Anyone want to flip a Message Arrow? on 10/30/2011 10:33 AM CDT
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So, long story short while in "Famous Last Words" I was trying to compare my arrow to the message arrow and accidentally bought the latter. Being new to the game it took almost all of my dokora (and all of my pride) and sadly I'm told there are no refunds.

BUT - I'm willing to resell it at a discount. Although it's never been used, I would be happy to knock off over a plat (originally bought for 135300, I'd be excited with just 12.5 plat dokora) and you get the satisfaction of knowing you redeemed my weekend XD I can throw in a few pins and the like that are cutesy/festival related for any trader who thinks buying the arrow might be an investment.

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Re: Anyone want to flip a Message Arrow? on 10/30/2011 11:52 AM CDT
Links-arrows 2
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If you haven't sold it feel free to IM me at MITHYLDR and I'll take it off your hands for whatever you paid so you still have spending money.

Player of Mithyl
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