I've decided to start sharing the names of people I've caught in my pockets(names should be okay in this folder, flaming is not), hopefully other will do the same. I highlight these individuals and basically I'll never provide any trader services to any of these folks, ever. Maybe with enough traders doing the same we may send a message.
Hopefully I can encourage enough folks to also share names and we can create a black list. The concept of traders looking out for traders and sharing vaulable information apeal to me and seem to fit.
I'll start with the most recent individuals, keep an eye out for them.
Chauliss - around crossing
Luceano - around crossing
People That Steal on 02/18/2004 09:38 AM CST
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 10:07 AM CST
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 10:39 AM CST
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 11:23 AM CST
wouldn't naming actual characters be more suitable to the conflicts folder?
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 11:29 AM CST
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 11:35 AM CST
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 12:03 PM CST
Posting and sharing information to protect the members of our guild, I don't believe is wrong. You can find web sites all over the interent designed to help folks of different guilds and races. In dr there are clans, families, and organizations, some official some not, that are designed to help and protect their individuals. So far I haven't come across anything for the traders guild that really provide anything other than trader information, or are advertsing trader services.
Folks who steal from traders do so because they want to, not because they have to. One of my characters is a 45 circle thief, he learns stealing just fine without going into folks pockets. My thief relies on traders to sell his pouches, trade horses, sell him misc. equipment and supplies. Should traders continue to service him if he were to steal from them?
This folder is called "Those Darn Thieves" and I believe is the appropriate place to share information about people who steal from traders, to discuss strategies about dealing with theft, and to generally share helpful information about dealing with people who steal from traders. Creating a blacklist of folks who steal from us and sharing that information with each other is totally in IC, there just isn't a system in place in dr for us to share this information, hence these boards or a web site. Ever stop by and read the board by the pond in crossing, or the board in the jail house in haven? That information is posted for all to see until the offender is caught and jailed.
Folks who steal from traders do so because they want to, not because they have to. One of my characters is a 45 circle thief, he learns stealing just fine without going into folks pockets. My thief relies on traders to sell his pouches, trade horses, sell him misc. equipment and supplies. Should traders continue to service him if he were to steal from them?
This folder is called "Those Darn Thieves" and I believe is the appropriate place to share information about people who steal from traders, to discuss strategies about dealing with theft, and to generally share helpful information about dealing with people who steal from traders. Creating a blacklist of folks who steal from us and sharing that information with each other is totally in IC, there just isn't a system in place in dr for us to share this information, hence these boards or a web site. Ever stop by and read the board by the pond in crossing, or the board in the jail house in haven? That information is posted for all to see until the offender is caught and jailed.
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 12:11 PM CST
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 01:30 PM CST
>>there just isn't a system in place in dr for us to share this information, hence these boards or a web site.
Word of mouth? Can't you just tell everyone instead of posting it all over the net?
>>Ever stop by and read the board by the pond in crossing, or the board in the jail house in haven? That information is posted for all to see until the offender is caught and jailed.
Honestly no, like I said, I don't have a problem with thieves, time spent reading the board is money wasted.
>>You can find web sites all over the interent designed to help folks of different guilds and races.
How many of those sites single out individual characters and cause them to have to deal with people bringing OOC info in game?
What is it you're doing when you get stolen from? Where are you exactly? What measures do you take to stop it from happening again? That's the kind of thing I think should be discussed here.
Word of mouth? Can't you just tell everyone instead of posting it all over the net?
>>Ever stop by and read the board by the pond in crossing, or the board in the jail house in haven? That information is posted for all to see until the offender is caught and jailed.
Honestly no, like I said, I don't have a problem with thieves, time spent reading the board is money wasted.
>>You can find web sites all over the interent designed to help folks of different guilds and races.
How many of those sites single out individual characters and cause them to have to deal with people bringing OOC info in game?
What is it you're doing when you get stolen from? Where are you exactly? What measures do you take to stop it from happening again? That's the kind of thing I think should be discussed here.
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 02:21 PM CST
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 02:29 PM CST
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 02:43 PM CST
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 02:48 PM CST
>Not that I really care, but nice job of trying to bring OOC info IG! RPA FOR YOU!
What is OOC about it? He's telling us who stole from him IN the GAME (therefore, IG info). Taking OOC info into the game would be stuff like telling everyone in the game that Dwidus is a Thief just because he saw you post in the Thief folders.
Maybe it would be better if he posted it in one of the IC-only type folders, but since we don't have one on the Trader boards, I'd say here seems fine. Now personally I'm not going to bother to remember the names he posted, but if others benefit from his info then I say good for them.
And I don't see why it should go in conflicts either, he's not starting a conflict, he's merely spreading information about Those Darn Thieves who tried to rob him.
What is OOC about it? He's telling us who stole from him IN the GAME (therefore, IG info). Taking OOC info into the game would be stuff like telling everyone in the game that Dwidus is a Thief just because he saw you post in the Thief folders.
Maybe it would be better if he posted it in one of the IC-only type folders, but since we don't have one on the Trader boards, I'd say here seems fine. Now personally I'm not going to bother to remember the names he posted, but if others benefit from his info then I say good for them.
And I don't see why it should go in conflicts either, he's not starting a conflict, he's merely spreading information about Those Darn Thieves who tried to rob him.
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 02:57 PM CST
I'll just keep throwing the name of folks I catch up here, people can do what they want with them.
I don't have a problem with thieves, just with folks stealing from traders. As for me and what I do, my mate tracks them down no matter where they are or how long it takes, and kills them when they are caught, pretty simple solution.
Sharing the names with other traders might help them to keep an eye on people who steal, or at the least not offer them trader services. In my opinion killing them isn't enough, but also denying them the services of the trader guild would be sufficient.
Just gwething the names is a distraction I suppose to most folks, not isolated to just traders, and not long lasing.
Criminals listed on the boards are not always thieves, they are just criminals. Again I have no problem with the shadow guild since one of my characters has been a thief for many years. I believe if you are thief and get caught stealing from someone you are charged with pickpocketing, if you are from other guilds it is felony stealing, I think. The boards in each town are also a great resource to tell you who to watch, but the names only stay as long as the criminals are wanted.
I've found one or two sites that give specific information about individuals, if i get motivated enough I'll share the urls, but then they are not really for the trader guild. If this disturbs you I appologize, you can always choose to just ignore the information provided.
As for the comment "another attempt to bring OOC information IG", everyone knows that the game does not provide you with everything you need to know. Why do you think there are some many dr web sites that provide all kinds of info? I don't know anyone that does not use Raniks Maps, that seems to be a fine example that supports your statment, but I have never heard anyone complain about the maps being available for use.
I don't have a problem with thieves, just with folks stealing from traders. As for me and what I do, my mate tracks them down no matter where they are or how long it takes, and kills them when they are caught, pretty simple solution.
Sharing the names with other traders might help them to keep an eye on people who steal, or at the least not offer them trader services. In my opinion killing them isn't enough, but also denying them the services of the trader guild would be sufficient.
Just gwething the names is a distraction I suppose to most folks, not isolated to just traders, and not long lasing.
Criminals listed on the boards are not always thieves, they are just criminals. Again I have no problem with the shadow guild since one of my characters has been a thief for many years. I believe if you are thief and get caught stealing from someone you are charged with pickpocketing, if you are from other guilds it is felony stealing, I think. The boards in each town are also a great resource to tell you who to watch, but the names only stay as long as the criminals are wanted.
I've found one or two sites that give specific information about individuals, if i get motivated enough I'll share the urls, but then they are not really for the trader guild. If this disturbs you I appologize, you can always choose to just ignore the information provided.
As for the comment "another attempt to bring OOC information IG", everyone knows that the game does not provide you with everything you need to know. Why do you think there are some many dr web sites that provide all kinds of info? I don't know anyone that does not use Raniks Maps, that seems to be a fine example that supports your statment, but I have never heard anyone complain about the maps being available for use.
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 03:00 PM CST
<<And I don't see why it should go in conflicts either, he's not starting a conflict, he's merely spreading information about Those Darn Thieves who tried to rob him.
Dunno. Trying to out a professional criminal isn't a conflict? The countryside abounds with the shallow graves of would-be mob informants...
Dunno. Trying to out a professional criminal isn't a conflict? The countryside abounds with the shallow graves of would-be mob informants...
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 04:11 PM CST
Ah well, just seemed funny to me to go through the time to spread the word of who's who on the boards, when it would seem to be better served doing it in game. Maybe at the trader socials, or at the gem shop, talking with your fellow traders and such. shrug Like I said, doesn't really affect me one way or another, just seemed a bit off to me.
ISP - ~$20 a Month
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ISP - ~$20 a Month
Subscription to DragonRealms - ~$13.00 a Month
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Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 05:29 PM CST
its just that when certain other individuals such as Subai created a "blacklist" not only did they get their posts removed they had any posts that created a link to their site removed. So why should it be okay to do it here?
look at joe's website to see what pretend character stole pretend money from another pretend character in a game. gee.
Deal with people IN-game if they steal from you, however you usually deal with it. <consent, accuse, etc>.
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
look at joe's website to see what pretend character stole pretend money from another pretend character in a game. gee.
Deal with people IN-game if they steal from you, however you usually deal with it. <consent, accuse, etc>.
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 05:32 PM CST
<< I believe if you are thief and get caught stealing from someone you are charged with pickpocketing, if you are from other guilds it is felony stealing, I think. >>
you'd be wrong.
stealing from NPCs, such as the minstrel, veteran, beggar, etc get you pickpocketing if caught.
stealing from other PCs and being successfully accused, being caught in the trader market by the bazaar guards get you felony stealing charges. And that applies to all guilds.
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
you'd be wrong.
stealing from NPCs, such as the minstrel, veteran, beggar, etc get you pickpocketing if caught.
stealing from other PCs and being successfully accused, being caught in the trader market by the bazaar guards get you felony stealing charges. And that applies to all guilds.
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 05:39 PM CST
<<Deal with people IN-game if they steal from you, however you usually deal with it. <consent, accuse, etc>.
Game mechanics doesn't support dealing with it in game by posting warning notices in trader guildhalls to be read later by others. One has to, unfortunately, simulate such notice posting on the boards. As to having posts removed, that's why I suggested IC conflict folders. You can post names there, can't you? Otherwise, how do you know who you are conflicting with?
Game mechanics doesn't support dealing with it in game by posting warning notices in trader guildhalls to be read later by others. One has to, unfortunately, simulate such notice posting on the boards. As to having posts removed, that's why I suggested IC conflict folders. You can post names there, can't you? Otherwise, how do you know who you are conflicting with?
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 05:40 PM CST
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 06:05 PM CST
Interesting thread...
I personally have a list of "red marked" characters who I have caught in my pockets over the years. I deal with these characters in my own way, patience is a virtue. Running over their dead bodies with my caravan repeatedly and refusing to drag is one example of using some patience.....every "pocket forager" is likely to die sometime.
I see no use in sharing these names to anyone else. I find most that are good enough to steal from me I dont catch.....in my eyes thats merely road taxes. If theyve worked their guild or non guild skill to the level where I cant see them then they are being true teefs, "not seen or heard".
The addition of accusing at the outposts I think is as powerful as we should get. Have you ever seen a teef get whacked by the mob? It aint pretty, both hands chopped off and a few kicks in the body. Many dont survive this treatment......is that not threat enough?
Always report, accuse or if you can fight. I realise many traders cannot fight...or choose not to, but simply use your guild given rights to report/accuse. People say they dont care if you report, but they do, if they are true teefs it affects their special skills and reputation. Damaging for them. If they are non guilded teefs it can sometimes affect their ability to advance in their guild for a period of time also.
By creating this list I think you are in danger of making yourself a target to more pocket theft. These folks tend to know each other, and Id imagine they wouldnt be happy about you slandering their friends. Remember, the ones you catch arent the issue, its the ones you do not that can really start affecting your profit margins.
I like the idea of discussing known teefs at the trader social. In this way it is definately roleplayed, no argument. Perhaps then discussions on how to avoid this happening etc can come up. Also, in some cases, continual theft on the basis you can do nothing about it (ferry from crossing to riverhaven for example) then this can be considered harrassment. I personally wouldnt report it unless it happened very very regularly however, our gods are busy enough without being harrassed for every little thing.
Having said the above I have personally funded many teefs families over the years, I find it amazing they seem to have so many mouths to feed. Its part of being a trader.....stay awake, bank allot, carry a load of low coins or low gems, learn perception and stealing, and stay in hiding where possible. I think you will find a few reports/accusations will lower the number of times you are getting tagged.
Happy trading!
Muleskinner Elsulose
I personally have a list of "red marked" characters who I have caught in my pockets over the years. I deal with these characters in my own way, patience is a virtue. Running over their dead bodies with my caravan repeatedly and refusing to drag is one example of using some patience.....every "pocket forager" is likely to die sometime.
I see no use in sharing these names to anyone else. I find most that are good enough to steal from me I dont catch.....in my eyes thats merely road taxes. If theyve worked their guild or non guild skill to the level where I cant see them then they are being true teefs, "not seen or heard".
The addition of accusing at the outposts I think is as powerful as we should get. Have you ever seen a teef get whacked by the mob? It aint pretty, both hands chopped off and a few kicks in the body. Many dont survive this treatment......is that not threat enough?
Always report, accuse or if you can fight. I realise many traders cannot fight...or choose not to, but simply use your guild given rights to report/accuse. People say they dont care if you report, but they do, if they are true teefs it affects their special skills and reputation. Damaging for them. If they are non guilded teefs it can sometimes affect their ability to advance in their guild for a period of time also.
By creating this list I think you are in danger of making yourself a target to more pocket theft. These folks tend to know each other, and Id imagine they wouldnt be happy about you slandering their friends. Remember, the ones you catch arent the issue, its the ones you do not that can really start affecting your profit margins.
I like the idea of discussing known teefs at the trader social. In this way it is definately roleplayed, no argument. Perhaps then discussions on how to avoid this happening etc can come up. Also, in some cases, continual theft on the basis you can do nothing about it (ferry from crossing to riverhaven for example) then this can be considered harrassment. I personally wouldnt report it unless it happened very very regularly however, our gods are busy enough without being harrassed for every little thing.
Having said the above I have personally funded many teefs families over the years, I find it amazing they seem to have so many mouths to feed. Its part of being a trader.....stay awake, bank allot, carry a load of low coins or low gems, learn perception and stealing, and stay in hiding where possible. I think you will find a few reports/accusations will lower the number of times you are getting tagged.
Happy trading!
Muleskinner Elsulose
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 06:22 PM CST
>its just that when certain other individuals such as Subai created a "blacklist" not only did they get their posts removed they had any posts that created a link to their site removed. So why should it be okay to do it here?
Wasn't Subai's blacklist supposed to be his list of "bought trash" characters? That would obviously be removed because you just aren't allowed to talk about character sales on the boards (don't ask me why). Stealing from Traders is not something which is against Simu's policy (like character sales supposedly are) or something that you aren't allowed to talk about on the boards. Thieves post all the time in their bragging folder about Traders they robbed money from - how is that any different?
Which reminds me, Nyken, if you were wondering who stole your plats in the general store a few days ago, I think the guy might've signed his post.
Wasn't Subai's blacklist supposed to be his list of "bought trash" characters? That would obviously be removed because you just aren't allowed to talk about character sales on the boards (don't ask me why). Stealing from Traders is not something which is against Simu's policy (like character sales supposedly are) or something that you aren't allowed to talk about on the boards. Thieves post all the time in their bragging folder about Traders they robbed money from - how is that any different?
Which reminds me, Nyken, if you were wondering who stole your plats in the general store a few days ago, I think the guy might've signed his post.
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 06:32 PM CST
<<Having said the above I have personally funded many teefs families over the years, I find it amazing they seem to have so many mouths to feed>>
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 07:01 PM CST
I think it is a good idea.
I'll add one, Zoick.
Zoick was working for the so-called trader Tirsten after I called Tirsten out for the cheap way he became who he is and for what he is not while maintaining a semblance with his name on our Plaque. Yet, good ole 99th circle Tirsten didn't have enough backbone to confront a little trader like I face to face, no, he sends out goons. And folks wonder why trash like this bothers me.
Other than that, I don't hold grudges; for to long.
I'll add one, Zoick.
Zoick was working for the so-called trader Tirsten after I called Tirsten out for the cheap way he became who he is and for what he is not while maintaining a semblance with his name on our Plaque. Yet, good ole 99th circle Tirsten didn't have enough backbone to confront a little trader like I face to face, no, he sends out goons. And folks wonder why trash like this bothers me.
Other than that, I don't hold grudges; for to long.
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 07:50 PM CST
not to defend tirsten, but wouldn't it be IC for a rich trader in his position to not get his own hands "dirty" in a dispute and to "hire out" help?
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 08:17 PM CST
>not to defend tirsten, but wouldn't it be IC for a rich trader in his position to not get his own hands "dirty" in a dispute and to "hire out" help?<
I was told just the other day by one of the "gods" hiring help for protection or to take care of "dirty deeds" was not allowed and would result in cautions or warnings.
I was told just the other day by one of the "gods" hiring help for protection or to take care of "dirty deeds" was not allowed and would result in cautions or warnings.
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 10:12 PM CST
<<I was told just the other day by one of the "gods" hiring help for protection or to take care of "dirty deeds" was not allowed and would result in cautions or warnings>>
yeah, if you're lame enough to get the GMs involved, sure.
If you roleplay it out, like Shapeshifter did with Majorly years ago, theres no need for GM involvement.
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
yeah, if you're lame enough to get the GMs involved, sure.
If you roleplay it out, like Shapeshifter did with Majorly years ago, theres no need for GM involvement.
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
Re: People That Steal on 02/18/2004 10:48 PM CST
>yeah, if you're lame enough to get the GMs involved, sure.<
::GRIN:: well i kinda got cornered by the gm's after i hired someone to do the deed, heh, so live and learn. BTW someone was workin my pockets pretty good today, gotta admire someone that talented, even my thief character was drooling a bit. Since they were good enough to not get caught, I've no problem with that, and have to chaulk it up as road tax. And because I'm not makin a lot off contracts, not really loosing much, not a biggie, but to the theefs credit I was impressed. Just curious if it was a guilded member or not.
::GRIN:: well i kinda got cornered by the gm's after i hired someone to do the deed, heh, so live and learn. BTW someone was workin my pockets pretty good today, gotta admire someone that talented, even my thief character was drooling a bit. Since they were good enough to not get caught, I've no problem with that, and have to chaulk it up as road tax. And because I'm not makin a lot off contracts, not really loosing much, not a biggie, but to the theefs credit I was impressed. Just curious if it was a guilded member or not.
Re: People That Steal on 02/19/2004 06:40 AM CST
Re: People That Steal on 02/19/2004 07:42 AM CST
Re: People That Steal on 02/19/2004 01:40 PM CST
>but wouldn't it be IC for a rich trader in his position to not get his own hands "dirty" in a dispute and to "hire out" help?
I agree. The argument was not related to direct bodily harm but me expressing my view of him IG on the gondola. Tirsten refused to get involved and instead 'pretended' not to care. Zoick later arrives to clean my pockets out then express his motives for this.
Then later (days) Tirsten is on the ferry with me, and from hiding whispers to me a snide remark concerning this event. From hiding mind you. Not one time was anyone planning on hurting another person, from me or Tirsten & Co.
What irked me was their overall lameness with these actions. Not one iota of mental fortitude to just defend themselves properly, out and out. I can only guess both characters are ran by the mind of a 10 year old.
I agree. The argument was not related to direct bodily harm but me expressing my view of him IG on the gondola. Tirsten refused to get involved and instead 'pretended' not to care. Zoick later arrives to clean my pockets out then express his motives for this.
Then later (days) Tirsten is on the ferry with me, and from hiding whispers to me a snide remark concerning this event. From hiding mind you. Not one time was anyone planning on hurting another person, from me or Tirsten & Co.
What irked me was their overall lameness with these actions. Not one iota of mental fortitude to just defend themselves properly, out and out. I can only guess both characters are ran by the mind of a 10 year old.
Re: People That Steal on 02/19/2004 11:55 PM CST
I know out of town a trader can do a trader accuse to get thugs to get even and thats cool.
I myself would not mind seeing them get thugs to do that in town as well. But I think in order to do so they would have to pay a high bounty to cover bribes to the local justice system to look other way. meaning if you want that thief to get a smack down you have to pay dearly. but you have that option.
You see in the case of say me for instance if I stole from a trader and they accused me to a guard and I get arrested for it. I pay like 6 plat. That should give them some satisfaction. But say they want instant revenge. So instead of me paying 6 plat and being arrested. The trader code looks at what my fine would be. (6 plat) and that is what is used as required payment to say have a trader guard carry out the dead. either way someone looses 6 plat. and justice of a sort is served.
To me this keeps it clean and simple and settles the score. I should not have got caught. in one way I loose 6 plat and take a bonus hit, sit in jail and redress. In second option. trader looses 6 plat. has instant satisfaction at having me snuffed. but I don't take bonus hit, I do loose a favor though, field exp and still redress. and like I said score is settled and we both move on.
Just a thought anyway. I'm sure some or many will hate it.
I myself would not mind seeing them get thugs to do that in town as well. But I think in order to do so they would have to pay a high bounty to cover bribes to the local justice system to look other way. meaning if you want that thief to get a smack down you have to pay dearly. but you have that option.
You see in the case of say me for instance if I stole from a trader and they accused me to a guard and I get arrested for it. I pay like 6 plat. That should give them some satisfaction. But say they want instant revenge. So instead of me paying 6 plat and being arrested. The trader code looks at what my fine would be. (6 plat) and that is what is used as required payment to say have a trader guard carry out the dead. either way someone looses 6 plat. and justice of a sort is served.
To me this keeps it clean and simple and settles the score. I should not have got caught. in one way I loose 6 plat and take a bonus hit, sit in jail and redress. In second option. trader looses 6 plat. has instant satisfaction at having me snuffed. but I don't take bonus hit, I do loose a favor though, field exp and still redress. and like I said score is settled and we both move on.
Just a thought anyway. I'm sure some or many will hate it.
" GOT BEER " |
Re: People That Steal on 02/20/2004 06:48 AM CST
Wow, I actually like that, Soim.
I personally think making the thief taking a 6 plat charge and taking a bonus hit is more...punitive (Mwuhahahahaa), but more than one option is fair. I've certainly paid off people to deal with the gangs in rockies and goblins, and would love to see charisma/reputation proportioned into that.
I've never had a problem with thieves that don't get caught. It's the ones that want to get caught...
- Nyken
I personally think making the thief taking a 6 plat charge and taking a bonus hit is more...punitive (Mwuhahahahaa), but more than one option is fair. I've certainly paid off people to deal with the gangs in rockies and goblins, and would love to see charisma/reputation proportioned into that.
I've never had a problem with thieves that don't get caught. It's the ones that want to get caught...
- Nyken
Re: People That Steal on 02/21/2004 10:44 AM CST
Re: People That Steal on 02/21/2004 01:02 PM CST
<<I can see a problem with it, though...
What's to stop a Thief from racking up a 25 plat fine, just to prevent Traders from accusing him? Or worse, just to make the Trader pay 25 plats for the service?
you sure never thought on that long. If said person racked up fines so high then they would pay that day in and day out even for just spitting in street or anything. If a trader (willingly said yes to the hit contract)
So you want xxx hit for stealing in town we got to make proper bribes and conditions, these things cost money and for xxx a hit would cost 25 plat. you sure you want to go thru with it
[repeat last command in 30 seconds if you accept]
That sort of thing.
and honestly most thieves fines grow with there circle and rep, exceptions to everything of course but to have a higher thief knocked off would and probably should cost more. were a baby one would be dirt cheap. or at least the Min amount for such a duty.
I find it laughable though to think a thief would willingly railroad there own fines. seeing as there gonna be living with those fines for eons to come and if there that high don'r have them knocked off. laugh at price and go report them to guards instead and feel all warm and happy. That they got 5 silver and have to now pay 25 plat.
in short I don't see the problem you claim to see
What's to stop a Thief from racking up a 25 plat fine, just to prevent Traders from accusing him? Or worse, just to make the Trader pay 25 plats for the service?
you sure never thought on that long. If said person racked up fines so high then they would pay that day in and day out even for just spitting in street or anything. If a trader (willingly said yes to the hit contract)
So you want xxx hit for stealing in town we got to make proper bribes and conditions, these things cost money and for xxx a hit would cost 25 plat. you sure you want to go thru with it
[repeat last command in 30 seconds if you accept]
That sort of thing.
and honestly most thieves fines grow with there circle and rep, exceptions to everything of course but to have a higher thief knocked off would and probably should cost more. were a baby one would be dirt cheap. or at least the Min amount for such a duty.
I find it laughable though to think a thief would willingly railroad there own fines. seeing as there gonna be living with those fines for eons to come and if there that high don'r have them knocked off. laugh at price and go report them to guards instead and feel all warm and happy. That they got 5 silver and have to now pay 25 plat.
in short I don't see the problem you claim to see
I love my GRITS ! |
Girls Raised In The South ! |
Re: People That Steal on 02/21/2004 05:24 PM CST
all depends on where you steal. in muspar'i i average around 2-3 plat fines. i know people that have 7-11 plat fines up there.
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
Re: People That Steal on 02/22/2004 03:27 AM CST
Simply bring the accuse system into towns and onto ferries also - no need to run to a clerk. I suggest as an idea if you catch a teef you could have four choices :
1) acknowledge (randomly selected verb - will need work) and increase their fines/decrease their rep
2) accuse and have the living daylights beaten out of em {must have accompanied an inital acknowledge at some point in the last X time period ie. one week)
3) ignore it / role play it / "never know it" cause your asleep at the wheel (why do you think they target traders?!!)
4) Put your sword/arrow/bolt/hammer through their skull
All in all paying extra to have a "hit" put out seems tough considering you are out of pocket anyway (from the theft)...seems like an enticement for traders to be picked on by teefs, not the status quo nor an improvement.
Interesting point to consider though.......Right now its possible for a 1st circle trader to catch a 100th level teef, as I understand it....this seems a little odd. Its rare, but its possible under some random system where they just "get caught".
Im in support of increasing ways and choices for traders to role play. "Ackowledge" is one such way I believe may work, especially with such evil things as accuse (mob beating) around as additional options. The teefs with a few brains would realise youve cut them some slack so wont push their luck with ya next time. If they do, accuse em!!! <then run over them repeatedly with your caravan while singing songs about their mothers (the last part was in jest, Im sure its not appropriate)>.
All in all its should be about role play. Lets have less of peoples rights to not role play and more about peoples rights to role play. They created the fallen for the former, this game is for the latter. Teefs are part of our world, right or wrong, and they take risks to steal from us. Lets give them a chance to not end up dead everytime we get annoyed about losing a few kronar, lets give them a chance to stop it or face the consequences.
Anyway, Im normally quite alone in my views.....till next time....
Muleskinner Elsulose
1) acknowledge (randomly selected verb - will need work) and increase their fines/decrease their rep
2) accuse and have the living daylights beaten out of em {must have accompanied an inital acknowledge at some point in the last X time period ie. one week)
3) ignore it / role play it / "never know it" cause your asleep at the wheel (why do you think they target traders?!!)
4) Put your sword/arrow/bolt/hammer through their skull
All in all paying extra to have a "hit" put out seems tough considering you are out of pocket anyway (from the theft)...seems like an enticement for traders to be picked on by teefs, not the status quo nor an improvement.
Interesting point to consider though.......Right now its possible for a 1st circle trader to catch a 100th level teef, as I understand it....this seems a little odd. Its rare, but its possible under some random system where they just "get caught".
Im in support of increasing ways and choices for traders to role play. "Ackowledge" is one such way I believe may work, especially with such evil things as accuse (mob beating) around as additional options. The teefs with a few brains would realise youve cut them some slack so wont push their luck with ya next time. If they do, accuse em!!! <then run over them repeatedly with your caravan while singing songs about their mothers (the last part was in jest, Im sure its not appropriate)>.
All in all its should be about role play. Lets have less of peoples rights to not role play and more about peoples rights to role play. They created the fallen for the former, this game is for the latter. Teefs are part of our world, right or wrong, and they take risks to steal from us. Lets give them a chance to not end up dead everytime we get annoyed about losing a few kronar, lets give them a chance to stop it or face the consequences.
Anyway, Im normally quite alone in my views.....till next time....
Muleskinner Elsulose