Rumour Titles on 05/05/2006 03:03 AM CDT
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Since Traders and Bards have access to the delightful rumour system, perhaps add some accompanying titles?


I think it might be fun!

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Re: Rumour Titles on 05/05/2006 11:57 AM CDT
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>>Since Traders and Bards have access to the delightful rumour system, perhaps add some accompanying titles?<<

Here! Here! I second this idea.

Gnomes Rule!
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Re: Rumour Titles on 05/05/2006 03:16 PM CDT
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What sort of requirements do you see as being necessary to carry the titles?


Life is the journey, not the destination.
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Re: Rumour Titles on 05/05/2006 04:24 PM CDT
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I would say there's a scholarship in there somewhere, possibly coupled with a charisma req. Maybe a smaller Discpline req, but this wouldn't be so important until we have a way to discern lies from truths and other distinctions (ie, rumor from fact).

If gossips can be counted the way MM predictions are, you'd probably also need an increasing number of rumors collected/started. Since THAT's not an automated process (GMs have to approve them), not sure how to go about it without GMs being able to set things up so that rumors are credited to specific people (ie, addrumor kalika "I heard Ansprahv wears World Dragon underoos").

J'Lo, no that other one
The Manipulation List --
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Re: Rumour Titles on 05/05/2006 04:30 PM CDT
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<<What sort of requirements do you see as being necessary to carry the titles?

Unfortunately I don't know nearly enough about game mechanics to answer this question, so what follows should be taken with a grain of salt:

I'm going on the assumption that the amount of rumours one hears cannot be determined by the game. If they can, just base it on number of rumours heard. If not, perhaps a mild circle requirement? 10th for the first, 20th for the second, etc.? I would assume a Trader or Bard of 10th circle has at least dabbled with the system. Or instead, perhaps the requirement could be submitting a rumour? Again, if this sort of thing could be tracked. If there is no way of tracking submitted or heard rumours, I say stick with a circle requirement. Even IF a character has never asked an NPC for a rumour I (personally) believe it is in the nature of these guilds to be constantly listening to the bits of information fluttering from ear to ear.

Say, for example, Quidnunc is 10th circle. It is assumed a 10th circle character has heard X numer of rumours in their travels. The next step up, Gossip, requires 20th circle, where they have no doubt heard more juicy tidbits than a 10th circle character would have, and so on.

Just my toughts,

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