Crossing Shops on 07/18/2015 06:40 PM CDT
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I was wondering how hard it is to obtain a shop in The Crossing? Always been a goal of mine but unsure how difficult it is. Will I have to buy one from another player?

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Re: Crossing Shops on 07/18/2015 06:46 PM CDT
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I don't know very much about it, and I've heard different experiences. From what I've heard, if you are willing to check the board a couple of times a day for vacant shops, you will probably get a shop within a couple of months.

Of course, there is a lot of variance involved. Who knows, it could be a lot longer. If I were you, I'd set out a time period that you're willing to wait, and when it's up, look into asking around to buy a shop.

It is of course a shame that there are several shops that are noticeably bare and untended and probably belong to players who have left. I don't know if anything can be done about those.

- Navesi
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Re: Crossing Shops on 07/18/2015 10:15 PM CDT
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>> I don't know very much about it, and I've heard different experiences. From what I've heard, if you are willing to check the board a couple of times a day for vacant shops, you will probably get a shop within a couple of months.

Ahh okay, great. Reading the board shows open slots.

>> Of course, there is a lot of variance involved. Who knows, it could be a lot longer. If I were you, I'd set out a time period that you're willing to wait, and when it's up, look into asking around to buy a shop.

Sounds like a good plan. Do you know how buying a shop works? I don't want to buy any accounts or characters. More fun training them up myself.

>> It is of course a shame that there are several shops that are noticeably bare and untended and probably belong to players who have left. I don't know if anything can be done about those.

No kidding. Seems like this has been a problem for awhile based on this particular forum folder.
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Re: Crossing Shops on 07/19/2015 06:28 AM CDT
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When you read the market boards, there's a line about when rent will be collected, and it's the same for every shop, regardless of when the shop was actually opened. From the wiki, if a shop runs a negative balance for too long, the owner is evicted and the shop becomes available. So I wouldn't think you need to camp the board. Just try and figure out when the rent is collected, and make sure you're at the market at that time.
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Re: Crossing Shops on 07/19/2015 02:53 PM CDT
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>>So I wouldn't think you need to camp the board. Just try and figure out when the rent is collected, and make sure you're at the market at that time.

Actually this is not true in my experience. Even though I don't need to rent a shop, I've actually been watching the Crossing board for a while now just because I was curious about shop turnover. I've only seen three vacancies appear, but none coincided with the board's stated eviction times.

>>Sounds like a good plan. Do you know how buying a shop works? I don't want to buy any accounts or characters. More fun training them up myself.

It's fairly simple. Check out this link:

- Navesi
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Re: Crossing Shops on 07/19/2015 04:10 PM CDT
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>> It's fairly simple. Check out this link:

Sorry, I should have clarified. If I want to buy a shop from a player. Is there mechanics for that?

>> Actually this is not true in my experience. Even though I don't need to rent a shop, I've actually been watching the Crossing board for a while now just because I was curious about shop turnover. I've only seen three vacancies appear, but none coincided with the board's stated eviction times.

Ooooo. Good to know.
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Re: Crossing Shops on 07/19/2015 07:11 PM CDT
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>>If I want to buy a shop from a player. Is there mechanics for that?

I don't believe so. You would need to get in touch with the Trader who owned the shop in game. I believe they can voluntarily give up their shop and you just need to be there to ask for a shop once they do. Any payment for it would have to be worked out between the two of you.
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