Elven Event on 08/30/2009 06:01 PM CDT
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A recent post in the Races folder got me to thinking about how Elves don't seem to have meetings and gatherings as some of the other races do.

I have been mulling over having a Fall Festival.

>>During the fall festival, the River Elves beach their boats for necessary repairs and supplies before winter strikes. The festivities go on almost every evening for several andu, with much feasting and dancing during the cooler evening hours. The major clan holdings are alight with bonfires and paper lanterns bobbing from almost every tree branch and house eave, the sounds of the flutes and drums permeating the air with sweet music.

To this end I am seeking assistance from Traders, Bards, and anyone else who might be interested in having a player run fest for all. If anyone is interested in helping me put this together or has ideas on how one might go about setting something like this up, please feel free to contact me via my play.net account or in AIM... empathfrandr.

I will be sending an email to the events team to see if they can offer any assistance, but would love imput from the players first.

Player of Francelia (the always lost empath)

Cross posting this in abridged form in the event, bard and race folder.

Fantasy is an exercise bicycle for the mind. It might not take you anywhere, but it tones up the muscles that can. Of course, I could be wrong. ~Terry Prachett~
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