days, and less than one day), It is also hard due to the fact that you are currently not renting one so the last resort you have is to ask other traders in their shops. I find this very cumbersome for someone trying to just wait for the evictions to happen to pick-up a shop. The other part of this is you have no idea if that time frame has passed unless you have access to this feature as well. The only way for a new upcoming trader to land a shop in crossing is either to buy it off another trader (Thousands of plat, and completely out of the realm of a new trader income), or wait for someone to get evicted (Only happens every 20 RL days and cannot be gauged without the previous two examples).
All I am asking for me to either be able to ask the clerk when the cycle is going to happen (Just like SHOP STATUS tells a shop owner), or a way for just traders to see it when reading the board. If I were to never own a shop, or bug another trader, the only gauging I would have is using TIME to see if its close to the 40 Elanthian day period).
A side request would be for the time to maybe get more accurate than less than one day, etc. (Looking for user friendliness)
Player of Ilvis
I meant that traders should have the ability to see when the next cycle of expenses are coming due. I have no reason to know any other traders profits or the ability to see if a specific shop is doing bad. I would just like to know when the cycle is going to hit in a more user friendly way. There is no way to find out this information without either bugging a trader that is currently in their shop and owns it to use SHOP STATUS, or owning your own shop and doing the same thing. Due to Crossing being completely at full capacity at all times it is hard to try to gauge when the expenses are going to hit due to the timer they use(Days, and less than one day), It is also hard due to the fact that you are currently not renting one so the last resort you have is to ask other traders in their shops. I find this very cumbersome for someone trying to just wait for the evictions to happen to pick-up a shop. The other part of this is you have no idea if that time frame has passed unless you have access to this feature as well. The only way for a new upcoming trader to land a shop in crossing is either to buy it off another trader (Thousands of plat, and completely out of the realm of a new trader income), or wait for someone to get evicted (Only happens every 20 RL days and cannot be gauged without the previous two examples).
All I am asking for me to either be able to ask the clerk when the cycle is going to happen (Just like SHOP STATUS tells a shop owner), or a way for just traders to see it when reading the board. If I were to never own a shop, or bug another trader, the only gauging I would have is using TIME to see if its close to the 40 Elanthian day period).
A side request would be for the time to maybe get more accurate than less than one day, etc. (Looking for user friendliness)
Player of Ilvis
Re: Rent due timer. on 05/03/2012 05:58 PM CDT
Re: Rent due timer. on 05/05/2012 10:58 AM CDT